I recently made a new version of USB OpenCoreAPFSloader2, this is an
alternate version to install OpenCoreAPFSloader on an external USB as EFI Boot volume, to store OpenCore configuration directly on the external USB without copying anything on the internal disks.
It can be installed in two ways:
1) Near an USB macOS Installer or USB macOS installation (so you can have a dual booting from apple startup manager)
2) On an empty USB drive (you can use any usb drive in case you need to quickly fix csrutil, amfi, no_compat_check, telemetry plugin and legacy usb kext)
Download here:
Moreover this version includes also "telemetrap.kext", developed thanks to
@Syncretic (the developer of
MouSSE), using telemetrap.kext allows to boot any Penryn Core2Duo while keeping the stock "com.apple.telemetry.plugin" (that since Mojave caused the kernel panic on any Penryn Core2Duo).
@Syncretic made a great work developing a kext upon my request, that eventually can be installed on SLE or /Library/Extensions/ , having it in kextcache prevents (without deleting or replacing) the telemetry plugin loading from xnu kernel.
telemetrap.kext results useful in many situations:
- works both on Mojave and Catalina
- can include it in any custom bootloader
- after any Software Update apple copied again the stock telemetry plugin, don't need more to delete it from single user mode
- can continue an OTA update or an upgrade macOS installer booting directly to the desktop without any kernel panic or bootloop