Will I be able to update as normal through the Software Update preferences pane once I install it on my mid 2012 MBP? Or will I have to go through the whole USB Installer process again?
Help....anyone....help!HELP. Installing on Mac Mini 2012. Following @Barry K. Nathan instructions. Stuck at Step 10, keep getting no entry symbol on the black screen. Tried rebooting a few times, tried resetting NVRAM, then repeating Step 9, then Step 10 get to the No Entry sign again. Help. Thanks
PS: The No Entry sign I get is just a circle with a diagonal line through it and a link to some apple boot help website.
Did you go to the Option Boot screen and run EFI to boot.This will set necessary NVRAM parameters. It should quickly turn off. Then restart with Option and select the installer partition.Help....anyone....help!
Yes. Did that many times. No luck. Also tried booting Cmd-R into Recovery mode, then opening Terminal and typing this command sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check"Did you go to the Option Boot screen and run EFI to boot.This will set necessary NVRAM parameters. It should quickly turn off. Then restart with Option and select the installer partition.
click on view in pull down arrow and select show all to see the partition other details. apple hides this for simplicity some OS version ago.Late 2013 iMac
In Step 4. I Used Disk Utility to erase the USB stick using "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" format but didn't find> "GUID Partition Map" scheme until I looked in the Apple UDZIF read only Media and I see Partition Map> GUID Partition Map. I'm lost now.
When I got to step 7 everything went fine and the I got this. How do I get to the GUID Partition Map part?
I don't see it anywhere.
I'm computer illiterate so I guess I need an easier how to or just forget it.
How do I get the USB drive to set from MBR to GUID? During format?click on view in pull down arrow and select show all to see the partition other details. apple hides this for simplicity some OS version ago.
Is there any way to get external video to work off of a MBP 13 inch?Upgraded successfully on my MacBook Pro 9,2 (13 inch, Mid 2012 model) using described USB instructions and kext patcher.
One thing I notice wrong straight off however, I cannot get an external display to connect using a thunderbolt to HDMI adapter where it worked in Catalina. Is this an already known limitation?
start up disk utility. Upper left hand corner of the screen is the view tab arrow. click on the arrow and select show all. click on the usb device. click erase button. last field choose GUID. if still lost use google image search for pictures.How do I get the USB drive to set from MBR to GUID? During format?
Upgraded successfully on my MacBook Pro 9,2 (13 inch, Mid 2012 model) using described USB instructions and kext patcher.
One thing I notice wrong straight off however, I cannot get an external display to connect using a thunderbolt to HDMI adapter where it worked in Catalina. Is this an already known limitation?
Thanks for the check, after all I found out my HDMI was not plugged properly on the other end.MacBook Pro Retina 15" Mid 2012: I'm still on 20B28, my external HDMI display is connected using Elgato Thunderbolt 2 dock and it works.
i had the same problem, redownloaded the installer and it worked the second timeI downloaded Big Sur 11.0.1 20B29
installassistant.pkg from the link posted earlier
I ran the installassistant.pkg and it created the Install macOS Big Sur.app
I ran the app and updated my install of Big Sur 11.0.1 RC2 on my 2012 Macbook Pro no problems
But after updating ...
Using createmedia to make the Big Sur 11.0.1 20B29 USB boot drive
I get this error:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/UNTITLED
Ready to start.
To continue we need to erase the volume at /Volumes/UNTITLED.
If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: Y
Erasing disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%... 100%
Copying to disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... 100%
Making disk bootable...
Couldn't extract BaseSystem to path: /Volumes/Install macOS Big Sur/BaseSystem
The bless of the installer disk failed.
How can I manually Bless the USB drive?
That would seem to include the 2012 Mac Minis, which have been desupported anyway. Gotta make people buy a new one!
#5.982Hi all, iMac late 2012 here.
before I try to make it work on a half dead HDD (only SSD 128GB is alive)... I need to double check:
I downloaded wrong one haven't I? 20B28 (it should be 20B29 ?).
I guess the link shared was not final release but a beta? I am out of touch with everything, so if anyone able to share a working apple link of the latest pckg, it would be awesome.
That is intriguing. Worth a try? Do you have pure SSD or Fusion?Just a question.
I currently have a late 2013 iMac 27" (currently waiting for my M1 Mac Mini to ship) and if I go to Big Sur in the AppStore it says that "this mac is supported" under "Information". I thought that my iMac wouldn't be supported.
Should I try to run the installer?