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macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2015
until it hits mainstream satellite and terrestrial broadcasting i really don't see the point

probably why apple haven't bothered bringing out a version

not many itunes 4k movies are there ???

Bt and sky are broadcasting 4k content in the U.K. and have now for some time. Not sure that highlighting apple's non existent 4k iTunes lineup strengthens your argument. It's just another reason not to stick with apple.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Not anymore. Digital release dates are averaging a week or two ahead of the physical copy. iTunes HD quality is very close to Blu Ray in most cases that most users won't be able to tell the difference. Yes, I'm someone with a 110" projector and 4k OLED. VUDU HDR streaming is even better. There is less and less a reason to won physical media.

I dropped my Blu-ray sub to Netflix and never looked back.

The problem with doing away with physical discs is that we are then at the mercy of corporations to not screw us over at all times. Once you have no way to watch a movie that isn't stoppable at their end (they can just say you violated an agreement or they changed the agreement and therefore your "license" to watch a movie is revoked and you must pay X amount to keep watching them. With the government in the pocket of corporations these days, you have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER anymore. But they can't come and take your physical property back. And the DRM has long since been cracked on DVDs and 1080p Blurays. With physical media, they CANNOT "take back" your purchase and rip you off in the process.

I've already seen cases where people bought iTunes movies and suddenly the "streaming" version disappeared from AppleTV/iTunes. Why? The movie studio wanted their movie off iTunes and Apple has no rights to those movies. They are the mercy of the studios the same way you are at the mercy of Apple. If you didn't download a file before they pulled it, you were screwed. I don't know if they ever resolved that problem, but I remember when it happened with some titles. But even if you have the file, Apple can change iTunes so it doesn't work with older Fairplay if they want. They already changed Fairplay (for 1080p files) in January. Older versions of iTunes can no longer play the newer 1080p files and Apple will only send 720p copies to older versions of iTunes if you use those players (i.e. perhaps installed on older computers that only support Snow Leopard or Lion or something and/or older iTunes you preferred better because of its interface that has changed or whatever reason) that you're using as a media player, etc.). This also means if you have a working Requiem setup, the best you can decode now is 720p. To me, this means I no longer buy movies from Apple and get a Bluray instead. Many Blurays are $3-10 these days (often cheaper than iTunes and you get more extras, higher quality, better soundtrack quality like DTS, DTS-HD MA, Dolby Tru-HD, and uncompressed PCM) and more importantly, the studios can't take your physical copy away and the DRM has long since been cracked on 1080p Blurays so you would always have a way to rip/encode them for the foreseeable future. Thus, I would support physical media no matter if I moved it to stream locally or not).

Once there is no physical media at all, we're ALL screwed. Computer with a different OS changes and old player won't work? Gone. Company stops supporting streaming media? Gone. Company goes out of business? Gone. I'd rather not count on the mercy of greedy corporations.

George Dawes

Jul 17, 2014
I'm having to buy a new tv as my current one which I use as a monitor doesn't work with itunes 12.6.1 , it worked fine with 12.6.. ( then again a new tv isn't a bad thing after all is it ?:D )

The whole HDCP thing is a 'bag of hurt' like SJ said..


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2015
Bt and sky are broadcasting 4k content in the U.K. and have now for some time. Not sure that highlighting apple's non existent 4k iTunes lineup strengthens your argument. It's just another reason not to stick with apple.

The only issue at the moment with Sky's UHD content is currently unless you have a Sky Sports sub the vast majority of content is Remastered for UHD which in a lot of cases there's no difference in quality to a Blu-ray or HD movies on iTunes.
Occasionally I do get surprised by the difference seen ie Robocop which is far better quality on SkyQ UHD than the remastered Blu-ray I've got.
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macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I'm having to buy a new tv as my current one which I use as a monitor doesn't work with itunes 12.6.1 , it worked fine with 12.6.. ( then again a new tv isn't a bad thing after all is it ?:D )

The whole HDCP thing is a 'bag of hurt' like SJ said..

Have you tried resetting everything, unplugging and replugging in everything, power cycles, smc pram resets etc etc etc?

This topic has come up quite often but after itunes updates and HDCP is generally blamed but then it seems to fix itself.

BTW I'm not doubting you just trying to cover all bases.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2010
Lol yet apples "old tech" still beats out brand new flagships from other manufacturers. See the nearly year old iPhone 7 beating Samesungs brand new flagships in benchmarks

The sad sad part is that not only are they behind everyone else on just about everything (from amoled screens to wireless/fast charging, to modern port standards on their phones to gaming support structures to touchscreen access to 4K playback (odd their tiny phone can record it but their AppleTV can't play it on a BIG 4K screen), BUT they charge SO MUCH MORE than everyone else for what they DO offer!!! FireTV4K is $99 and about $79 on sale (regularly). AppleTV Gen4 (where 4 does NOT stand for 4K) is $150-200 and it cannot play back Amazon Prime or 4K video!!! You're paying more for less! That seems to be STANDARD for Apple lately.

