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What I don't get is why you guys are having an issue. With Barrykn patcher I was able to install with no additional fixes....I just don't understand how its not working for you guys? Are you following all instructions because honestly if your on bootrom then there shouldn't be any errors. Theres something your doing wrong....Someone doesn't just install bigsur on the same machine as you guys a report success if it actually worked. Theres a step you guys are missing and I reccomedn you read this forum along with Barrykn Github page!
I can install it without any extra kext. But occasionally while installing a fresh install I get stuck in a boot loop
I'm sure that you don't intend to come across as superior, smug or snotty, but if you did, you hit that note perfectly. Let me give you some background as to why I have chimed in on this issue. I have a total of 4 unsupported Macs, two of which are Mac Pro 5,1 12-core machines. I have successfully installed on the two non-MacPro machines without an issue, using the same USB stick and, of course, the same step 1-8 process outline by Barry in his MicroPatcher documentation. I have now tried a total of 6 times to install on the Mac Pro that I am using right now, including just a few minutes ago, having printed a fresh copy of the step from the GitHub MicroPatcher page and following the instructions letter by letter, just to make sure that I wasn't missing something. Guess what happened.... Bootloop!
This dude is starting to come off as a 🤡
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@nandor690 beeeee niceeeeee hahahaha. Honestly he’s probably frustrated and I dont blame him who wants to install Mac OS six times.......certainly not me only to have it startup and boot loop........what a waste of 50 minutes I feel bad for him! And to address @EdGlassgow to what your saying my man I don’t know. Without looking at your Mac Pro it’s hard to tell thing is I’ve installed it on my wife’s 3 times without any issues and on my system twice with no I dont mean to come off like the way you seem to think I’m coming off honestly just trying to do my part to help... . I’m fairly certain the issue lies in the kernel....the kernel is responsible for for startup procedures when you hit the power button and the apple logo appears. Kernel is responsible for processor support... .This is not an issue at the kext level either. I’ll take a peak at the xnu kernel today and sometime this week when I have some more time. I’ll try to see if I can’t come up with a solution I’m not saying I’ll fix the issue but ill look at it my man and try to figure it out for you! Its just weird that there's other people on this forum that have posted attesting that they've never had an issue with boot looping that's all I was trying to get at! I'm sorry if it came off the wrong way.
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apart of my patcher utilizes opencore I'm not sure if that's the fix.
I’ve followed the install instructions to the letter more times than I care to remember,
In fact I’ve been unable to install big sur from beta2 onwards each time the result is the same. Initial install screen starts and at 12 mins remaining it reboots to black apple and loading bar which gets about 10mm along the bar then it switches to a white apple and loading bar which fills up about the same then it stalls and reboots to constant bootloops.
I’ve done a verbose boot to see what’s going wrong, bearing in mind I’m no expert
To me it seem like a library verification issue
I may be wrong
I think I figured out what happened to me.. my iMac was already enrolled with beta profile and I think this caused some problem... I'm trying to remove it completely and start with a new download of the installer so everything is new, let's see
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There is something I’ve never seen mentioned in any supported or unsupported upgrade guide. It’s been my experience, regardless of the version of macOS, 2009 iMacs don’t receive every solid state at full 3.0Gbps speed. They consistently throttle down to a negotiated link speed of 1.5Gbps. However, using an Intel SATA II SSD does work every time I’ve installed it. So if your keeping a 2009 iMac alive and want full usablitly, keep this in mind. I think it has something to do with the chipset on the board for these models.
There is something I’ve never seen mentioned in any supported or unsupported upgrade guide. It’s been my experience, regardless of the version of macOS, 2009 iMacs don’t receive every solid state at full 3.0Gbps speed. They consistently throttle down to a negotiated link speed of 1.5Gbps. However, using an Intel SATA II SSD does work every time I’ve installed it. So if your keeping a 2009 iMac alive and want full usablitly, keep this in mind. I think it has something to do with the chipset on the board for these models.
It's a known issue related with the type of the controller in the SSD. Crucial SSDs, at least some, usually work well
Update: I finally managed to start the installation. I'm gonna explain what I have done.
First of all I realized my HD was named MacintoshSSD (instead of MacintoshHD). So I decided to backup my Mac, and with utility disk clean everything and reinstall Catalina from 0 changing the name. Once I did it, I redownloaded all the GitHub files and a new copy of Big Sur. did all the process again, changing even USB stick, and this time when I boot the Mac with usb I have the icon on the installer. I launched it and in this moment 29 mins remaining, let's see! thanks and sorry for my request of help that may have been stupid.
EDIT: after only 16 minutes it was complete.. I'm writing this post from Big Sur.
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I Just wanted to add my own success report, Big Sur works on a MacBook Pro 15 Retina (MacBookPro10,1 - Retina mid-2012) with the micro patcher of Barry (thanks !!!!).
Screenshot 2020-08-14 at 17.52.14.png

