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Wow thats pretty bad packing.

I got a powermacg5 sometime early in the year and it wasnt very expensive at all (under 450) and the seller even packed that efficiently...they wrapped a few layers of bubble wrap around the machine and filled the entire box with packing peanuts and it didnt move an inch inside there.
Well i believe UPS packed it, which the seller should have let pack this machine. it doesnt cost that much if at all ....

Yeah a few months ago, I bought a white Apple Pro keyboard from a seller who advertised it as "brand new", and I thought hmmm, yeah it'll probably be in OK condition at best. However, it arrived in a very large box stuffed with peanuts and tons of bubble wrap. After I dug through all that, I discovered to my delight that the keyboard was still in its original plastic! :D Not just new, but MINT. I was happy. ;)

But yeah, the low-life who "packed" that Mac Pro was either drunk or high, IMVHO. Sue his ass! :eek:
I tried calling him today. He didn't answer, so I left a message. We'll see if he responds by tomorrow.
Hopefully, he'll respond. :rolleyes:
I'll keep my fingers crossed. :D
But yeah, the low-life who "packed" that Mac Pro was either drunk or high, IMVHO. Sue his ass! :eek:
I doubt it would be worth while, especially if the seller and buyer are in different states.

Risk. There's always a risk. :rolleyes: Especially with eBay/PayPal. :p
Yeah a few months ago, I bought a white Apple Pro keyboard from a seller who advertised it as "brand new", and I thought hmmm, yeah it'll probably be in OK condition at best. However, it arrived in a very large box stuffed with peanuts and tons of bubble wrap. After I dug through all that, I discovered to my delight that the keyboard was still in its original plastic! :D Not just new, but MINT. I was happy. ;)

But yeah, the low-life who "packed" that Mac Pro was either drunk or high, IMVHO. Sue his ass! :eek:

the best they could do is debate this through PayPal Claims, UPS and directly to each other.

Small claims in separate states wouldnt be worth it honestly.

Id recommend having the place you ship with inspect and or pack the item, i sold a MacPro myself recently and had the original box i gave them andi they inspected everything and put it in their own box due to claims and insurance and if there was ANY damage whatsoever since they packed it it was their responsibility.

lukcily everything worked out and no damage was occured.

I say keep up the battle, trust me...dealing with especially with paypal transactions take along deal of time and unfortunately stress.
I tried calling him today. He didn't answer, so I left a message. We'll see if he responds by tomorrow.

The seller has his money and since you opened the claim with UPS there's not much on his end thats going to be done.

You could leave a bad review of him on eBay although he could do the same.

Stay on top of UPS, and call twice a day and make sure they notate anything that is said between you and them. With the Christmas season here, its probably going to take some time before something happens.

Also I'd look around on Craigslist or parts places for maybe a new case, it may or may not be costly.

To the poster who said most on ebay are scammed or something to that effect, I would agree, I have been looking around and its amazing how when you ask questions , how cranky people get when you question them.

Best of Luck too you, and if the seller gives you the money back great, if not and the computer still runs flawlessly , take it as lesson learned, word of mouth is the fastest form of advertising.

Do like others do , call a local TV station, have them report on UPS's shipping practice's and how they handle claims
The seller has his money and since you opened the claim with UPS there's not much on his end thats going to be done.
The issue is, the contract with the shipping is between the seller and UPS. Not the buyer, even though he actually payed for it.

In this case, the seller packed it himself, so UPS isn't liable for the poor packing job, and will bounce it back to the seller. Had he had the packing done at a UPS store, it would be a different situation, and UPS would have to pay for the damage. They accept liability if one of their stores did the packing.

Definitely a life lesson about shipping, but not an inexpensive one. :eek: :p
Hey all,

I had problems with an ebay auction a few years back, when I tried to sell a AS-IS Toshiba laptop that I had. Because of this, amongst other reasons, I no longer will ship via UPS. I followed all proper procedures at the time. The receiver claimed that the item was damaged in transit, even though I listed the laptop with clear pictures of the damage. The receiver/buyer was not only a lawyer but also a scammer. I read all of his feedback.. before and after the sale completed.

I'd also had lots problems with some of the things i've received over the years from eBay, and problems with sellers.

I do agree.. pack your item more than reasonably well. There's resources out there that will help you if you need help determining if your item is packed properly. It doesn't hurt to double and triple check before it gets shipped. Furthermore

UPS used to be a pretty outstanding shipping company. With their high volumes, It's no wonder that there are lots of damage though. I've come to know 99% of the drivers that drive in my area & neighborhood.. especially the regular ones. It's a good idea to get to know the shipping drivers in your area (UPS, FedEX, etc.) especially if you a part of a routine service route from one of these companies.

