Thanks for that. Having the same issue so just disabled ReportCrash.Hey there, same exact machine as you and same problem after I installed DP2. I suspect it’s the OpenGL patches so I remedied it by disabling reportcrash in the terminal(copy and paste):
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Same issues here on my MBP8,1.So I've installed Catalina DP2 on my MacBook Air 4,2 and everything seems to be installed correctly. I'm getting acceleration, wifi, trackpad, the whole nine yards. However, when I look in Activity Monitor I notice that ReportCrash seems to be constantly shooting up to the top of the CPU list and then drops back down. If I open up Console, I see that universalaccessd, PerfPowerServices, and lockoutagent seem to be crashing multiple times per minute. I'm going to assume this has something to do with the patches for acceleration, but I was wondering if this is either a known bug or if I didn't apply something correctly.
I created the installer dosdude1's beta 15 installer, and then used the patches included in the installer during a reboot. Thanks for the help and great work all!