The difference in the past was you paid more for Apple but it was a BETTER COMPUTER/PHONE/GADGET than nearly everyone else so it was worth it to some of us. Now it's only worth it to those that think a BMW is always better (because it says I'm higher class than you even when it's not true) than a Ford or Subaru no matter what.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Lol yet apples "old tech" still beats out brand new flagships from other manufacturers. See the nearly year old iPhone 7 beating Samesungs brand new flagships in benchmarks

That's primarily due to the crappier OS that is Android rather than the hardware itself. Given what smart phones are used for, I don't know if anyone would even notice the difference. I'm using some crappy $38 Windows phone and it's plenty responsive for 90% of the tasks I use it for. I personally can't see putting nearly $1000 into a phone and then spending another $800+ each year in phone bills. You could (more or less given how much Apple keeps raising the prices and which model you choose) have a Macbook Pro instead. How much power do you really need to text, Facebook and tweet? Not much it turns out.

Personally, I think we'd all be better off if smart phones were never invented since it has become obvious that most humans can't control/limit themselves. They're like drug addicts with these things. Curse Steve Jobs for inventing the iPhone.


macrumors 68030
Sep 14, 2012
That's primarily due to the crappier OS that is Android rather than the hardware itself. Given what smart phones are used for, I don't know if anyone would even notice the difference. I'm using some crappy $38 Windows phone and it's plenty responsive for 90% of the tasks I use it for. I personally can't see putting nearly $1000 into a phone and then spending another $800+ each year in phone bills. You could (more or less given how much Apple keeps raising the prices and which model you choose) have a Macbook Pro instead. How much power do you really need to text, Facebook and tweet? Not much it turns out.

Personally, I think we'd all be better off if smart phones were never invented since it has become obvious that most humans can't control/limit themselves. They're like drug addicts with these things. Curse Steve Jobs for inventing the iPhone.

That's actually funny. Cause I said exactly that. I can get a mac instead of shelling out so much for a phone. And everyone ostrisized me here for saying that. I'm happy with my new mac I bought. I'm keeping my old phone. And have no regrets with my purchase.

Crazy Badger

macrumors 65816
Apr 1, 2008
I'm watching live TV on mine using the Channels app connected to a HDHomeRun tuner. I think my TV spends more time connected to the HDMI port for my aTV than it does for my cable box.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
Lol yet apples "old tech" still beats out brand new flagships from other manufacturers. See the nearly year old iPhone 7 beating Samesungs brand new flagships in benchmarks

That is so funny, it also shows how :rolleyes: you are.


macrumors newbie
Jun 2, 2017
I love my latest AppleTV as well, and it works wonderfully. I have a ROKU 3 as well, and I do have to admit, it comes packed with so many more options for streaming services than the AppleTV. Have heard rumblings of Amazon Prime support and VUDU/UV support. That would be very welcome.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
I'm sorry you don't like that fact. It doesn't Change it

You can't compare iOS and android in speed tests, most 12 year olds know that but if it makes the sheep feel better then that's great:)

I wonder how fast the iphone would be be if it had 1/5 of the features that a similar or cheaper android phone has.


macrumors 65816
Apr 14, 2014
United Kingdom
After accepting that the ATV is just going to be used for our digital movies and not the place for apps/on demand content, we've begun using it a lot more!

I know-totally defeats the object of the 4th Gen, but being in the UK, we're never going to get the apps to make it the go to device, so using it the best we can.


macrumors regular
Oct 2, 2015
I love my latest AppleTV as well, and it works wonderfully. I have a ROKU 3 as well, and I do have to admit, it comes packed with so many more options for streaming services than the AppleTV. Have heard rumblings of Amazon Prime support and VUDU/UV support. That would be very welcome.

I agree. Roku just has more options period. Is there another streamer that does Amazon and Vudu ? Roku 3s were great, have 3 of them but have moved on to Roku 4 and now the Ultra.


