But then something interesting happens. When the photo interface (the button bar along top and bottom) disappears, I notice the white dots change as well. Normally, these white dots sit about every 2-3 pixels. But when the interface disappears, it seems like half the dots disappear, making the gap between dots becomes 4-6 pixels.
This makes me think it's something to do with the touch sensitive technology and a battery saving feature -- the touch screen reduces its sensitivity or density when moving to an interface where the only touch-screen input allowed is any input to "wake" the interface. That is, I cannot do anything until I first touch the screen, then the controls appear, then I can touch a control. During that first stage where only a touch can wake the screen before proceeding, it makes sense that the touch-sensitive technology reduces its power consumption since it only needs to perform a simple, non-precise operation.
This is just speculation, but I'd be curious to see if other people experience this reduction of dots when the interface disappears. This won't work on the main menu, because it remains active to touch input until the device itself goes to sleep.