With the disappearance of DHL, yes, it's gonna impact their service.

Be sure and contact all involved parties immediately, credit card companies, eBay, PayPal, and have a lawyer stand by if need be, should things get that bad.

When returning items, make sure that the item is again, well packed.. perhaps far better than the original packing. Bubble wrap, shipping peanuts, blocks and pieces of styro are all things that will help. These things are not unobtanium. Borrow from friends, purchase some supplies, and by all means save some stuff that comes with things you purchase.

Also, be sure you carefully read the comments/feedbacks of the party you are buying from and in some cases you can google it. Keep copies of all communication, emails, faxes, etc. between you and the parties. Make sure you well document your

Purchase shipping insurance especially if the item is normally pretty expensive.
Ask for delivery confirmation on both ends.

Now, I understand it can be pretty fustrating, upsetting, etc. but it pays to have a little bit of patience and politeness. DO your best to be civil.

All in all, I've been reading this thread because I intended on purchasing some parts to complete my Mac Pro build.


Hey all,
I do agree.. pack your item more than reasonably well. There's resources out there that will help you if you need help determining if your item is packed properly. It doesn't hurt to double and triple check before it gets shipped. Furthermore

UPS used to be a pretty outstanding shipping company. With their high volumes, It's no wonder that there are lots of damage though. I've come to know 99% of the drivers that drive in my area & neighborhood.. especially the regular ones. ...

Good advice. :)

Though you may know the drivers, that's not where the damage tends to occur. It's in the sorting facilities. The equipment has a lot of power, and things get jammed. Items in the front get crushed, and if it continues for even a couple of minutes, things pile up, and fall off the conveyor system. The drop can be 4 stories or more. Then add in the weight piled on top of it when loaded in the tractor trailers, human abuse (drop kicks for example), and a host of other things, you quickly get the impression that it's a miracle anything survives at all. :eek: ;)

Proper packing is the only means of package survival.

Memoirs of a former UPS employee. :D :p
Is the computer operational? You seem to want to keep it despite the damage. So I would make my peace with the situation because even if there is a determination of liability, UPS will dispense any refund money to the seller. The seller is UPS' customer, not you, and they don't care about your situation, just his.

As a former full-time electronics dealer on eBay, who always used UPS, I know for sure this is how it works. I was always honest and returned my customers' money if there were problems, but UPS only dealt with me and sent all insurance payments to me, and if I had wanted to, I could have kept all of it and left my customers SOL.

Your only way of ensuring that you get a refund is to file a claim on Paypal (not eBay, Paypal) or calling your credit card co. to initiate a chargeback - I believe this will work for debit cards too. BUT you can't keep the computer and if you have already told the seller you want to keep it, when he is interviewed (and he will be) he will tell them that and you might be SOL there too.

Sorry about this. It really sucks.
Is the computer operational? You seem to want to keep it despite the damage.
He returned it to the seller, and got a partial refund. The balance was pending the UPS claim being processed in favor of the seller. (Posted further back in the thread).
He returned it to the seller, and got a partial refund. The balance was pending the UPS claim being processed in favor of the seller. (Posted further back in the thread).

This is where I think the picture looks wrong. The seller has to refund in full REGARDLESS of what happens with UPS or any third party issurer. The seller's talk of "waiting" UPS sounds to me like he is putting up a smoke screen, confusing the real issues.:rolleyes:
This is where I think the picture looks wrong. The seller has to refund in full REGARDLESS of what happens with UPS or any third party issurer. The seller's talk of "waiting" UPS sounds to me like he is putting up a smoke screen, confusing the real issues.:rolleyes:
I was just summing up the information upsguy27 posted. I agree with you, the seller is liable for a full refund :), but eBay/PayPal hasn't been the greatest advocate for solving problems in the past, and seems to have gotten worse since the recent changes. :( At least from what I've seen and read about. Financially speaking, I think they'd loose a lot of $$$ due to the loss of fees as it would run the scammers off. :eek: :rolleyes:

I'd need to go and re-read the rules, but since they sent him an e-mail stating the claim was closed, I seriously doubt they will help or enforce any rules that are in effect. :(
I was just summing up the information upsguy27 posted. I agree with you, the seller is liable for a full refund :), but eBay/PayPal hasn't been the greatest advocate for solving problems in the past, and seems to have gotten worse since the recent changes. :( At least from what I've seen and read about. Financially speaking, I think they'd loose a lot of $$$ due to the loss of fees as it would run the scammers off. :eek: :rolleyes:

I'd need to go and re-read the rules, but since they sent him an e-mail stating the claim was closed, I seriously doubt they will help or enforce any rules that are in effect. :(

nanofrog is right on regarding how poorly eBay/PayPal manage disputes nowadays.:eek: This case intrigues me because everyone I know seem to have heard about someone getting ripped off by doing eBay.

