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SUCCESS installing Beta 2 on Macmini 2010 (Macmini4,1) 100 GB internal SSD:
- Patched installer with @ASentientBot Hax3 from Catalina internal SSD.
- Started first install from macOS beta installer beta without @jackluke OpenCoreLoader3 due to BIE error 3.
- When installed I have used @jackluke fixes 2-3 for prekernel, USB and WIFI, loading Big Sur SSD with OpenCoreLoader3



10 DAYS FOR 1ST INSTALLATION, 4 HOURS FOR INSTALLING BETA 2 thanks to @jackluke , @ASentientBot @parrotgeek1


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Installing Beta 2 on Macmini 2010 internal SSD:
- Patched installer with @ASentientBot Hax3
from Catalina internal SSD.
- Started first install from macOS beta installer beta without @jackluke OpenCoreLoader3 due to BIE error 3.
-When installed I will use @jackluke fixes 2-3-4 for prekernel, USB and WIFI, loading Big Sur SSD with OpenCoreLoader3

From BigSur Beta 2 after installation, you need also to reduce the transparency prior booting, otherwise non-Metal Nvidia Tesla crashes after loginUI :

I don't know yet if this additional step is required also for IntelHD3000 , but surely any Legacy Nvidia GeForce Tesla requires it.
“An Internet connection is required to install macOS”. I am having this issue on 13’’ mid-2012 macbook pro. Can any body help me??


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I found in 65 page that message #1,602. Is this link a right link?

Should I have a registration in Apple Development Program to download? I have only beta tester registration.
I downloaded the full installer in my Catalina partition and then used ASentientBot's Hax3 app ( in the 1st attachment - after putting ..... sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1" in Catalina terminal and just installed the 2nd Beta over the top of the 1st Beta.

It installed and then after reboot it crashed so I put the 2nd attachment ( Boot.plist file into the Big Sur Preboot ) Catalina terminal .....

diskutil apfs list

(find the Preboot for Big Sur.......say perhaps it is disk3s2)

diskutil mount disk3s2 ( or whatever the Preboot is for you)

open /Volumes/Preboot

and then in the Finder pop up go to System/Library/Coreservices and copy into in the Boot.plist

Reboot and you will have Beta 2 as before without having to go through the process of putting all your country info etc as you would do with a fresh install.

I think on my MacBook Pro 5,4 the sound was still working but I think I perhaps had to reapply the prelinkedkernel to get WIFI going again and all files etc were untouched after the ' dirty ' install.

Sorry if I am stating the obvious in some of the instructions ;)

I rebooted back into Big Sur using OpencoreAPFSloader the 1st time and then subsequently have been able to just boot into Big Sur normally.


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Should I have a registration in Apple Development Program to download? I have only beta tester registration.
In theory, the beta is only released to people in Apple's Developer program at the moment. Later this month it's supposed to open up to the beta program as well. Sometimes Apple releases betas to the beta program one day later than to the developer program, so I guess we'll see later today if that happens. If not, then it'll probably open up to the beta program around 2 weeks from now (when the Developer program gets beta 3, or maybe the day after that).

In practical terms, the download link works without being logged into the Developer site, and I think it's unlikely that Apple will be prosecuting anyone who downloads it without being in the Developer program -- but keep in mind that I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.
I will do a clean beta 2 installation, I only have Catalina 10.15.3 and High Sierra on MacBook6.1
I have OpenCore 0.6.0 latest commit with working kext injection on Big Sur (hackintoshers now install with it BS 2 directly), spoofing board-id to iMac14,4, USB Legacy for iMac14,4 checking in Catalina. Telemetrap kext also, if still working on BS I don't know.
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I will do a clean beta 2 installation, I only have Catalina 10.15.3 and High Sierra on MacBook6.1
I have OpenCore 0.6.0 latest commit with working kext injection on Big Sur, spoofing board-id to iMac14,4, USB Legacy for iMac14,4 checking in Catalina. Telemetrap kext also, if still working on BS I don't know.
I have Catalina 10.15.6 ( or whatever the latest one is ) and Big Sur beta 2 on the main drive and Windows 10 on the other drive within a CD/DVD drive caddy on my MacBook Pro 5,4 ( mid 2009). Good luck with the clean install ....
Funny thing, now after a clean BigSur beta2 install I also have a sealed snapshot system volume and can't use "sudo mount -uw /", while the "Big Sur Data Volume" is already unlocked for any Big Sur installation, booting from another HighSierra I can detect also the "Big Sur System Volume" and it's already mounted as writeable, instead booting from Catalina the BigSur beta2 System and Data are merged in one only writeable Volume.
Funny thing, now after a clean BigSur beta2 install I also have a sealed snapshot system volume and can't use "sudo mount -uw /", while the "Big Sur Data Volume" is already unlocked for any Big Sur installation, booting from another HighSierra I can detect also the "Big Sur System Volume" and it's already mounted as writeable, instead booting from Catalina the BigSur beta2 System and Data are merged in one only writeable Volume.
I have both Big Sur Data and System shown in Finder on my Catalina partition though when I installed Big Sur Beta 1 I did a ' Transfer from another Mac - of settings and network ' when going through the initial set up.
Funny thing, now after a clean BigSur beta2 install I also have a sealed snapshot system volume and can't use "sudo mount -uw /", while the "Big Sur Data Volume" is already unlocked for any Big Sur installation, booting from another HighSierra I can detect also the "Big Sur System Volume" and it's already mounted as writeable, instead booting from Catalina the BigSur beta2 System and Data are merged in one only writeable Volume.

