On my Mac Pro 3,1 ... I tried to update to beta6 using a USB drive created with the 1.0.7 tool and after installing, it failed with the following on the APFS boot screen....
Searching for macOS Boot File...
Starting macOS...
Error loading kernel cache (0xe)
Boot failed; will sleep for 10 seconds before exiting...
I tried to reapply the patches and force the cache to be updated when it rebooted from the USB stick, but it still gave me the same error. I reinstalled beta5 and Catalina is back up and running again.
I'll try reformatting the SSD drive the next time I try (probably tomorrow) and see if it helps.
I currently have the latest Mojave on the SSD in bay 1 and Catalina beta5 on the SSD in bay 2.
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