Let us know what you find out regarding the current rules. :D
Just thought I would share this|65:7|39:1|240:1318

There are so many deals on eBay with MacPro's , in the end sometimes you can get a good deal and than again you can get a raw deal and pay for it later down the road

Considering how much you pay for this type of computer, you mite be better off going new or refurb from a trusted source.

I know I have been looking and have not found anything that jumps out at me yet as far as used goes. Brand new and refurb would be either or and maybe or

BOL to the OP
nanofrogLet us know what you find out regarding the current rules. :D
I found the rules here. Seems basic to me, as the information doesn't have any detail. They simply place the burden put the burden between the seller and buyer. The Resolution Center is a total joke really. They just initiate contact between the two. The most they are willing to do, in cases that aren't resolved, is ban the seller. They make no mention of a refund, so I take that as the buyer gets ripped for the total payment.

They didn't even keep upsguy27's claim open for the 90 days listed in the rules. :rolleyes:

Definitely "Buyer Beware" territory. ;) :p

I found that sells new ones for less. :eek: ;)
Still not cheap though, and doesn't include shipping or labor if unable or incapable of DIY installation. :rolleyes: :(

Ultimately, in upsguy27's case, it's moot, as he returned the computer to the seller. :(
I think the seller does have a point here. You made it harder for him to get his claim. First of all why would you be filing the claim? If you filed the claim that means you have decided to keep it. Second of all where did you pull the $300 number from? These damages are expensive to repair and the least you can do is a get a professional estimate. Then you used the damaged computer and swapped a part from it (the drive). You should never have touched the damaged goods in the first place unless you were 100% sure you wanted to keep it.
Just an update, I got a Mac Pro for Christmas (see specs in sig), this time from Apple, so no damaged case! The specs are actually better than the old one! Now I just have to wait for the rest of the money to come in...


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I found the rules here. Seems basic to me, as the information doesn't have any detail. They simply place the burden put the burden between the seller and buyer. The Resolution Center is a total joke really.

Ultimately, in upsguy27's case, it's moot, as he returned the computer to the seller. :(

Yup, the so called "Resolution Center" does sound like a joke. :(

One definite gambles $ with eBay, hence don't buy on eBay more than you are willing to lose.

Getting a new Mac for X'Mas from a reliable source might be the best way to get over this mess for upsguy27!:D Any additional money recovered all the better.;)
Just an update, I got a Mac Pro for Christmas (see specs in sig), this time from Apple, so no damaged case! The specs are actually better than the old one! Now I just have to wait for the rest of the money to come in...
Nice! :D

I hope you get the balance of the refund, so you can outfit it with goodies. :p

BTW, is the seller still maintaining contact?
Yup, the so called "Resolution Center" does sound like a joke. :(

One definite gambles $ with eBay, hence don't buy on eBay more than you are willing to lose.
I just made a mistake with an eBay purchase (selected the wrong item- Oops) :eek:, and sent it back. So far so good, I'll just have to wait and see if everything goes smoothly. ;)
Nice! :D

I hope you get the balance of the refund, so you can outfit it with goodies. :p

BTW, is the seller still maintaining contact?

I just made a mistake with an eBay purchase (selected the wrong item- Oops) :eek:, and sent it back. So far so good, I'll just have to wait and see if everything goes smoothly. ;)

Yeah I hope I can too!

I have been, and right now we're waiting for UPS to say something.

Oh, that's pretty bad. Hope everything works out! :D
Yeah I hope I can too!

I have been, and right now we're waiting for UPS to say something.

Oh, that's pretty bad. Hope everything works out! :D

I assume you ended up returning the iMac ;)

Anyway, congratulations on the brand new Mac Pro, I hope that you get the rest of your money back!
Okay, since this thread is related to ebay dealings, I'm just going to post this here instead of making a new one.

I just ordered a 8800GT off ebay for my new Mac Pro (was going to flash it with PC ROM), and since the person selling it lives near me, I chose local pickup. I went to the address they gave from the phone number eBay gave me (they never responded to my questions - strike one) and when I got there, it was just a neighborhood. No one I asked had heard of the person I was talking about. I went to the right intersection given by the phone number, and from the number they sound like a business - complete with "To -blahblahblah-, press 1". I tried talking to "Technical Support" and "Sales Associates" and both times it said all representatives were helping someone. I called back multiple times, even 5 minutes before they "closed", and it always said the same thing. Here is the auction link if anyone's interested. Should I be worried? I should have learned my lesson and never use eBay again, but they were close to me. :(
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