FYI, I sent parrotgeek1 and dosdude1 the attached files and the following description of the current situation with building a prelinkedkernel under snapshots. The method described should work if you don't need the legacy usb injection.

I have been experimenting with building prelinked kernels in the presence of snapshots on an unsupported MacPro 3,1 using a copy of Big Sur Beta 2 installed on an external usb drive attached to a supported MacBook Pro 14,1. The attached almost_working_big_sur_kext_recipe.txt file documents the steps I took to do this. The attached system-prelinked-kernel.log file contains the terminal output during the execution of the steps...

sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk7s5 /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint
sudo touch /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint/Library/Extensions/
sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint mount -uw /
sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

This kernel at prelinkedkernel.snapshot_system-prelinked-kernel is able to boot properly with the exception of the LegacyUSBInjector.kext. The result is that booting with this prelinkedkernel under Big Sur Beta 2 on a MacPro 3,1 produces the graphical display that requests a Bluetooth Keyboard be found due to the absence of a usb one. The fact that this appears indicates that all the other kext are being properly loaded from the prelinkedkernel aside from the changes associated with LegacyUSBInjector.kext.

Any idea what could be going wrong here? I don't see any obvious errors in the output from the execution...

sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

in the attached system-prelinked-kernel.log. Also a simple check of the prelinkedkernel shows...

$ grep -c System prelinkedkernel.snapshot_system-prelinked-kernel
$ grep -c Library prelinkedkernel.snapshot_system-prelinked-kernel
$ grep -c howarth prelinkedkernel.snapshot_system-prelinked-kernel

which indicates that the mount point of the mounted snapshot is not creeping into the created prelinkedkernel past the chroot.

Any ideas of what I might try here to resolve this issue? Also, if you have an unsupported Mac with Big Sur installed (which can use the Catalina Patcher copy of AppleHDA.kext and the Catalina copy of IO80211Family.kext) can you confirm that the attached prelinkedkernel boots fine when LegacyUSBInjector.kext isn't required? I assume that the default usb system is still present but we are losing the changes that LegacyUSBInjector.kext is supposed to add.
I am still confused about how kextcache is supposed to detect the changes in LegacyUSBInjector.kext since it has no binary code and doesn't register in System Profiler under patched Catalina as being loaded extension. The man page description of...

This option is a convenience to update the prelinked kernel used
for startup on the root volume, with all kexts in /Sys-
tem/Library/Extensions and /Library/Extensions that have been
loaded to date. This option implies -all-loaded

...certainly suggests that this might be a problem as it is focused on loaded extensions only.

ps Note that I had to create the directory. /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels and the symlink pointing to /System/Library/Caches at /Library/Apple/System/Library/Caches in the mounted snapshot for the command...

sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

to be able to create the symlink to the startup cache for the prelinked kernel.


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I have both Big Sur Data and System shown in Finder on my Catalina partition though when I installed Big Sur Beta 1 I did a ' Transfer from another Mac - of settings and network ' when going through the initial set up.
So it's not an update of Beta 1, but a fresh install followed by an import, right ?
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FYI, I sent parrotgeek1 and dosdude1 the attached files and the following description of the current situation with building a prelinkedkernel under snapshots. The method described should work if you don't need the legacy usb injection.

I have been experimenting with building prelinked kernels in the presence of snapshots on an unsupported MacPro 3,1 using a copy of Big Sur Beta 2 installed on an external usb drive attached to a supported MacBook Pro 14,1. The attached almost_working_big_sur_kext_recipe.txt file documents the steps I took to do this. The attached system-prelinked-kernel.log file contains the terminal output during the execution of the steps...

sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk7s5 /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint
sudo touch /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint/Library/Extensions/
sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint mount -uw /
sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

I am still confused about how kextcache is supposed to detect the changes in LegacyUSBInjector.kext since it has no binary code and doesn't register in System Profiler under patched Catalina as being loaded extension. The man page description of...