Install procedure I used :
  • On Mojave currently installed on my MBP :
    • Formatted an external USB drive and created 3 partitions on it :
      • Download_BS (30Gb) : will be used to install the official BS Installer app downloaded from post #2982
      • BS installer (16Gb) : will be used as a target for createinstall (see Barry's Wiki on GitHub)
      • Boot USB (200Gb) : Will be used as the boot drive for Big Sur once installed
    • Rebooted on Recovery partition and removed Firmware password
    • Reboot on mojave
  • Downloaded BS Beta Public (see post #2982)
  • Run it and Install it on volume Download_BS
  • run createinstall from volume Download_BS to volume BS Installer (see GitHub)
  • run
  • reboot and boot on volume BS Installer
  • run
  • Run Big Sur install, take a coffee and another and another
  • Your done -> finish install and use it !

What works :
  • Boot on external USB : OK
  • Accelerated Graphic : OK
    • NightShift : OK
    • Retina display : OK
    • Dark/Light mode : OK
    • HDMI : not tested yet
  • Wi-Fi. & Bluetooth : OK (I upgraded my internal wifi card years ago to have wifi AC)
    • Handoff : OK
    • Air Drop : OK
    • Air Pods 2 : not tested yet
    • Air Play Audio : OK
    • Air Play Full Screen : OK
  • Trackpad (all gesture) : OK
  • Audio (Internal speaker, line out/ line on, mic, Air Play) : OK (streamed from iTune Shared Library : OK but no artwork)
  • Internal webcam : OK
  • Thunderbolt 1 : OK (tested with Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet cable - 1 Gbp Full Duplex OK)
  • SD Card : OK
  • Sleep / Wake from menu : Ok
  • Sleep on lid close : OK (if not hooked to power adapter)
  • Run with lid closed : OK (when hooked to power adapter)
  • iCloud / iMessage / Facetime : not tested yet (I do not want to take any risk with my iCloud account)
What does not work so well :
  • MBP is very very hot even if CPU does not seems to be solicited (I won't hold it on my knees !)
  • Fans are nearly always on (low) and can be very noisy (need to let BS run a few hours to see if it is related to to post install stuff but I do not believe this is related to this)
  • Only NVIDIA Card is used (which probably participate the fact that the whole Mac is so hot)
  • Internal Intel HD 4000 "seen" by macOS but not used (cannot switch to it)
  • Fire Vault : does not work : Start to generate a Key but then fails with "encountered and internal error" (due to external USB Drive ?)
  • During installation and first user creation : user photo/image -> the default macOS user images are not displayed (blank screen)

Conclusion :
  • Very easy installation (thanks to all contributors !)
  • Run pretty well without any tweaking
  • I don't think I will use BS "as is" on this MBP in production :
    • Overheating makes it hard to use as a laptop on battery only
    • File Vault : need more testing but if not possible, it's a no-go for me
  • Need more testing from myself and see if next beta will improve the MBP temperature of if a tweak is found to use the Intel HD 4000.
This had just popped in my mind because I’ve been fiddling with the education version of one of these iMac.
I Just wanted to add my own success report, Big Sur works on a MacBook Pro 15 Retina (MacBookPro10,1 - Retina mid-2012) with the micro patcher of Barry (thanks !!!!).
View attachment 944090

Install procedure I used :
  • On Mojave currently installed on my MBP :
    • Formatted an external USB drive and created 3 partitions on it :
      • Download_BS (30Gb) : will be used to install the official BS Installer app downloaded from post #2982
      • BS installer (16Gb) : will be used as a target for createinstall (see Barry's Wiki on GitHub)
      • Boot USB (200Gb) : Will be used as the boot drive for Big Sur once installed
    • Rebooted on Recovery partition and removed Firmware password
    • Reboot on mojave
  • Downloaded BS Beta Public (see post #2982)
  • Run it and Install it on volume Download_BS
  • run createinstall from volume Download_BS to volume BS Installer (see GitHub)
  • run
  • reboot and boot on volume BS Installer
  • run
  • Run Big Sur install, take a coffee and another and another
  • Your done -> finish install and use it !

