Ow to get the wifi working
Ow to get the wifi working
When I start this I am getting this?Looks like you guys already got this sorted, but it was a simple fix for the "Hax.dylib" thing if anybody with a non-APFS Mac would like to test this. Please report your results if anyone uses it!
Hax2 definitely disabled volume sealing when I tested it. I'll test Hax3 soon, probably tomorrow, and see whether volume sealing happens.That's weird... the inability to mount a BS disk on Cat comes from the volume sealing feature, which my installer hack is supposed to disable.
You have a couple issues -- looks like a weird quote got into your boot args, and the AMFI flag is supposed to be part of that, not its own key. Copy this command exactly and it should be resolved.When I start this I am getting this?
View attachment 929210
Edit: I added those boot args but know I am getting this warning;
View attachment 929215
View attachment 929216
Should I continue?
sudo nvram boot-args='-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1'
Thank you for testing it! Version 3 was just to disable an APFS support check and doesn't alter any sealing stuff, so I don't think you need to check it. But go ahead if you want to!Hax2 definitely disabled volume sealing when I tested it. I'll test Hax3 soon, probably tomorrow, and see whether volume sealing happens.
and how do you install it? via usb boot? do you re edit the beta.app file?Hi all,
I have a MBP mid 2012 (not Retina), and the installation of Big Sur on a external disk worked perfectly. For the WiFi I used the method described here.
At step 2, as it was impossible to boot on recovery partition of Big Sur, I had to create a bootable installer on an USB stick with this method.
At step 7 do ain Terminal to know the number of the preboot partition of Big Sur. It may have changed between the moment where you where on Big Sur and the moment where you boot on the usb installer.Code:diskutil list
I tried that app. The installer starts on non-APFS but after the restart, I got prohibited sign again.I also made an USB installer with createinstall à la jackluke post #215.
It behaves the same as yours - prohibited sign in the end.
In my case I guess it has to do with USB access from within the installer (my machine is a mid 2009 MBP5,2). I'll try further.
ASentientBot has made a fix for using the BS installer from within Catalina (Hax3.app from his post #1091) which avoids the "firmware..." message. It provides an extry dylib to the installer. Works fine for me.
Making WiFi work on Big Sur unsupported Macs with “failed with 66” error
How to make wifi work on unsupported macs running Big Sur, if you have “failed with 66” errormedium.com
This is the method I used to make a USB Installer for Big Sur https://parrotgeek.com/bigsur/I tried that app. The installer starts on non-APFS but after the restart, I got prohibited sign again.
Any hope the extensions folder is still locked even after the csrutil command and using sudo mount -uw / doesnt let me put the kext in the extensions folder and when I try the Catalina install and do the kext placing there and proceed with the terminal stufff the big sur partition doesn’t boot, it’s my fifth time restoring from the external drive to the Big Sur partition and just wanna get wifi working sudo mount -uw / doesn’t give me any errors but I can’t place the kext in the folder
Finally I was able to get the kext in through big sur and currently restarting
Well a simple adding off killall finder after the sudo commandhow did you put it?
If you have snapshots disabled, you should be able to just boot your Big Sur volume in single user mode and run
(If you get an error with theCode:mount -uw / mv /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/com.apple.telemetry.plugin / exit
command, there are various workarounds posted in the thread, all of which seem to be either unreliable or a real pain. I use this currently and it works but is a hassle.)
Thank you, but I cannot access the BS Recovery with Command + R. It crashes after screen becoming white from black.
But I'm avalable for all alpha/beta testing that you and @dosdude1 need for macOS Big Sur Patcher on Core 2 Duo Penryn
Using Cat Recovery, I don't have /UserEventPlugins/ folder in "Big Sur - Dati" volume... 🤔
I started installing to a USB disk, and got the same behaviour. Also had to set the nvram boot-args as you before doing Hax3.I tried that app. The installer starts on non-APFS but after the restart, I got prohibited sign again.
In terms of ease of use, my patcher won't catch up to ParrotGeek's until maybe next week. (I plan to do a new release of my patcher, v0.0.5, today or tomorrow, but it will still be a little harder to use than ParrotGeek's.)This is the method I used to make a USB Installer for Big Sur https://parrotgeek.com/bigsur/