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Well, I just called UPS International (their direct number is 1800-782-7892)

The woman said she had info that it had been picked up at 8:00AM Local time in China today. With the service they used express shipping, it should be in Massachusetts by 10:30AM TOMORROW. She did a time-in-transit calculation since there was no delivery date listed on the tracking info.

what do you ask when you call to get that info?
Go to, create a shipment estimate from "calculate time and cost" from a zipcode outside your area, have it estimate shipping on Friday to your zipcode. If the estimates show a Saturday option, then yes.

Also, if you don't have the dreaded "service selected is not available to the designation address" item in your tracking status it indicates that you should expect Saturday delivery.

What shipping method do I use? :eek:
For anyone who's curious...

Just got my shipping notice for my 16GB iPad. Ordered 11 minutes after they went on sale. I'm located in Wichita, KS and it's currently located in SHENZHEN, CN. ;)
Go to, create a shipment estimate from "calculate time and cost" from a zipcode outside your area, have it estimate shipping on Friday to your zipcode. If the estimates show a Saturday option, then yes.

Also, if you don't have the dreaded "service selected is not available to the designation address" item in your tracking status it indicates that you should expect Saturday delivery.

Manhattan?! DEFINITELY Saturday delivery. its the people in the middle of nowhere suburbs that have to worry lol.
Just downloaded and installed iTunes 9.1 as well as iPhoto 8.1.2.
Not seeing in differences with iTunes 9.1
Perhaps it will be more apparent later :confused:

i just noticed in prefrences no longer a section called audiobooks. its now called books and will contain audiobooks and regular books
What shipping method do I use? :eek:

If you click calculate time and cost, then input a any out of state zip (90210) :)
Put in a pound for weight, and your zip as ship to, then continue. (It will assume you are shipping today, so click modify shipment information from the top of the estimates. the resulting screen will let you change the shipping date to this friday (2nd)

If the most expensive options is Guaranteed by Monday, your SOL, if Saturday is available, your good.
D'oh! I saw the other planes sitting there just didn't take pics I assumed it we the 747 since it was an international flight. You know what happens when you assume

haha like people assuming they will get theirs tomorrow because the international people are using their estimate tools? lol.

And btw, I think it does go to KY only because of customs. However I don't live in AK and am not sure, but I know that everything that comes in clears customs in KY at their UPS WorldPort shipping facility :)
I also just called UPS and the rep said guaranteed delivery on Thursday by 10:30AM and I also asked if there was a hold on the package and she said "no, not anymore"

Yeah, the rep I spoke with said the same but I can't see that coming to fruition :eek:
When you think about it, it would create more buzz if they were delivered early.

Yeah, but it would be negative buzz (people planning to go to the stores would be super-pissed, just for a start). It would be considered a screwup, not a good thing.
long long ago, in a galaxy far far away... my iPad sits. Wish I could at least get a tracking number :mad: Then I can start obsessing about a possible Saturday delivery...
Manhattan?! DEFINITELY Saturday delivery. its the people in the middle of nowhere suburbs that have to worry lol.

Um, that would be me. Doesn't look like I'll get it Saturday unless Apple made special arrangements for EVERYONE to get it on Saturday, no matter where they live. :(

However, I did finally get a tracking number. I ordered under the wire on 3/26 64gb

ps. My tracking email now says delivered "BY APRIL 03,2010" and not ON APRIL 03. there's that to hang onto.
Gotta love this:

Mine just hit the US!!! YEAHHHHHH!!!

SHENZHEN, CN 03/29/2010 3:01 A.M. ORIGIN SCAN
Do you guys think that there's Saturday delivery in Manhattan, NY? Sorry, I'm just a bit paranoid. LOL.

Yes there is...used to live there...but dont worry...Apple has a special arrangement to get these out on 4/ even if you dont have that delivery..youll get it!
16GB shipped today! Now to keep refreshing the UPS tracking page over and over til Saturday.
16GB shipped today! Now to keep refreshing the UPS tracking page over and over til Saturday.

I'm embarrassed to admit I installed a tracking app on my iPhone and set up push notification.

Whatever, occasional, temporary insanity is fun.
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