This is where it helps for me to pull the USB Stuff.EDIT2: It seems to be halting at the ethernet port initialization every time - not a random point as it was before.
This is where it helps for me to pull the USB Stuff.EDIT2: It seems to be halting at the ethernet port initialization every time - not a random point as it was before.
Hopefully, the change in where it hangs indicates that the patch is doing something on your system, and perhaps future additional startup patches will make a more positive difference. Maybe.EDIT: I'm getting about a 50% success/fail rate, which seems to be no effect from before this patch. SATA SSD on PCIe card, 11.3.1 w/FileVault, OC + Mojave on SSD in drive bay 1.
EDIT2: It seems to be halting at the ethernet port initialization every time - not a random point as it was before.
How does "1 out of 2,3 reboots" compare to what you saw before? Any change, or is it basically the same?your patcher result is 0 mine is 6:
Code:28:505 00:086 OCAK: 64-bit Patch gNVRAMSystemList (21may21) replace count - 1 28:521 00:015 OC: Kernel patcher result 6 for kernel (Patch gNVRAMSystemList (21may21)) - Success
Edit: Unfortunately I still have panics. 1 out of 2,3 reboots is successful.
Binary patching, especially in x86_64, doesn't work that way. The memory map is set when the kernel is linked - all the jumps, calls, and data references have fixed* addresses, and inserting/deleting something would move things around in memory, causing things to break. The best you can do is either identify something superfluous or innocuous to overwrite (as I did in this case), or, in the case of code patches, you can sometimes effectively relocate the original code by overwriting it with a long jump and replicating the original code in some (allocated) memory that you control, adding your patches there (which is how MouSSE works).Would it be better to patch in the variable as an addition instead of a replacement of another?
Bearing in mind that prevent-restores is flagged as being kept because of"problem 70476321"
Seems "problem 70476321", whatever that is, is presumably as yet unresolved.
More or less the same. I am on Beta 11.5How does "1 out of 2,3 reboots" compare to what you saw before? Any change, or is it basically the same?
Yes, it definitely made a change. I used to get very random hangs (with a few being more common, just not sequentially), but now it seems that every hang was at initializing ethernet. I'm testing Macschrauber's suggestion of pulling USB devices. Being a test machine, the only USB device is an Apple keyboard, which does contain a USB2 hub. The only problem with that is I encrypted my 11.3.1 drive to test that theory, so need to type in my password after OpenCore, but before boot, so I have to be quick.Hopefully, the change in where it hangs indicates that the patch is doing something on your system, and perhaps future additional startup patches will make a more positive difference. Maybe.
Also, out of curiosity, which of the cMPs in your signature are you testing on?
The only USB device I have connected on my test system is an Apple keyboard (which has a USB hub). I was getting about 50% success/fail with almost perfect success, fail, power off/on, success, fail, power off/on... (OXOXOX).This is where it helps for me to pull the USB Stuff.
i have no Filevault but also Apple Keyboard and Cinema Display. So 2 Hubs. i pulled bluetooth, too. Its a usb device as well. I have all in chain so its one usb plug to pull.The only USB device I have connected on my test system is an Apple keyboard (which has a USB hub). I was getting about 50% success/fail with almost perfect success, fail, power off/on, success, fail, power off/on... (OXOXOX).
Since I have FileVault on my 11.3.1 drive, I need to plug the keyboard in when I get to the passcode screen, then immediately unplug it after hitting enter. It seemed at first like I was getting better results with 3x successful reboots, then a fail, power off/on, success, fail, done. (OOOXOX).
Did you pull the USB connector to the BlueTooth adapter? I haven't done that, and use an original Apple trackpad with it.
No need.Re-bless via Martin's automator script?
Replace step 3 with... Run this terminal command from /EFI/EFI/OC to test your config.plist, and reformat it as necessary. Syncretic says this patch is picky about spaces, and if you simply cut & paste, all indentations are done with spaces, not tabs. This should clean that up (check it before and after to see).
- Copy/paste the patch with BBEdit
- Save the edited config file
- Re-bless via Martin's automator script?
- Kneel, pray, then reboot...
plutil -convert xml1 config.plist && plutil config.plist
Are you hiding your boot picker in OC? Is it the same as selecting 11.3.1 in OC boot picker? Or what exactly does ESC do in the process?I’m not sure if it helps, but if I hold Escape and choose “Big Sur” 11.3.1 housed on its own PCIe NVMe, the machine boots properly seemingly every time. I’ll have to keep an eye on this and confirm.
I am hiding the picker. Running OC 0.68 with the graphical boot picker.Are you hiding your boot picker in OC? Is it the same as selecting 11.3.1 in OC boot picker? Or what exactly does ESC do in the process?
Can you describe the circumstances in which it does not boot?I’m not sure if it helps, but running OC 0.68 with graphical boot picker hidden, when I hold Escape and choose “Big Sur” 11.3.1 housed on its own PCIe NVMe, the machine boots properly seemingly every time. I’ll have to keep an eye on this and confirm.
Edit: added OC version and hidden boot picker
It isn'tI was curious if the white text in my signature wasn't readable with a light theme.
Well, then you shouldn't be using the light theme. Get with the program, man. Mojave was SO 2 OS's ago...It isn't
If I let the machine go through it’s normal boot routine (without touching anything on the keyboard), then it will start Big Sur, show the Apple and status bar, then stall at about 30% or so.Can you describe the circumstances in which it does not boot?
Contrary to "Alternative Facts" widely circulated on the web, Mojave is perfectly capable of being set to the horrid dark mode ... thankfully something connoisseurs can disable.Get with the program, man. Mojave was SO 2 OS's ago
Indeed. Light Themers now know what your test and primary rigs are!should be visible in both light and dark themes now.
I’m not sure if it helps, but running OC 0.68 with graphical boot picker hidden, when I hold Escape and choose “Big Sur” 11.3.1 housed on its own PCIe NVMe, the machine boots properly seemingly every time. I’ll have to keep an eye on this and confirm.
Edit: added OC version and hidden boot picker
I hope that is not a joke. Can other forum members share similar experiences?Holding the ESCAPE Key and continueously tapping the enter key worked great.
I may have found something interesting. I really didn't expect this particular item to be "it", but so far, it's given me a 100% success rate regardless of the hardware configuration (disks/USB/etc.). I won't even consider calling it a solution until a lot of other people have tried it out, so please - give it a shot and let me know if it did anything for you.
For clarification, I built that config based on Martin's and applied Syncretic's kernel patch, and provided it for anyone who wanted to help test in the "OpenCore - on the Mac Pro" Facebook group.My 5,1 seems to be mostly OK with installing Big Sur 11.3.1 using OC 0.6.9 (and syncretic's unaltered config.plist)
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I've had installs take the first time with no issues, I've had most fail 1/2/3 times requiring a power cycle, and I've had the system drive become corrupted during install, 5x now actually. Twice I was able to recover by booting into recovery and performing a reinstall, but I've also had to wipe the system drive and start over.How can we deal with installation hanging continually?