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Could someone in the UK (who preordered yesterday) please try to log in to view their order status at the Apple Store site.... I have been trying all day but I get a 'technical error' message :confused:

Let me know if you can access you order screen, I'm probably worrying for nothing but it seems a little strange and I haven't seen anyone else report the issue. Thanks in advance.

It's been offline for a while. I preordered on Monday and have checked my order online several times, was all there and in order (as well as in the confirmation email). If you follow the link in the email, as opposed to logging in via the online store itself, you will get a maintenance message rather than a technical error.
It's been offline for a while. I preordered on Monday and have checked my order online several times, was all there and in order (as well as in the confirmation email). If you follow the link in the email, as opposed to logging in via the online store itself, you will get a maintenance message rather than a technical error.

Thanks for the fast reply, i really appreciate it.
I also noticed that its a 'maintenance message' when trying to login using a single order lookup.
Thanks again :apple:
phew, just caught up with this thread after working away in nottingham for a couple of days!!

just to say thanks to boblister for your info on the myfi equipment!!!!! has saved me paying for the extra 3g, i didnt even know about the myfi before this thread :)
Wow! its getting ever closer!

11-05-2010 18:19 National Hub Sorted in hub
11-05-2010 10:26 International Hub En route to delivery depot
11-05-2010 08:23 International Hub RELEASED WITH CHARGES
06-05-2010 23:48 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING
06-05-2010 23:48 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGES
06-05-2010 23:21 International Hub Arrived in destination country
17-04-2010 22:55 Delivery Agent - CHICAGO Left origin country
17-04-2010 22:54 Delivery Agent - CHICAGO Arrived at Outward OE
15-04-2010 11:40 Delivery Agent - UNITED STATES AMERICA

I just hope it isn't a box of broken bits when it arrives. I have also received notification that the Bundlebox consignment of a case and dock are on their way too! I understand from Bundlebox that an insider has told them that there will be very little chance of the cases being shipped on the first day of despatch in Europe as they are so far behind in fulfilment (I can testify to this as I placed my order on 15th April and it only arrived in on Monday!) so it may be better to buy through Ebay or Bundlebox?
Sorry if this has been asked before, (I had a quick look but didn't see anything).
Has anyone who ordered an iPad today received their conformation email?
Yep I got my confirmation of buying, my confirmation of cancelling the camera attachments and my confirmation of new order
for camera attachments. All today. Although that was all before 12 noon.

I had to split them up to guarantee I got the ipad on the 28th. So I was informed by CS.
I see Vodafone have have been fettling again with their iPad rates.

Now falling into line with the others, by offering 3GB per month for £15.

1GB per month £10.00
3GB per month £15.00
5GB per month £25.00
I see Vodafone have have been fettling again with their iPad rates.

Still no special deals for existing iPhone customers, like they have in Spain. Given that they've already changed their offering so many times, anything's possible (I wish).
Still no special deals for existing iPhone customers, like they have in Spain. Given that they've already changed their offering so many times, anything's possible (I wish).

Perhaps a call to Customer Services (Retentions Department) indicating that you are considering going over to O2 might prompt a 'special deal'.
I gather most people are now waiting for the UK launch?

The Ebay prices seem to have dropped right down - last few I've watched have ended at 430-450. I still think this would be worth it to have it now (fly out of country on 28th so can't buy till late june/july...)

Anyone had much luck with the ebay route?
I get the feeling this thread may be dieing! such a shame after so long! maybe it will come alive again nearer launch day!

It might come alive now that another thread has been created claiming that ALL European iPads (including those preordered on Monday) will be delayed until June. Let's hope it isn't true.
It might come alive now that another thread has been created claiming that ALL European iPads (including those preordered on Monday) will be delayed until June. Let's hope it isn't true.

Can't see it being true for those who got on board on monday. Just checked my order status and still says delivers by May 28th.

Interested to know what cases people are going to get? Or if your lucky enough to have one already what did you go for?

I can't decide whether to use mine naked at home and just get a case to store it in when I'm travelling / not using it, OR get a shell sorta thing for it. Would something like a skin really give that much extra protection if I dropped it??!
Can't see it being true for those who got on board on monday. Just checked my order status and still says delivers by May 28th.

Interested to know what cases people are going to get? Or if your lucky enough to have one already what did you go for?

I can't decide whether to use mine naked at home and just get a case to store it in when I'm travelling / not using it, OR get a shell sorta thing for it. Would something like a skin really give that much extra protection if I dropped it??!

I called Apple. If you ordered on Monday then it's all fine but new orders will now be delivered in June.

I'm using the iPad naked when I get mine, and I have a nice Belkin sleeve thing to keep it in when I'm not using it or I'm traveling. I'll see how it goes. If I think I really do need a case, then I'll go for the MacAlly one. I've used a friend's iPad and quite liked it out of a case.
I ordered 2:45am Monday morning, my 'delivered on' date is still the 28th

I assume that the 7th of June delivery is for orders placed from today.
wake me up on May 28th -

is it me or is waiting for the ipad is taking it's toll!

once i've got the ipad the next big wait will be the next iphone ( to replace my ageing and faulty iphone 3g )

i hope apple just release it rather then pre-order crap it really is doing my head in waiting
I successfully put the iPad out of mind for months once I knew we'd have to I'm itching like crazy to get my hands on my pre-order and counting down the days!!! Only a shade over 2 weeks to go, it'll fly by.

/rocks back and forth
I'm just pleased to have got my pre-order in. Even more so now these rumours of delays to new pre-orders are surfacing.

I actually think this couple of weeks between now and May 28th is a little liberating. After months and months without ANY information, even after the US launch, to know that we're finally getting somewhere is great. Having placed my pre-order, I know how much it's costing and when I'm getting it. AND I've got 5 days off work starting on the 28th to enjoy it!

I'm sort of enjoying this rather slow wait for the 28th. Savouring the moment. Watch me change my tune the week before when I'm chewing my own arms off!
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