What works :
  • Boot on external USB : OK
  • Accelerated Graphic : OK
    • NightShift : OK
    • Retina display : OK
    • Dark/Light mode : OK
    • HDMI : not tested yet
  • Wi-Fi. & Bluetooth : OK (I upgraded my internal wifi card years ago to have wifi AC)
    • Handoff : OK
    • Air Drop : OK
    • Air Pods 2 : not tested yet
    • Air Play Audio : OK
    • Air Play Full Screen : OK
  • Trackpad (all gesture) : OK
  • Audio (Internal speaker, line out/ line on, mic, Air Play) : OK (streamed from iTune Shared Library : OK but no artwork)
  • Internal webcam : OK
  • Thunderbolt 1 : OK (tested with Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet cable - 1 Gbp Full Duplex OK)
  • SD Card : OK
  • Sleep / Wake from menu : Ok
  • Sleep on lid close : OK (if not hooked to power adapter)
  • Run with lid closed : OK (when hooked to power adapter)
  • iCloud / iMessage / Facetime : not tested yet (I do not want to take any risk with my iCloud account)
What does not work so well :
  • MBP is very very hot even if CPU does not seems to be solicited (I won't hold it on my knees !)
  • Fans are nearly always on (low) and can be very noisy (need to let BS run a few hours to see if it is related to to post install stuff but I do not believe this is related to this)
  • Only NVIDIA Card is used (which probably participate the fact that the whole Mac is so hot)
  • Internal Intel HD 4000 "seen" by macOS but not used (cannot switch to it)
  • Fire Vault : does not work : Start to generate a Key but then fails with "encountered and internal error" (due to external USB Drive ?)
  • During installation and first user creation : user photo/image -> the default macOS user images are not displayed (blank screen)

Conclusion :
  • Very easy installation (thanks to all contributors !)
  • Run pretty well without any tweaking
  • I don't think I will use BS "as is" on this MBP in production :
    • Overheating makes it hard to use as a laptop on battery only
    • File Vault : need more testing but if not possible, it's a no-go for me
  • Need more testing from myself and see if next beta will improve the MBP temperature of if a tweak is found to use the Intel HD 4000.
I have one of those and temperatures are normal. The graphics card doesn't switch, hopefully someone will solve this in the future. It doesn't sem to affect the power consumption very much
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Talking about Big Sur Potential for iMac 2011

After waiting a long time for the explorations on this Big Sur thread I gave the micro patcher by @Barry K. Nathan a run and installed Big Sur (public beta) on my modded iMac 2011, BCM943602CDP, K4100M by @nikey22 and have now a running and sleeping system. The Kepler based Nvidia Quadro K4100M is metal compatible and at the performance level of the GTX 780M.

To get the additional (patched) extensions we need to be installed on this modded iMacs I modified the script (and renamed it), added a new zipped kext package to the kexts folder. After sleep problems during the first installation @highvoltage12v figured out that the current 0.0.20 micro patcher did not include the latest IO80211Family.kext he had published here on this thread.

For this reason I have attached the more recent and working one together with the iMac package and the modified script here. This works currently for iMac with Nvidia cards!

The AMD modded systems (WX4xxx and WX7100) need the iMacProID patched version of the AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext. This extension has to be added currently manually. Otherwise sleep will not work.

There are two new command line options:

--2011-iMac-no-wifi (to be used with an ac compatible WIFI card like the BCM94360*)


--2011-iMac (installs the IO80211Family.kext, to be used with the stock WIFI card)

I hope @Barry K. Nathan may include this changes to his patcher, soon.

Thanks to both @highvoltage12v and @Barry K. Nathan and the other well known contributors for letting me write this message sitting in front of a 9 year old iMac running Big Sur! Thanks to @meggle pointing out the mount method to modify the system.

Using the mount method editing framework plist files will work instantly and do not need a reboot and will be persistent and do not need a new snapshot. Did this to enable Continuity by editing the "/Volume/ROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist". After quitting the editor the change became active and my iPhone showed up.
One can easily add or modify extensions using this way, it needs to run kmutil and creating a new snapshot at the and.
Potential of Big Sur on modded iMacs (part II)
I tried several installations on basically the same machine equipped with an AMD Polaris WX4170 GPU (recognized as RX560 or RX460 depending on the BIOS version you use).

All these attempts failed at the same point after first reboot waiting the 29 minutes after the progress bar went down to 21 minutes (software update error).

Running the very same installer connected back to the Nvidia GPU modded iMac works fine - so currently for an unknown reason the Public Beta 1 treats the same machine in different ways just depending on the GPU installed.

