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Let's all calm down. JonnyIreland, if you pre-ordered on Monday then they won't be 'messing with your life' because you'll still get yours on the 28th.

I'm not sure that's correct. I placed my order at 1:08 a.m. on Monday morning (within a very short time of pre-orders commencing) and my order confirmation reads as follows:

Apple Confirmation said:
Estimated Shipping: By May 28th

I appreciate that it says estimated, and also that Apple tend to be pessimistic when giving shipping dates, but shipping BY the 28th does not mean delivery ON the 28th In fact, being the Friday of a Bank Holiday weekend it means delivery by the 1st of June at the earliest! :eek:
You know what... If Apple have indeed botched the May 28th launch, I will be upset with them. I took a day off work on Monday to preorder -as they didn't give a start time for preorders, they didn't leave me much choice. As it turned out, I didn't need the day off, so that was a waste.
NOW, I booked May 28th off for delivery -and that could potentially be a waste too.
When it gets to this stage, they are messing with my life. No, it's not the end of the world and there are bigger problems out there, but it's all relative. Apple, stop wasting my time. I'm getting sick of your lack of information and misinformation. Stop treating your customers like ****.

I hope you're kidding! You took two days off work to get a product like the iPad that is certainly not going to change your life or the way you work? I mean, come on. It's an awesome toy but it's still a toy! And I doubt your life will be ruined if you get one a week later...

I love Apple stuff but I think somebody needs a reality check here.
Mine still says delivered by 28th. **finger crossed it stays that way** Looks like I should still get mine before then. And if it says ship by 28th means it will ship on that date at the latest and if it does I doubt june 1st you would recieve it. It would most likely be longer.
Mine still says delivered by 28th. **finger crossed it stays that way** Looks like I should still get mine before then. And if it says ship by 28th means it will ship on that date at the latest and if it does I doubt june 1st you would recieve it. It would most likely be longer.

That's what my iPad says also. The case is due to be shipped by 28th.
You know what... If Apple have indeed botched the May 28th launch, I will be upset with them. I took a day off work on Monday to preorder -as they didn't give a start time for preorders, they didn't leave me much choice. As it turned out, I didn't need the day off, so that was a waste.
NOW, I booked May 28th off for delivery -and that could potentially be a waste too.
When it gets to this stage, they are messing with my life. No, it's not the end of the world and there are bigger problems out there, but it's all relative. Apple, stop wasting my time. I'm getting sick of your lack of information and misinformation. Stop treating your customers like ****.

Not to be too harsh but 'messing with your life'?

Really? Two days off work - that's a bit rich.

Treating cusomers like ****?

You need a touch of perspective, my friend.......
I just ordered an iPad, without any accessories at all. That was about 6:40am on Monday, and it still says delivered by May 28th. But it does say that it will wait for all the items to be available before it ships. It's probably accessories causing some people's delays. Especially the camera connection kit, I think demand is really high for that.
Jittery as I am to get my iPad on the 28th, I think we're reading too much into the delivery dates stuff. Apple have already stated that orders will be split as necessary to get iPads out on launch day. If you read the US forums around launch day you'll have seen it was a phenomenon. Apple won't want to screw that up here (the UK) - it's simply great PR.

And the talk of delays - what delays? The deliveries haven't even started yet- how can we be talking about delay?
If you ordered straight away and you got in the first batch you will get yours on the 28th. If you were a few days later and you're getting a unit from the next shipment it will be June 7th.

End of discussion.
People are complaining that orders are pushed to 7th June delivery? Really? You only had like 3 1/2 months to decide if you wanted one, then the day comes and you casually wait a few days? People here have been chomping at the bit to order this, those people made the order, no problems. You can't be mad at Apple that it is selling so well, be mad at yourself for being so bloody indecisive.

