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I don't believe you.

Don't because it ain't true! :)

One can talk themselves into anything. They tend to forget what that the Air and 5s need more ponies and Apple will not admit it and that is fact.

Sure seems like android is taking market share away steadily. And I ain't perceiving anything stating that. Guess we all like lag. :p
I just don't like Apple's attitude when releasing new iPhone's, and acting like it's all "magical" and "revolutionary", almost as if no one has seen or done this before,.

When in reality, Android or maybe Windows Phone has had a majority of these same features for a couple of years already..

Apple, who you crapping ?

Before I tried Android, I actually believed all the Apple magic cr@p. Apple is brilliant at marketing and making people believe it. Fact is the iPhone 6 is behind the times. We've had this technology for years now. It offers nothing new. But it's the brand that will sell it and make it more popular.

We're getting a phone that doesn't lag like Android smartphones. Enough reason for me to go back to iPhone after using Android for three years now.

So. Much. Ignorance.

Get with the program dude and stop spreading FUD. Android for the past few versions does NOT lag. Educate yourself please because you're making yourself sound very ignorant to those who know what they're talking about and not what hear.

You forgot one key feature...ios. ;)

The exact reason I would never get an iPhone. ;)

I got sent this by my brother:


I lol'd but it made me think, the point it makes is quite true. The iPhone 6 introduces nothing 'revolutionary', 'magical' or something which makes it stand out from it's competitors. To date, it still lacks in some areas and yet a lot of Apple users are made to feel that they're getting something truly amazing.

Yes Apple do it better and to a higher quality than their competitors but when you really look at it, they're still far behind and what we've seen from the iPhone 6 is nothing new. Apple are just playing catch-up instead of others playing catch-up with Apple. I think this has been the most disappointing iPhone yet.

What are your thoughts?

Pretty much true.

Pretty sure he said it's the best iPhone yet, which is undeniably a fact.

Pretty sure it's been said every time there's a new iPhone. Next year the iPhone 6S will be the best...and thinner. :eek:

Apple is about "best" not about "first" or "most".

Oh really? What about MobileMe and Ping? Those were certainly not the best. Care to answer? Didn't think so. :rolleyes: Ya'll will say that about everything Apple releases later. Oh it's better because Apple did it. Gimme a break.

I went from a 4S to a Nexus 4 to a Nexus 5. I hate my Nexus 5. Can't wait to finally use a phone that doesn't suck so hard.

Why does it "suck so hard?"
Why are there so many Android fanboys on this forum..? If anything I thought there would be more Apple fanboys on an Apple forum.
You must've missed Apple fans foaming out of their mouths when the Samsung Note 4 and Note Edge were released. All fan bases are the same and have the same idiots and trolls.
Was that going on? I think there was barely a mention of those phones being announced.
$950 price point for the 128 plus kills this for me.

I bought my wonderful 4S for $80 and I'm sticking with it until it no longer functions.
I think all of the 64gb iPhone were $850 so for $100 you twice the capacity. Your point makes no sense. The ripoff has always been the 16gb.


Where do you get monthly subscription and unsecure device? You have no idea what you're talking about...
But he seems to laugh alot, in his posts anyway:rolleyes:


Of course, and? Still doesn't explain why Android fanboys come here. It's like Apple fanboys going to an Android forum to discuss iPhone.. haha.
There are too many posters in both camps whose testicles have not dropped yet.
Of course, and? Still doesn't explain why Android fanboys come here. It's like Apple fanboys going to an Android forum to discuss iPhone.. haha.

Because the people in this forum own both Apple and non-Apple products. That seems to be blasphemy for many here.

The consensus for many Apple only owners is that because we don't follow suit, it is due to our lack of understanding of Apples intent behind their products. That couldn't be further from the truth. Some of us just use the tools that allow us to accomplish daily tasks in a manner that are conducive to us. Because some of us can see things through a lens other than our own, it makes us bias when we point out some simple truths.

Disclaimer: I don't speak for everyone <- The obvious, but seems it needs to be said around here.
So. Much. Ignorance.

