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Apr 29, 2017
Good post!! It really ***** me how people think just because someone owns an Android phone that they hate Apple products. It is possible to like Apple while being critical of things they don't do so well, you don't have to blindly love everything a company makes.

Preach it man! :p


Jun 3, 2015
Because I have 3 other iPhones, iPad Pro, 2 Macs, and use to have a 7 Plus right before my Note 8. And have every right to be here.

Hmm, I use all those apps except Skype, and have no issues with them on Android compared to my iPhone 7 plus.
Actually, you have right to be in any forum.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
And yet the 835 can hardware encode HEVC and power 4k@60fps.

You sure?

All I can find is reports now that it was a typo and Samsung sources say its not happening. There webpage is currently reporting 4k 30fps and from what I can find online is using h264. Regardless I want to wait and see before I get to committed to what it does or doesn't have.

The iPhone has been using h265 for FaceTime for quite a while. Its just the combination of both 4k 60 and HEVC that is difficult. Plus iPhone has iMovie on it so it needs to be able to edit 4k 60.
OneDrive and Drop Box I used. I started using Google now recently. But most without keeping it open didn't continue to back up.

3rd party cloud services on iOS look like crap when referencing background updating. I'm used to iCloud which doesn't require any intervention on my behalf.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
You sure?

All I can find is reports now that it was a typo and Samsung sources say its not happening. There webpage is currently reporting 4k 30fps and from what I can find online is using h264. Regardless I want to wait and see before I get to committed to what it does or doesn't have.

The iPhone has been using h265 for FaceTime for quite a while. Its just the combination of both 4k 60 and HEVC that is difficult. Plus iPhone has iMovie on it so it needs to be able to edit 4k 60.

Oh trap, I misread. My apologies. It isn't the Snapdragon that can do 4k60.

According to Samsung, the Exynos chip does support 4k120.


Sep 15, 2017
Either we aren't understanding each other or we just have two different trains of thought.

iOS is just more efficient at handling background task.

There are a total of 9 background modes. Things like audio apps, navigation apps, VOIP apps, etc etc...

Apps that meet those qualifications like a 3rd party voice over IP app, navigations app, and/or an app wanting to update its information based on variables (wifi, battery percentage, etc) by utilizing background app refresh can function in the background.

Apps that don't have one of the 9 exceptions are suspended (in RAM) as soon as possible, however they can request time to complete a task like a download.

Apps function is suspended specifically to conserve battery life. If its a non essential app then it shouldn't be running.

The app will remain suspended in RAM and opening right back up where you left off unless its purged by another app/function that needed the RAM when it was in its suspended state.

Android and iOS function fairly similarly in this regard. And while iOS isn't perfect Android tends to have more apps that won't play by the rules and continue to run and needlessly waste battery in the background.

Because of that the more RAM the device has the more apps it can keep suspended in the background. Software optimization plays a roll too though. Android isn't as efficient with memory management so they tend to need more RAM than iOS devices.

Here is a video demonstrating how the S8 with 4gb of RAM purges apps the iPhone 7 with 3gb of RAM keeps suspended (on the second lap). Yes, its an unrealistic use case but illustrates the point.

It’s not that Android is less efficient with RAM, it’s that Android and iOS take drastically different approaches to RAM/background app management. iOS uses RAM compression (same as how its worked on macOS since Maverick.) iOS can compress a background app from say 350mb down to barely 10mb in ram, and uncompress it back instantly when called upon for use again. Android doesn’t do this, their solution is far less elegant and is to just throw more RAM at it. This is why Androids often have 4-8gb of RAM where iOS can manage often more apps in the background without a reload with far less.