If you're directing that at me, then you'd better read what I said again. I can be mad at Apple for underestimating many things.
I think some people in this thread need to a] get a grip, b] get out more, c] do both of the above.
Well all I can say was worth the wait! I am really impressed with it. The build quality is great, it actually feels like you are holding something! The new apps are excellent. I can't wait for the app store to go live in the UK and also the same for the book store as I can't get it to think i am in the US. Other than that......! great. Can't wait for the case and dock to arrive tomorrow.
Well all I can say was worth the wait! I am really impressed with it. The build quality is great, it actually feels like you are holding something! The new apps are excellent. I can't wait for the app store to go live in the UK and also the same for the book store as I can't get it to think i am in the US. Other than that......! great. Can't wait for the case and dock to arrive tomorrow.

Dock and case tomorrow? Are they the apple ones? How did you get them early???
Dock and case tomorrow? Are they the apple ones? How did you get them early???

Erm...are you not thinking right? They also have an ipad and they mention USA so I think they have bought from websites or someone sent him them from USA or he bought on ebay perhaps.

Or did you not read properly as if they have the ipad that means they not got it from apple uk so why would apple send them the dock and case? Its common sense that its by other means such as importing it or buying from a import and I guess the dock and case is a different source compared to the ipad itself.
Not to be too harsh but 'messing with your life'?

Really? Two days off work - that's a bit rich.

Treating cusomers like ****?

You need a touch of perspective, my friend.......

Well I'm sorry you feel that way, but it is difficult for me to get time off work -I have to choose my days off very carefully. As for a touch of perspective, am I missing something? I said that I realise that it's no big deal and that worse things are happening in the world -so where is my lack of perspective?
Is it really too much to ask for Apple to have provided a little more info about presale start time? God knows, they've had 4 months to arrange it.
We don't all live near Apple Stores or in urban areas, so we can't all hop into our Hummers on launch day and pick up an iPad.... and it just so happens I need to plan my days off work if I want to wait all day for a courier to arrive.

Finally, no matter what you say, I feel like they have treated ther non-US customers pretty badly since the initial iPad announcement. If you disagree then I don't mind, but I bet that I can find plenty who agree with me 100%.
People are frantically and unnecessarily moaning. Just bloody wait. Im sure all the people that ordered on the 10th will get theirs on or before the 28th.

I was worried I couldnt order at all due to my card being rejected, paid my dad and used his credit card. Turns out the service didnt like my debit card lol.
Erm...are you not thinking right? They also have an ipad and they mention USA so I think they have bought from websites or someone sent him them from USA or he bought on ebay perhaps.

Or did you not read properly as if they have the ipad that means they not got it from apple uk so why would apple send them the dock and case? Its common sense that its by other means such as importing it or buying from a import and I guess the dock and case is a different source compared to the ipad itself.

I have an iPad too. I'm in the UK and was keen to know if they had bought from an importer. Or indeed if he was used third party bits which if so how they were??
People are frantically and unnecessarily moaning. Just bloody wait. Im sure all the people that ordered on the 10th will get theirs on or before the 28th.

I was worried I couldnt order at all due to my card being rejected, paid my dad and used his credit card. Turns out the service didnt like my debit card lol.

They are fussy with some debit cards. Mine changed recently and is fine now but I have had probs in the past.

I am in Cumbria too. Where are you.
i phone appleon monday and they told me it will be delivered on the morning of may the 28th then i went to the apple store to get my iphone repaired and asked a genius and he said it will be delivered on the 28th of may so two different employees told me the same thing. i hope the damn thing does come on the 28th because im going on holliday on the 29th and my hotel has free wifi!!!!
I have an iPad too. I'm in the UK and was keen to know if they had bought from an importer. Or indeed if he was used third party bits which if so how they were??

Hi Guys, yes you are right, I ordered from the USA (on the 15th April!!) a case and a dock via Bundlebox (who have been really good). This is where I understood that these delays on the peripherals could affect the delivery of iPads. I understand it that due to the fact that they can't even fulfil case and dock orders in the US they are likely delay the despatch of these items in the UK. Which would mean that as Apple tend to wait until all items are available, could mean a delay on getting your iPad delivered.
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