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Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
The S8+ has an extra gig of ram and still closes apps in the background before the iPhone. The Note 8 probably won’t though, since it has double the RAM and the One Plus 5 seemed to do well with that amount.

Yeah, iOS compresses apps more in the background. My snark was less relevant than that.
Opening apps doesn't show real world usage. I used both and my note 8 is much faster than my iPhone 7 plus. Real world usage.

I'm going to play straight man for a second.

What do you mean when you say real world usage?
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macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
I'm confused what real world usage is as well. Opening and swapping between apps is what most of us do, not really sure what else there is.


Apr 29, 2017
Yeah, iOS compresses apps more in the background. My snark was less relevant than that.

I'm going to play straight man for a second.

What do you mean when you say real world usage?
Just how everything works together in harmony. Not just opening the apps but using them. A lot of times I had apps freeze on me in iOS for no reason and I either had to wait a while or force it closed. Just earlier today helping my mom post a picture on fb her damn post froze her iPhone for a bit. She was just editing the text and it stopped responding. It seemed to be related to the picture attachment. But either way it seems to happen often. I've yet to see that on my note 8. It's fast everywhere.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
Just how everything works together in harmony. Not just opening the apps but using them. A lot of times I had apps freeze on me in iOS for no reason and I either had to wait a while or force it closed. Just earlier today helping my mom post a picture on fb her damn post froze her iPhone for a bit. She was just editing the text and it stopped responding. It seemed to be related to the picture attachment. But either way it seems to happen often. I've yet to see that on my note 8. It's fast everywhere.

On which iPhone? I can count on one hand the amount of freezes I've had on my 6S Plus over the past 1.5 years, not including the iOS 11 beta. The Beta was pretty bad at the beginning.
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Sep 15, 2017
Just how everything works together in harmony. Not just opening the apps but using them. A lot of times I had apps freeze on me in iOS for no reason and I either had to wait a while or force it closed. Just earlier today helping my mom post a picture on fb her damn post froze her iPhone for a bit. She was just editing the text and it stopped responding. It seemed to be related to the picture attachment. But either way it seems to happen often. I've yet to see that on my note 8. It's fast everywhere.

I can’t even remember what year it was when the last time I’ve had any app freeze/lock up on me in iOS (outside of very early x.0 betas.) So, not everyone’s experience will be the same as the next person.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
What are you smoking? My S7 Edge is much faster than my wife's iPhone 6 plus and my S7 Edge is going on 2 years old now. This is based on real world use.
I went from an 6 Plus to a 7 Edge as my network gave me one free of charge August 2016. Not a bad phone at all, but I wouldn’t say is was notably faster than what I had. It was different that is for sure. Faster I was not convinced at all.

Especially not considering the worse battery life, the edges of the screen interfering in what I wanted to do. My phone not integrating with my desktop nor tablet for handoff of calls, text messages and notifications. And photos not instantly appearing in my cloud based network drive.

Not a bad phone at all, but no faster navigating it, and definitely not faster in real life usage in my experience.

You're the first to say it runs well. Most people I'e read say it's okay and worse than iOS 10.

Been running it on my iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro and it’s pretty good. Other than the occasional battery drain issues you can get with Beta builds it was fine.

Didn’t notice any particular slow down on my daughters 6 Plus either.

As a person with an iPad Pro, it isn't as smooth on that.

Except this time it's true. I' m running it on an iPad Pro and it runs less smooth.

Odd, totally smooth on mine. And loving the multitasking gestures.
My Palm Pre is much faster than freaking bloated Android crap. That’s the fact.
Now that was a great phone. Love the influences in ios11.

Just how everything works together in harmony. Not just opening the apps but using them. A lot of times I had apps freeze on me in iOS for no reason and I either had to wait a while or force it closed. Just earlier today helping my mom post a picture on fb her damn post froze her iPhone for a bit. She was just editing the text and it stopped responding. It seemed to be related to the picture attachment. But either way it seems to happen often. I've yet to see that on my note 8. It's fast everywhere.
In those kind of apps that is more likely to be network related opposed to a device specific issue.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
Im not on about the test, I'm on about apple chasing faster and faster CPUs
Fix the software, same with OSX, they are bloating the base code with crap requiring more and more processing.


race to sleep
On which iPhone? I can count on one hand the amount of freezes I've had on my 6S Plus over the past 1.5 years, not including the iOS 11 beta. The Beta was pretty bad at the beginning.

but comparing 3-5 year old iphones to the current android flagship is totally legit!


macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2014
What are you smoking , just compare how whatsapp Facebook snapchat instagram Skype browsing telegram and almost all other apps run on iOS compared to android

I mean .. I own both android oneplus 5 with stock android and iPhone 6s, 6s still smokes it being 2 years older

Strange, I'm not smoking anything.. I don't do drugs or need an alternate universe based on an apple utopia. I'm grounded in reality. If you're looking for reality look no further than other fellow iOS owners on this forum complaining about planned obsolescence and poor performance..
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macrumors member
Sep 8, 2017
Because the way phones are designed and the OS is done I think the benchmarks between IOS and Android to be fairly meaningless. They tend to be more useful at comparing models within a single ecosystem so Android device vs Android device; iPhone 7 vs iPhone X.

Iphones have been "benching better" than Androids, and those numbers have been correlating well to day to day use where iphones experience less slow downs and lag.
Maybe it's because we've read this type of comment every freaking year, and it was never true. "There used to be lag, but the [insert random year] Android phones are completely different."
100x this. So in 2015 I gave Android a go to see the improvements. I decided to get a flagship Android phone... TOday is unusable, can't wait for X to come out to replace this lag fest that I'm using now
Less bloated. Android runs on a less powerul processor and matches the iPhone a majority of the time. The only exceptions are things like video rendering.
Rubish... it matches opening light apps like the calculator or instagram. When you load a heavy game, Iphone is a lot quicker most of the times.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Ok, so Apple produced a smokingly (as that a real word?) fast processor. I can't say that I'm surprised, impressed yes but surprised no.

With that said, what does that buy us? Does that mean my phone calls will be faster, or the animations of solitaire will be mind numbingly fast??

We're still just talking about a phone and what you can do on it. Its a personal communications device that does a lot, don't get me wrong, but I think CPU performance is less important today then a few years ago. Maybe it will become more important in the near future with AR/VR, but I think as it stands and for now, its probably not a major benefit.

Let me put it this way, I have a 1 1/2 year old iPhone SE which uses an A9 processor, it works just as well as my wife's iPhone 7, even though Apple touted it was 40% faster then the A9.
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macrumors member
Sep 8, 2017
And yet the 835 can hardware encode HEVC and power 4k@60fps.

Actually, on all. Even the S8 runs well on a supposedly weaker than the 7
A10 processor.
GIve it 2 years and I'll tell you how that S8 runs...

(Of course a 6 month old flagship phone is going to run well... jesus..)
Opening apps doesn't show real world usage. I used both and my note 8 is much faster than my iPhone 7 plus. Real world usage.

Everybody stop... opening apps now isn't real world usage....

From now, everybody should use their phones without using apps. lol

When you think you've heard everything....
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Apr 29, 2017
I went from an 6 Plus to a 7 Edge as my network gave me one free of charge August 2016. Not a bad phone at all, but I wouldn’t say is was notably faster than what I had. It was different that is for sure. Faster I was not convinced at all.

Especially not considering the worse battery life, the edges of the screen interfering in what I wanted to do. My phone not integrating with my desktop nor tablet for handoff of calls, text messages and notifications. And photos not instantly appearing in my cloud based network drive.

Not a bad phone at all, but no faster navigating it, and definitely not faster in real life usage in my experience.

Been running it on my iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro and it’s pretty good. Other than the occasional battery drain issues you can get with Beta builds it was fine.

Didn’t notice any particular slow down on my daughters 6 Plus either.

Odd, totally smooth on mine. And loving the multitasking gestures.

Now that was a great phone. Love the influences in ios11.

In those kind of apps that is more likely to be network related opposed to a device specific issue.

That is not network related when it wasn’t responding to any keystroke we gave the phone. No buttons would respond, not even the home button.


Apr 29, 2017
Iphones have been "benching better" than Androids, and those numbers have been correlating well to day to day use where iphones experience less slow downs and lag.
100x this. So in 2015 I gave Android a go to see the improvements. I decided to get a flagship Android phone... TOday is unusable, can't wait for X to come out to replace this lag fest that I'm using now
Rubish... it matches opening light apps like the calculator or instagram. When you load a heavy game, Iphone is a lot quicker most of the times.

That’s funny. My S7 Edge for work is over a year and half old and it still snappy. Thought I did reset it recently to start off fresh. But no slow downs at all.

But no iPhone today that is in peoples hands can beat my Note 8. Meaning now iPhone 7 Plus or lower. I owned one and my Note 8 is much faster in normal usage.


Apr 29, 2017
GIve it 2 years and I'll tell you how that S8 runs...

(Of course a 6 month old flagship phone is going to run well... jesus..)