Edit to add a video explaining this.



macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2012
lol my iPhone 6 Plus which is 3 years old is faster than most new androids still.
What are you smoking? My S7 Edge is much faster than my wife's iPhone 6 plus and my S7 Edge is going on 2 years old now. This is based on real world use.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2014
"iOS is bloated"
"iOS needs better optimisation"


Say what you want about its shortcomings, but those are two criticisms of current build iOS that are simply not true lol. Truthfully, iOS doesn't need the strength that A11 gives it, but Apple are just trying to flex for the stat queens. Which is something many Android users have criticised Apple for not doing in previous years, and now that they are "phones don't need that much power" lol.


Nov 22, 2011
East Coast USA
What are you smoking? My S7 Edge is much faster than my wife's iPhone 6 plus and my S7 Edge is going on 2 years old now. This is based on real world use.

I'm not sure which models, android runs in so many. But man when I'm at work my 6 plus shines compared to most of the phones running android. Obviously not the top of the line samsungs.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
"iOS is bloated"
"iOS needs better optimisation"


Say what you want about its shortcomings, but those are two criticisms of current build iOS that are simply not true lol. Truthfully, iOS doesn't need the strength that A11 gives it, but Apple are just trying to flex for the stat queens. Which is something many Android users have criticised Apple for not doing in previous years, and now that they are "phones don't need that much power" lol.

So you think iOS 11 would run on a processor as relatively weak as the 835? Because I don't.


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2009
Because I have 3 other iPhones, iPad Pro, 2 Macs, and use to have a 7 Plus right before my Note 8. And have every right to be here.

Hmm, I use all those apps except Skype, and have no issues with them on Android compared to my iPhone 7 plus.

IPhone 7 plus is faster than Samsung s8+ despite being months earlier and a Ram shorter.



macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2012
I'm not sure which models, android runs in so many. But man when I'm at work my 6 plus shines compared to most of the phones running android. Obviously not the top of the line samsungs.
That is because many Android phones do not have the hardware of iPhones or top of line Android phones. Manufacturers use slower CPUs and less robust components in the sub $400 Android phones.


Nov 22, 2011
East Coast USA
That is because many Android phones do not have the hardware of iPhones or top of line Android phones. Manufacturers use slower CPUs and less robust components in the sub $400 Android phones.

I'm still impressed at how smooth a 3 year old iPhone runs compared to androids that came out later. Granted my 6 plus was probably double when new, but still goes to show you get what you pay for.
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Sep 15, 2017
You're the first to say it runs well. Most people I'e read say it's okay and worse than iOS 10.

If you’re only reading people’s “experiences” on this site then of course you’re only going to read negative reactions. Some here are so far nitpicky that nothing will make them happy. Also it’s very typical that x.0 can for some run worse than a final release of the previous generation OS. It happens each and every year. Last year it was iOS 9 was so much better than 10. Now it’s iOS 10 is so much better than 11. It’s a never ending cycle.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
I'm not running 11 yet, I hope it's as smooth as 10. Not looking for miracles lol just don't want the experience to be worse

As a person with an iPad Pro, it isn't as smooth on that.
If you’re only reading people’s “experiences” on this site then of course you’re only going to read negative reactions. Some here are so far nitpicky that nothing will make them happy. Also it’s very typical that x.0 can for some run worse than a final release of the previous generation OS. It happens each and every year. Last year it was iOS 9 was so much better than 10. Now it’s iOS 10 is so much better than 11. It’s a never ending cycle.

Except this time it's true. I' m running it on an iPad Pro and it runs less smooth.
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Sep 15, 2017
As a person with an iPad Pro, it isn't as smooth on that.

Except this time it's true. I' m running it on an iPad Pro and it runs less smooth.

My experience with iOS 11, running all summer long, through all 10+GM developer betas, on a 7+, 12” iPad Pro (first Gen) and my GF’s 6 has been quite smooth. Some betas worse than others, but overall nothing that hinders day to day use or even taking any longer to do a task vs iOS 10. But these things can vary drastically for each person, because too many variables can change outcomes (for example I run my devices quite lean. Meaning maybe 20 or so extra apps installed, where someone who installs 200+ and have a nearly full storage device may have a worse time.)
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