Get with the program dude and stop spreading FUD. Android for the past few versions does NOT lag. Educate yourself please because you're making yourself sound very ignorant to those who know what they're talking about and not what hear.

Sorry, but my HTC One (M7) does lag on occasion. It doesn't happen very often, but it is there.
Of course, and? Still doesn't explain why Android fanboys come here. It's like Apple fanboys going to an Android forum to discuss iPhone.. haha.

Because being an android user and a Macintosh user is not mutually exclusive, or is that just too profound a concept to understand?


Because the people in this forum own both Apple and non-Apple products. That seems to be blasphemy for many here.

The consensus for many Apple only owners is that because we don't follow suit, it is due to our lack of understanding of Apples intent behind their products. That couldn't be further from the truth. Some of us just use the tools that allow us to accomplish daily tasks in a manner that are conducive to us. Because some of us can see things through a lens other than our own, it makes us bias when we point out some simple truths.

Disclaimer: I don't speak for everyone <- The obvious, but seems it needs to be said around here.

This is very true, and ironic of followers of a company that wants us to supposedly 'think different'.....
I used to be a hard-core Apple fan but after messing with Android, I've become open-minded about both OS's.

However, the one thing I have noticed, the :apple: fanboy is extremely close minded--much like their software :p They have this "sheep" mentality where everything Apple does, it's better--no matter what, even if its outdated technology.

The truth is, iP6 is an outdated piece of hardware--plain and simple. I get that iOS is optimized for the device but, c'mon!

And after all these years that NFC has been around, now is when Apple joins the party? I just don't get it.

Nonetheless, it's pointless to argue with a :apple: fanboy.

Edit: Let me add, I will check out the phone at stores and the techie in me, might consider buying the device.

As an ex Apple fan girl I admit that I was close minded when it came to Android or any other OS. I just refused to believe that it could be as good as an iPhone. It was only by ill chance (iPhone stolen) that I ever used an android device and wasn't too enthusiastic about it before I tried it. My intention was to only use the thing for a month before I could use my upgrade to get another iPhone. That was in 2012 and I've stayed with Android since then.


Of course, and? Still doesn't explain why Android fanboys come here. It's like Apple fanboys going to an Android forum to discuss iPhone.. haha.

Some of us use both OS.

My own devices:

Samsung galaxy S5
ipad air
ipod touch 5th generation
Apple TV 3rd Gen

I actually have more Apple Devices than Android ones.


The N5 has so many problems. The OS is strong, but the hardware is shoddy.

You get what you pay for. Hence why I only buy high end Android devices, not mid range ones. Lol I've switched from being an Apple snob to an Android one.
I used to be a hard-core Apple fan but after messing with Android, I've become open-minded about both OS's.

However, the one thing I have noticed, the :apple: fanboy is extremely close minded--much like their software :p They have this "sheep" mentality where everything Apple does, it's better--no matter what, even if its outdated technology.

The truth is, iP6 is an outdated piece of hardware--plain and simple. I get that iOS is optimized for the device but, c'mon!

And after all these years that NFC has been around, now is when Apple joins the party? I just don't get it.

Nonetheless, it's pointless to argue with a :apple: fanboy.

Edit: Let me add, I will check out the phone at stores and the techie in me, might consider buying the device.

Android fans can be just as bad (if not worse) in certain cases. Just go to Android forums and even this sub-forum to find out how.

Its funny because at the end of the day, neither platform is as loyal to the people who's very existence is sometimes attached to them.

'Better' hardware is in the eye of the beholder. Filling up a spec sheet doesn't automatically equal a better experience. Just as first to market doesnt equal best in market.

The Nexus 4/5 had/have arguably better hardware specs than most iPhones in existence, yet were/are arguably one of the worst Android devices to live with...hardware wise anyway.
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As an ex Apple fan girl I admit that I was close minded when it came to Android or any other OS. I just refused to believe that it could be as good as an iPhone. It was only by ill chance (iPhone stolen) that I ever used an android device and wasn't too enthusiastic about it before I tried it. My intention was to only use the thing for a month before I could use my upgrade to get another iPhone. That was in 2012 and I've stayed with Android since then.


Some of us use both OS.

