I have been trying to upgrade my iMac 13,1 from Catalina to Big Sur. My iMac was upgraded a year ago to 16Gb RAM, a 500Gb SSD and a later wi-fi card.
However, I have a problem.
I can create the bootable USB. I get as far as downloading the OCLPatcher and it builds the Open Core no problem, but when I get to the "Install to USB/internal drive” it does not see my USB drive. The heading reads - Missing Disks? Ensure they have an EFI or FAT32 partition. It then lists "a. disk 0 which is my SSD or B. Back and please select etc.
I’ve tried using OCLP 0.1.5 and also OCLP 0.1.6 but the result is the same. I've tried Kingston and Scandisk USBs of varying sizes and in different USB port on my iMac. I've been through the whole process several times but none of the USBs appear.
I'm obviously missing something, so where do I go from here?