Well, thats the thing, isn't it. These people who claim that they know it all about how the banks work, quoting Apple's website etc etc. then all they can do is talk down to people like they are little kids, and not 35 as in my case.
But the bottom line is that I used a DEBIT Card, but Apple have NOT taken the money yet -they have only put aside the amount through a preauthorisation. Preauth and actually taking the money is two different things. To put it in perspective, if I cancelled my order now then Apple would not be issuing me with a refund -why? Because they haven't TAKEN the money yet, even though I used a Debit Card. So no, the money hasn't already been taken, I don't care what the Apple website or anyone else says on here.
And, I did call my bank today which is 'how I came across this nugget of info'