My own devices:

Samsung galaxy S5
ipad air
ipod touch 5th generation
Apple TV 3rd Gen

I actually have more Apple Devices than Android ones.


You get what you pay for. Hence why I only buy high end Android devices, not mid range ones. Lol I've switched from being an Apple snob to an Android one.

This is basically my situation too (except my iPhone didn't get stolen, just got tired of waiting for the bigger screen).
We're getting a phone that doesn't lag like Android smartphones. Enough reason for me to go back to iPhone after using Android for three years now.

You, along with Apple, are stuck in 2012 :p The Android lag is a thing of the past, at least the high end models from makers other than Samsung (LG, Sony, HTC). Twice in the past couple years I tried to switch to Android, both times I went back to iPhone after a few weeks. Not this year. I switched to an LG G2 and never looked back, even bought a Sony Z1 Compact as a second phone (sold it, only because LTE doesn't work with AT&T around me).

Really no surprises with the iPhone 6 announcement (other than the "Plus" which I didn't think will happen). The surprise is having that big a body to house a smallish 4.7" screen - LG G2 has a 5.2" 1080 screen in a body same size as the 6, Sony's Z3 Compact has a 4.6" screen in a body just a tiny bit bigger than the 5s.

I will get one simply because I have an upgrade to burn (I have 3 lines to do cross upgrades from, all mine :D), but I doubt it will be my daily phone again.
You, along with Apple, are stuck in 2012

Yes I am with android! This is why I will change to iPhone this year. You enjoy your laggy android phone! Can't blame people like you for not noticing the lag! Some people have different standards. Btw, I never said iPhone 5S is free from lag. I just think, no, I know the transitions between apps, speed and smoothness is better on iOS since the millions of apps are optimized for those phones unlike Android apps not being customized for the hundreds of different android devices with different specs. iPhone 6+ will be a smooth experience.
Yes I am with android! This is why I will change to iPhone this year. You enjoy your laggy android phone! Can't blame people like you for not noticing the lag! Some people have different standards. Btw, I never said iPhone 5S is free from lag. I just think, no, I know the transitions between apps, speed and smoothness is better on iOS since the millions of apps are optimized for those phones unlike Android apps not being customized for the hundreds of different android devices with different specs. iPhone 6+ will be a smooth experience.

People like me? What's that supposed to mean? Not too long ago I had all Apple devices - iPhone 5s, iPad Air, retina Mini (still have 3, kid'ss and wife's). I'm about to sell my iPad Air - it continuously crashed while trying to watch the Apple stream yesterday :eek::rolleyes::mad:

I don't know which Android phone you're using now, but believe me, I hate lag. A tiny bit of screen stutter bugs the hell out of me. I gave up in trying to make the switch, having tried Samsung S3 and S4 and HTC One (M7). Then 6 months ago I gave it another try when the LG G2 was free. I couldn't be more pleased.
People like me? What's that supposed to mean? Not too long ago I had all Apple devices - iPhone 5s, iPad Air, retina Mini (still have 3, kid'ss and wife's). I'm about to sell my iPad Air - it continuously crashed while trying to watch the Apple stream yesterday :eek::rolleyes::mad:

I don't know which Android phone you're using now, but believe me, I hate lag. A tiny bit of screen stutter bugs the hell out of me. I gave up in trying to make the switch, having tried Samsung S3 and S4 and HTC One (M7). Then 6 months ago I gave it another try when the LG G2 was free. I couldn't be more pleased.

What I mean is that certain people aren't "heavy users" as myself and wouldn't notice lag or other negative aspects. The average user wouldn't even notice lag on Note 2, which was a lagging hell for me. I'm more of an Android user myself and I've used several Android phones ranging from Nexus 5, Note 1+2+3, LG G3, several high-end tablets and such. The best ones were the ones with stock android, but still there were some small delays that bugged the hell out of me. Slow touch responsiveness and such things. 0.5-1 second delays when opening apps for an example. I'm not defending apple products, I just think that overall it's a smoother experience on iOS because of the optimization between software, apps and hardware. The iPhone 6+ also seems to be a beast in this area and I'm glad they went with 1080p and not QHD which would only make the device slower.
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