macrumors 68020
Dec 11, 2010
I agree. Roku just has more options period. Is there another streamer that does Amazon and Vudu ? Roku 3s were great, have 3 of them but have moved on to Roku 4 and now the Ultra.
My Samsung TV comes with Amazon and Vudu. It pretty much mirrors anything on my Roku, including 4K. The AppleTV has the Podcast app, AirPlay ( soon to be AirPlay 2), access to iTunes running on a computer, access to Apple movies, the Photos App, etc. None of these features are on the Samsung TV or Roku. That is why I think the Roku is in more trouble than Appletv. Once you update to a Smart TV, the Roku is redundant ( for the most part)...I still use it with a projector, but most people will just use the apps built into their TVs.
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Jun 28, 2017
I've been using the ATV since late 2010 - ATV2/3 and now 4. To me it's perfect.
I'm not a 'conventional' old media TV viewer. ATV was always for the internet generation and compliments the MacBook and iPhone perfectly. (If you're a traditional old media TV person, you've got Freeview, SKY etc - DEFINITELY NOT FOR ME). I don't see why Apple need to water themselves down by playing with the old media corporations. To me, that's not Apple!
I buy / rent ALL of my HD films from iTunes and Vimeo. I decided to get rid of DVD in 2011 and didn't want the Blu-Ray format. Even the most 'traditional' people I know have done the same, to me that's really saying something. International friend's of mine were downloading film way back in 2007 and skipped the physical media totally. (Just look at the UHD 4K Blu-Ray players of 2017 - they look like CD players from 1986 - a long ugly box with no thought for design).
I have my travel vlog playlists on Youtube and love WSL World Surf League, RedBull TV, Netflix, VeVo, M2M fashion along with homesharing / airplay on photo albums, HD surf video and my music playlists.
To me, it's everything that I need. I love the box design, I love the remote and it's trackpad. I love the UI.
I love the way on a weekend, I can visit my weekend city and sign into a friend's ATV and all of my purchased films and music appears.
Just brilliant in every way. I'm very excited to see what the ATV5 brings with 4K and HDR.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
I have recently gone back to using my 3rd gen Apple TV.
My Samsung 4K TV apps just crash too often.
I really want to buy a new Apple TV but I'm holding off in the hope of a new model soon.
We don't really have the best internet connection so not having a 4K isn't a huge deal right now but I still don't want to buy a new device without that function.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2010
Williamstown, NJ
My Samsung TV comes with Amazon and Vudu. It pretty much mirrors anything on my Roku, including 4K. The AppleTV has the Podcast app, AirPlay ( soon to be AirPlay 2), access to iTunes running on a computer, access to Apple movies, the Photos App, etc. None of these features are on the Samsung TV or Roku. That is why I think the Roku is in more trouble than Appletv. Once you update to a Smart TV, the Roku is redundant ( for the most part)...I still use it with a projector, but most people will just use the apps built into their TVs.

Roku is not in trouble because of Smart Tvs, Smart Tvs are overrated.
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macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2008
You do realize that even most 4K discs are actually 2k since it would be a huge expense to movie studios to do post production in 4K, right?

These are mere excuses. There's absolutely no reason Apple TV shouldn't have been made 4k HDR capable more than a year ago. It's simply ridiculous that I can record 4k on my iPhone but can't stream it to Apple TV.

I bought an LG OLED last year and have found I just never use my Apple TV anymore, save for the odd viewing of vacation photos or something. The built-in apps are stable and perfectly capable. Yeah, I get there isn't a ton of 4k HDR content yet available but that's rapidly changing, and when you spend a bunch of cash on a flagship TV, you wanna see it to its full potential NOW, not in some future where content is more ubiquitous.

As far as I'm concerned, Apple TV is a dead platform until it's capable of displaying the current standard.
Roku is not in trouble because of Smart Tvs, Smart Tvs are overrated.
Perhaps, but they do render the Apple TV nearly useless, assuming they're 4k HDR.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 14, 2012
Roku is not in trouble because of Smart Tvs, Smart Tvs are overrated.

I actually recently got an lg uhd tv. I was impressed by the webos setup they had. It won’t replace an Apple TV or anything like that. And it was lacking a lot of apps. But maybe it’s cause I haven’t bought a tv in a while. I was impressed by the whole layout etc. Also, pulling up Netflix, Amazon etc was a lot quicker than my old Vizio from a few yrs ago. Like I said it can’t compare to an Apple TV, but for some ppl I could see why they would go for that as a solution.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
Roku is not in trouble because of Smart Tvs, Smart Tvs are overrated.
I agree. I don't see the point of a smart TV. I'd rather have a box like the Apple TV which can do more.
These are mere excuses. There's absolutely no reason Apple TV shouldn't have been made 4k HDR capable more than a year ago. It's simply ridiculous that I can record 4k on my iPhone but can't stream it to Apple TV.

I bought an LG OLED last year and have found I just never use my Apple TV anymore, save for the odd viewing of vacation photos or something. The built-in apps are stable and perfectly capable. Yeah, I get there isn't a ton of 4k HDR content yet available but that's rapidly changing, and when you spend a bunch of cash on a flagship TV, you wanna see it to its full potential NOW, not in some future where content is more ubiquitous.

As far as I'm concerned, Apple TV is a dead platform until it's capable of displaying the current standard.
Perhaps, but they do render the Apple TV nearly useless, assuming they're 4k HDR.
The current standard is 1080p. In time 4K will be the standard but we are to there yet.
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