This option is a convenience to update the prelinked kernel used
for startup on the root volume, with all kexts in /Sys-
tem/Library/Extensions and /Library/Extensions that have been
loaded to date. This option implies -all-loaded

...certainly suggests that this might be a problem as it is focused on loaded extensions only.

ps Note that I had to create the directory. /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels and the symlink pointing to /System/Library/Caches at /Library/Apple/System/Library/Caches in the mounted snapshot for the command...

sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel

to be able to create the symlink to the startup cache for the prelinked kernel.

Try this:

should work for any non-APFS Mac enabling legacy usb devices on BigSur Beta 2 .

I guess apple developers involuntary left a legacy prelinkedkernel because their aim is only to use BootKernelExtensions.kc .
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@ASentientBot I guess I figured out how to skip WindowServer crashes after a clean BigSur Beta 2 install from a non-Metal Nvidia GeForce Tesla, it's required the "Reduce Transparency" preset before booting, it is not so simple to apply from a sealed snapshot BigSur System but essentially this should work, there are many ways:

defaults write reduceTransparency -bool true

or pre-editing this: ~/Library/Preferences/
(note this is a binary plist needs to convert to xml to edit or use Xcode)

or (provided that "automatic login" is disabled) reducing transparency directly from BigSur loginUI lockscreen with: ⌘ cmd + ⌥ alt + F5

and I add that my prelinkedkernel beta1 fixes still work, provided that for non-Metal GPU the transparency is reduced prior to BigSur booting.

While instead the Ivy Bridge prelinkedkernel fix beta1 will work on beta2 even with transparency enabled for any Metal GPU and for any Wifi card.

I attached my already "reduced transparency" binary plist for BigSur beta 2 non-Metal GPU, from another APFS macOS the path to replace is:

diskutil list
(locate your BigSurBeta2 Data Volume)
diskutil mount diskXsY

and replace here the attached file (show hidden folders from Finder with ⌘ cmd + ⇧ shift + . ):

/Volumes/BigSurBeta2 - Data Volume/Users/username/Library/Preferences/
Thanks for the heads up and solution @jackluke! I haven't gotten the beta installed yet, but I will report back when I do.

You haven't replaced any OpenGL/GPUSupport files, right? Just the kexts and bundles in /System/Library/Extensions/? Or is this with a completely stock system, without even the brightness control/framebuffer kexts?
Thanks for the heads up and solution @jackluke! I haven't gotten the beta installed yet, but I will report back when I do.

You haven't replaced any OpenGL/GPUSupport files, right? Just the kexts and bundles in /System/Library/Extensions/? Or is this with a completely stock system, without even the brightness control/framebuffer kexts?

I kept also a BigSur beta 1 install because I can use "sudo mount -uw /" from there, but you're right this is a completely stock Big Sur beta 2 (installed using your Hax3.dylib directly from Big Sur beta 1), I just replaced kexts and bundles (Wifi, AppleHDA, your nvenet.kext and Mojave GeForceTesla kext), but can't get NVDAResmanTesla.kext loaded .
Try this:

should work for any non-APFS Mac enabling legacy usb devices on BigSur Beta 2 .

I guess apple developers involuntary left a legacy prelinkedkernel because their aim is only to use BootKernelExtensions.kc .

Jakeluke, I am able to boot Big Sur Beta 2 from your earlier prelinkedkernel. What I am trying to do is eliminate the requirement to remove all snapshots from the process of building a prelinkedkernel. Without being able to do that, we always risk regressing into having snapshots on the installation of Big Sur (as you discovered with Big Sur beta 2). At the moment my recipe should produce a fully usable prelinkedkernel unless you need LegacyUSBInjector.kext.

Dosdude1 told me he uses just 'kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel' to build his prelinkedkernel. Conceptually, I find that rather confusing since -system-prelinked-kernel focuses on the loaded kext and, as Dosdude1 confirmed, LegacyUSBInjector.kext doesn't show up in System Profiler's Extensions as 'loaded'. I also tried...

sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -prelinked-kernel /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel -kernel /System/Lib
rary/Kernels/kernel -local-root -- /Library/Extensions/ /System/Library/Extensions/ /System/Library/Extensions/LegacyUSBInjector.kext

to attempt to force LegacyUSBInjector.kext but that also produced a prelinkedkernel which booted to the graphical dialog for finding a Bluetooth keyboard as well.
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Jakeluke, I am able to boot Big Sur Beta 2 from your earlier prelinkedkernel. What I am trying to do is eliminate the requirement to remove all snapshots from the process of building a prelinkedkernel. Without being able to do that, we always risk regressing into having snapshots on the installation of Big Sur (as you discovered with Big Sur beta 2). At the moment my recipe should produce a fully usable prelinkedkernel unless you need LegacyUSBInjector.kext.

