What I meant by that was that yes, I have replaced a Mac Pro case (I work part-time at Macmedia), but I was unsure on how to fix the dents in the old case.
Call PayPal yet?
What I meant by that was that yes, I have replaced a Mac Pro case (I work part-time at Macmedia), but I was unsure on how to fix the dents in the old case.
What I meant by that was that yes, I have replaced a Mac Pro case (I work part-time at Macmedia), but I was unsure on how to fix the dents in the old case.
No one sells a Mac Pro that cheap,...
The dents of course can not be fixed, a child would know that.
It's aluminium, for the love of god.
Even if it was steel, you want to take a hammer to a computer case ?
On the off-chance of you telling the truth, I strongly suggest noone who is reading this ever buys from MacMedia ; you never know who might be handling your purchase.
They are an Apple Service Provider and all, go figure.
I didn't say that I went to an Apple store and got the cost for them to repair the damages, I got the cost of a case. This is what I said originally about the estimate:
I just went to the Apple Store and they told me that to repair it through them, the repairs would be $300 [...]
I think most people reading that would assume
that it's Apple who would be doing the repairing.
Anyway, good luck getting this tangle unknotted.
Yeah, I may have worded it a bit badly.
I don't think you ever actually said where you were getting the repairs in the PayPal report, on remember in this thready you said that you were going to do them yourself.
Everywhere in the paypal dispute and UPS literature, you have two choices of claims, one for a full refund and then a smaller claim which is what 'would make you happy' to accept the product. The latter was what you had choose, no where did you really specify that it would take $300 for an APPLE store to fix it, it was $300 would make you happy and you would do it yourself.
You should have never closed the dispute w/paypal, that was a bad bad idea, because pretty much he could never give you a refund and your only other option would be to take it to small claims court.
My suggestion is to be nice, don't be hostile in any of your future ebay messages to him, word what I said above about how you never said that would be what it would take Apple to fix it and that it was only the settlement to end the trouble and that was what you would have been happy with.
Don't threaten any small claims court stuff or anything yet, because that would cause the seller to probably Cease any further communication.
How did he know about the imac? I think it would be funny if he has been reading this thread the whole time.. lol!
Ugh. I just called PayPal and they said that under no circumstances can the case be reopened. I told him I could lose almost $1600, and he basically said too bad. The only way to get it reopened, he said, is if they get more than 5 complaints from his previous buyers. Then they'll reopen my claim. But I doubt that will happen. Great. Now I'm stuck. What should I do?
Call back and demand a manager. It's practically your only hope next to getting things resolved with the seller. If you need to contact him, take the advise two posts up.
I just tried that; they still said I couldn't get the claim reopened, even when I spoke to the manager.
However, the seller contacted me saying this:
As I said, I can refund you $850 now and the rest once the UPS
claim is sorted out. I'll go ahead and send it to you tonight.
It's also unacceptable that you lied to me about the damages.
I've been on the phone with UPS every day this week answering
questions about the changes to the amount of the claim (more
than double the original claim), which require additional
documentation so they know the damage is legitimate. I don't
know when they will finish processing the claim, but I'll let you
know when I find out more.
So, we'll see if I get the money.
Hopefully that works out, for future reference, only do returns when it is well documented on PayPal.
Well he's got the money and the Mac Pro so hopefully he refunds you the $850. It's not all of it but it's better then nothing at the moment! Good luck getting the rest. It may take a few more weeks for UPS to process that. For all my shipping I always use USPS.
Regarding the PayPal disupute; Did you ever escalate it??? I've only had one paypal dispute and as soon as the seller didn't respond within a day I escalated it. In my case the seller didn't respond to the escalation email and I was awarded the full refund and I got to keep the Mac Mini. Hindsight is 20/20 but if you only get one dispute you need escalate that as soon as possible... it get's PayPal involved and makes all communication go through them. If you didn't escalate it then to them it seems like you've received satisfactory communication from the seller and you're going to resolve it by yourself... you have GOT TO escalate it!!!!
Seriously, an hour with a heat gun and a rubber mallet and the computer would have been fine. It's the freaking case, I haven't seen the case to my mac pro in like a year, it's under the desk.
Even if the case was fixable, I would have returned it. No telling what other damage is just waiting to pop up after that shipping job...
First - this sounds less like a problem with this Mac Pro, and more like a problem with you being a little naive and inexperienced.
If I was the seller, I would have just refunded you the money in full and never talked to you again.
Seriously, an hour with a heat gun and a rubber mallet and the computer would have been fine. It's the freaking case, I haven't seen the case to my mac pro in like a year, it's under the desk.
I just got $850 from him, but freaking PayPal and their fees made it $825. But, now I know that I can trust him, so I'll just have to wait a while for the rest.
I didn't escalate it, and I should have.... oh well, now I know for the future...
He should have sent a partial refund.... Paypal Fees are also refunded when you send refunds, that way you get all your money back. He just sent you the money without clicking on the "send refund" link.
You posting about a heat gun and a mallet shows your ignorance when it comes to technology, no offense...
I wouldn't take a mallet and heat gun to that case without taking everything out first... and removing all the components is a big job by itself...