Everybody stop... opening apps now isn't real world usage....

From now, everybody should use their phones without using apps. lol

When you think you've heard everything....

Timing how fast opens comparable to another phone doesn’t test the phones performance. The developer programmed those apps differently and they could take longer to open on one OS vs another. Real world usage is a good test, and like I said, my Note 8 kills my iPhone 7 plus easily in all the tasks I ask of it.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
That is not network related when it wasn’t responding to any keystroke we gave the phone. No buttons would respond, not even the home button.

Normal keystrokes don't have to mean it isn't network related, for an online app like facebook it most likely is exactly that....

If the home button is not responding that is different indeed - but one edge case/event doesn't proof your point. If that was a general thing wouldn't you have thought the forums would be filled up with it?

Timing how fast opens comparable to another phone doesn’t test the phones performance. The developer programmed those apps differently and they could take longer to open on one OS vs another. Real world usage is a good test, and like I said, my Note 8 kills my iPhone 7 plus easily in all the tasks I ask of it.
The developer programmes those apps in accordance with the rules of such a phone - the developer has no control over how quickly the UI is being shown or not....What they can do, and I'm talking iOS now, is put a whole bunch of network updates in it prior to handing it to the user. I'd be surprised if that passes the quality assurance checks...

Great that your Note 8 is an improvement for your usage over your 7 plus. That doesn't mean it is the same for everyone. I'd recommend people choose those devices that are best for their own use.....
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Apr 29, 2017
Normal keystrokes don't have to mean it isn't network related, for an online app like facebook it most likely is exactly that....

If the home button is not responding that is different indeed - but one edge case/event doesn't proof your point. If that was a general thing wouldn't you have thought the forums would be filled up with it?

The developer programmes those apps in accordance with the rules of such a phone - the developer has no control over how quickly the UI is being shown or not....What they can do, and I'm talking iOS now, is put a whole bunch of network updates in it prior to handing it to the user. I'd be surprised if that passes the quality assurance checks...

Great that your Note 8 is an improvement for your usage over your 7 plus. That doesn't mean it is the same for everyone. I'd recommend people choose those devices that are best for their own use.....

That is fine, but I know which is faster since I have owned both and you haven’t.

the future

macrumors 68040
Jul 17, 2002
Ok, so Apple produced a smokingly (as that a real word?) fast processor. I can't say that I'm surprised, impressed yes but surprised no.

With that said, what does that buy us? Does that mean my phone calls will be faster, or the animations of solitaire will be mind numbingly fast??

We're still just talking about a phone and what you can do on it. Its a personal communications device that does a lot, don't get me wrong, but I think CPU performance is less important today then a few years ago. Maybe it will become more important in the near future with AR/VR, but I think as it stands and for now, its probably not a major benefit.

Let me put it this way, I have a 1 1/2 year old iPhone SE which uses an A9 processor, it works just as well as my wife's iPhone 7, even though Apple touted it was 40% faster then the A9.

Importance of CPU speed varies depending on your computing needs. News at six.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
That is fine, but I know which is faster since I have owned both and you haven’t.
Sure. I’ve heard this every year since the S3, and every time I’ve tried the supposedly faster Samsung phone it ended up being nonsense as it started freezing/crashing on basic apps. If it works for you, great. Enjoy it, but you have to realize you’re not going to convince anyone in this thread.


Apr 29, 2017
Sure. I’ve heard this every year since the S3, and every time I’ve tried the supposedly faster Samsung phone it ended up being nonsense as it started freezing/crashing on basic apps. If it works for you, great. Enjoy it, but you have to realize you’re not going to convince anyone in this thread.

Ive had not one single crash on my Note 8 since using it compared to my iPhone which I had several apps shut down on me a week. You are full of non-sense.

The Note 8 is a beast.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
Ive had not one single crash on my Note 8 since using it compared to my iPhone which I had several apps shut down on me a week. You are full of non-sense.

Sure buddy, sure. I guess myself and the thousands here with iPhones have crashes everyday we are just too oblivious to notice them.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Importance of CPU speed varies depending on your computing needs. News at six.
Yes, but there's precious little on an iPhone that needs a ton of processing power, after all its still a phone.

The A11 is a engineering fete to be sure, but will it matter much more then the A10? I don't think so.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
Yes, but there's precious little on an iPhone that needs a ton of processing power, after all its still a phone.

The A11 is a engineering fete to be sure, but will it matter much more then the A10? I don't think so.

Biggest benefit will be less processing time to complete a task so it will go back to sleep quicker. The quicker you can complete something, the better.
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