I am just testing now this sealed snapshot booting, so for me is enough new, but to remove BigSur snapshots ASentientBot earlier found a method:

also notice that you can only build a new prelinkedkernel if you are booting with prelinkedkernel, otherwise using a stock apple BootKernelExtensions.kc the kextcache delegates the task to kmutil .

Instead using "prelinkedkernel fix" it also allows to refresh the kmutil BootKernelExtensions.kc .
@jhowarth with your prelinkedkernel try to boot with CMD+S and then type "exit", BigSur should work with usb devices.
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I am just testing now this sealed snapshot booting, so for me is enough new, but to remove BigSur snapshots ASentientBot earlier found a method:

also notice that you can only build a new prelinkedkernel if you are booting with prelinkedkernel, otherwise using a stock apple BootKernelExtensions.kc the kextcache delegates the task to kmutil .

Instead using "prelinkedkernel fix" it also allows to refresh the kmutil BootKernelExtensions.kc .
@jhowarth with your prelinkedkernel try to boot with CMD+S and then type "exit", BigSur should work with usb devices.

Can you clarify the 'exit' bit? What I have tested in the past is to boot into single user mode with cmd+s and then trying...

mount -uw /

which produced the 66 error in the presence of snapshots. Are you saying that I should type 'exit' and do the that command after the system fully boots? I am confused why it would fail in single user mode at the console but allowing it to boot with 'exit' would behave differently.
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@Barry K. Nathan My friend i will install Beta 2 with your script 0.0.10

but it say : Your Mac needs a firmware update in order to install to this Volume,pls select a Mac os Extended Volume.... :( doesnt help... can you help me....

Imac 2011 with OpenCore K2100m Card

the pic is from desktop... recovery say same error ;)

///my mistake i loaded the usb stick via opencore instead of the alt key...


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I guess with a plain text editor you should simply edit "" renaming all the instances "Install macOS Beta" to "Install macOS Big Sur Beta" , because ASentientBot Hax.dylib method worked correctly, his method also fixed the apple request to download additional packages "An Internet connection is required to install macOS."

Perfect, that has been the solution, thank you very much.

I upload the measured file in case someone encounters the same problem.


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Can you clarify the 'exit' bit? What I have tested in the past is to boot into single user mode with cmd+s and then trying...

mount -uw /

which produced the 66 error in the presence of snapshots. Are you saying that I should type 'exit' and do the that command after the system fully boots? I am confused why it would fail in single user mode at the console but allowing it to boot with 'exit' would behave differently.

From single user mode, is to test if a legacy usb keyboard is responsive, and apple also suggest to type "exit" to continue normal booting, this not makes work "mount -uw /" for a snapshot booting but is simply to test if LegacyUSBInjector.kext has worked without booting the full macOS.
Perfect, that has been the solution, thank you very much.

I upload the measured file in case someone encounters the same problem.

After you installed BigSur beta 2, for Wifi on Ivy Bridge Mac this should still work:
Hi there, after reading this thread it seems that my MacBookPro10,2 (Late-2012 with Intel Core i7-3520M Ivy Bridge CPU and HD4000 graphics) will be able to run Big Sur with all features. I already changed my unsupported WiFi card to the version from a MacBookPro11,1 (Late 2013 with Haswell CPU und HD5000 graphics) for 802.11ac support - now my question: Is there any possibility to run the installer without patching it i.e. only setting the boot-args in Terminal?
Hi there, after reading this thread it seems that my MacBookPro10,2 (Late-2012 with Intel Core i7-3520M Ivy Bridge CPU and HD4000 graphics) will be able to run Big Sur with all features. I already changed my unsupported WiFi card to the version from a MacBookPro11,1 (Late 2013 with Haswell CPU und HD5000 graphics) for 802.11ac support - now my question: Is there any possibility to run the installer without patching it i.e. only setting the boot-args in Terminal?
That's correct. I have one of those and it's full functional and you don't even have to disable SIP. AFAIK the installer must be patched because it checks the model of your Mac. I installed/upgraded mine using this method here:
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