Currently the installation will be finished on the K4100M system (Nvidia) and configured to be used with OpenCore and a spoofed iMacPro1,1 board-id. The external SSD will be then used with the AMD system.

This is just an update for the people trying hard to install the Public Beta 1 using @Barry K. Nathan's great micro patcher.

In case an iMac 2011 owner with an AMD Polaris GPU installed has more success with the micro patcher, please just let me know...

Replying to my own post has something weird....
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Eeekkk really hesitant on posing this my modified patcher I made for my Mac Pro is kinda turning into more then I bargained....long story short in august of 2011 amd had started designing drivers for amd chipsets in the early 2011 MacBook Pro. The drivers themselves were never available for download unlike nvidias prepackaged installers....however my buddy is a former engineer and there’s a long story about it but five months prior to the release of the 2011 line amd was in a time crunch battle with nvidia and apple had been very close to dropping amd completely because of the size of there chips....those drivers were archived and rediscovered by my buddy on a flash drive he had sitting around from stuff when packed up his office....and so I’m like yeah great beta drivers that are useless considering the Kexts that shipped with lion/mountain lion are newer then the copy he had on the flash drive. I noticed something different and missing amdlegacysupport.kext and amdcontroller.kext....I kid you not they merged both into a s single file called amdcore.kext both had bits of code from the missing kexts and the Mach_kernel that was in the archive had just some small modifications to how it loaded when Mac OS I’m rambling.....the reason I’m posting this because I said screw it and I installed them on a mid 2011 iMac and your not going to believe it full acceleration o_O now granted it’s not fully metal compatible and thanks to dosdudes fix for the dark menu bar and sidebar in’s stable and useable. Just did a 20 minute sample video in finalcut. I have it working under Catalina and under high Sierra. Buddies brining his MacBook Pro over tomorrow which is a 2011 and we’re going to try it to see if it works in your asking yourself why is he posting this under bigsur....the driver ALSO WORKS ON BIGSUR....kinda no transparency but full frame buffer support for screen resolution and external monitors connect to thunderbolt with no issues. I’m going to keep fiddling with it but I wanted to ask if anyone had a 2011 MacBook Pro preferably late 2011 with Radeon 6770 that would like to be a Guinea pig. You just need to know to boot into verbose and grab me some screenshots as it’s booting. To be clear I am not a driver developer and this would be at your own risk!
Also as a side not I have not tested the driver on bigsur beta 4/public just beta 2. Any iMac owners with original amd graphics wanna try hit me up I’ll sendem over
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Eeekkk really hesitant on posing this my modified patcher I made for my Mac Pro is kinda turning into more then I bargained....long story short in august of 2011 amd had started designing drivers for amd chipsets in the early 2011 MacBook Pro. The drivers themselves were never available for download unlike nvidias prepackaged installers....however my buddy is a former engineer and there’s a long story about it but five months prior to the release of the 2011 line amd was in a time crunch battle with nvidia and apple had been very close to dropping amd completely because of the size of there chips....those drivers were archived and rediscovered by my buddy on a flash drive he had sitting around from stuff when packed up his office....and so I’m like yeah great beta drivers that are useless considering the Kexts that shipped with lion/mountain lion are newer then the copy he had on the flash drive. I noticed something different and missing amdlegacysupport.kext and amdcontroller.kext....I kid you not they merged both into a s single file called amdcore.kext both had bits of code from the missing kexts and the Mach_kernel that was in the archive had just some small modifications to how it loaded when Mac OS I’m rambling.....the reason I’m posting this because I said screw it and I installed them on a mid 2011 iMac and your not going to believe it full acceleration o_O now granted it’s not fully metal compatible and thanks to dosdudes fix for the dark menu bar and sidebar in’s stable and useable. Just did a 20 minute sample video in finalcut. I have it working under Catalina and under high Sierra. Buddies brining his MacBook Pro over tomorrow which is a 2011 and we’re going to try it to see if it works in your asking yourself why is he posting this under bigsur....the driver ALSO WORKS ON BIGSUR....kinda no transparency but full frame buffer support for screen resolution and external monitors connect to thunderbolt with no issues. I’m going to keep fiddling with it but I wanted to ask if anyone had a 2011 MacBook Pro preferably late 2011 with Radeon 6770 that would like to be a Guinea pig. You just need to know to boot into verbose and grab me some screenshots as it’s booting. To be clear I am not a driver developer and this would be at your own risk!

Hi all of you on the Forum Concerned about getting Big Sur Up, and running on your System's.
I would really like to Participate in trying this AMD Graphics driver out.
I already gave almost up on getting my early 2011 MacBook Pro 8.2 running on Big Sur with Graphics fully Accelerated.
I've tried the first two Beta's of Big Sur, but, without Graphic Acceleration enabled on my Dedicated AMD, it's almost useless till now.
I went back to High Sierra alredy.
Anything works fine on Mojave and Catalina, except the AMD, as you all know.
I would Love getting Mojave, or Catalina at least fully Accelerated and therefore fully working.
I'll test those Driver out if you will send it to me.
Thank you so much for the Opportunity and Hope who comes with it.
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Eeekkk really hesitant on posing this my modified patcher I made for my Mac Pro is kinda turning into more then I bargained....long story short in august of 2011 amd had started designing drivers for amd chipsets in the early 2011 MacBook Pro. The drivers themselves were never available for download unlike nvidias prepackaged installers....however my buddy is a former engineer and there’s a long story about it but five months prior to the release of the 2011 line amd was in a time crunch battle with nvidia and apple had been very close to dropping amd completely because of the size of there chips....those drivers were archived and rediscovered by my buddy on a flash drive he had sitting around from stuff when packed up his office....and so I’m like yeah great beta drivers that are useless considering the Kexts that shipped with lion/mountain lion are newer then the copy he had on the flash drive. I noticed something different and missing amdlegacysupport.kext and amdcontroller.kext....I kid you not they merged both into a s single file called amdcore.kext both had bits of code from the missing kexts and the Mach_kernel that was in the archive had just some small modifications to how it loaded when Mac OS I’m rambling.....the reason I’m posting this because I said screw it and I installed them on a mid 2011 iMac and your not going to believe it full acceleration o_O now granted it’s not fully metal compatible and thanks to dosdudes fix for the dark menu bar and sidebar in’s stable and useable. Just did a 20 minute sample video in finalcut. I have it working under Catalina and under high Sierra. Buddies brining his MacBook Pro over tomorrow which is a 2011 and we’re going to try it to see if it works in your asking yourself why is he posting this under bigsur....the driver ALSO WORKS ON BIGSUR....kinda no transparency but full frame buffer support for screen resolution and external monitors connect to thunderbolt with no issues. I’m going to keep fiddling with it but I wanted to ask if anyone had a 2011 MacBook Pro preferably late 2011 with Radeon 6770 that would like to be a Guinea pig. You just need to know to boot into verbose and grab me some screenshots as it’s booting. To be clear I am not a driver developer and this would be at your own risk!
Cmon post it and let us try it
Cmon post it and let us try it

You need to send me the model id number of your system so I can add it into the kext. The kexts are for pre 2011 MacBook Pros specifically.....there’s no other machines listed in the kexts. I manually added my machines in to get it working.....usually kexts in final Mac releases have support by device ids because they have to support a wide array of older machines....because these are development drivers like I said they were stripped out because these were solely designed for use in the MacBook Pro....I need your model Id ie macpro5,1, 4,1 etc so I can add it in!
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You need to send me the model id number of your system so I can add it into the kext. The kexts are for pre 2011 MacBook Pros specifically.....there’s no other machines listed in the kexts. I manually added my machines in to get it working.....usually kexts in final Mac releases have support by device ids because they have to support a wide array of older machines....because these are development drivers like I said they were stripped out because these were solely designed for use in the MacBook Pro....I need your model Id ie macpro5,1, 4,1 etc so I can add it in!
No you misunderstood, I was asking about the patch tool you have created for Macpro’s
Not the kext you have found in regards to AMD graphics
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You need to send me the model id number of your system so I can add it into the kext. The kexts are for pre 2011 MacBook Pros specifically.....there’s no other machines listed in the kexts. I manually added my machines in to get it working.....usually kexts in final Mac releases have support by device ids because they have to support a wide array of older machines....because these are development drivers like I said they were stripped out because these were solely designed for use in the MacBook Pro....I need your model Id ie macpro5,1, 4,1 etc so I can add it in!
That doesn’t make any sense
Why not, I'm certain it is a MacBook Pro 8.2 , 2011 Model. About the AMD, i just looked it up in the System Profiler to be sure what i write is true.
I can Install Big Sure if that's what you mean ?
but I'll need to download the latest version first.
UPDATE #3 on my patcher:
I have pretty much finalized the patching part. It works. It's awesome. I am now working on my website and will be making an app to run the patcher, so it feels more fluid without copying and pasting code. It may take me a LONG time to make an app. In order to get the patcher out ASAP, can anyone recommend me a free no-code or low-code desktop app builder? I will still work on an app developed with SwiftUI in Xcode, but would like to get the patcher out soon.
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