I think I found a fix for the LegacyUSBInjector flakiness. At least, it worked on my MacBook6,1 -- if I use this instead of the LegacyUSBInjector, then it reliably works, whether I'm using prelinkedkernels or kernelcollections.
Basically, take the Info.plist.new in this zip file and use it to replace /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBHostFamily.kext/Contents/Info.plist, then rebuild your prelinkedkernel or kernelcollections as usual. (It feels early to call any of this "usual" but hopefully you get the idea.) The zip archive also has a diff file (so it can be applied as a patch against later betas, using the patch command) and a copy of IOUSBHostFamily.kext's unmodified Info.plist from beta 2 (although this was redundant in retrospect, because you can just take the new Info.plist and apply the diff in reverse to get the original).
What I did, essentially, was to inject the injector into IOUSBHostFamily. It's really just a copy-and-paste of ParrotGeek's LegacyUSBInjector for Catalina -- but I figured that embedding it into IOUSBHostFamily would more or less eliminate the chance that it would not get included in the prelinkedkernel or kernelcollection, or the chance that it would not get loaded. It's always possible that my theory is wrong, but on my own MacBook6,1 it seems to be working out so far...
Edit: Oops, accidentally attached the file twice so I deleted one of the duplicates.
Great work in using the "LegacyUSBInjector" with kmutil for a BootKernelExtensions.kc (or KernelCollections), with the MacBook6,1 since it has an Nvidia GeForce Tesla, could you try to add framebuffer video (as you done for IntelHD3000) to your patcher ?
While about your patched IOUSBHostFamily.kext , I have some clues how to attempt to make an USB BigSur Installer with legacy USB (or non-APFS mac), you should override (or instead its BaseSystem's Preboot) the /Volumes/USBInstallerBigSur/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
com.apple.Boot.plist as for example with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Cache</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg -no_compat_check cs_enforcement_disable=1 cs_debug=1 amfi_allow_any_signature=1 amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1</string>
then copy yours patched in /Volumes/USBInstallerBigSur/System/Library/KernelCollections/
(keep a backup of it, current size is 66,7 MB, while the patched one is 75 MB or more)
and also copy in /Volumes/USBInstallerBigSur/System/Library/CoreServices/
the ASentientBot BigSur patched boot.efi :
Note: for more matching you might replace also BootKernelExtensions.kc and boot.efi on the
Preboot , apple assigned to it this unique common UUID:
If you need to add to the BigSur BaseSystem.dmg the "patched IOUSBHostFamily.kext" for matching (mach-o UUID) to its SLE folder, you could use this method:
I already tested and worked for APFS HighSierra Mac with recent IOUSB (I attach two funny pictures of a patched BigSur BaseSystem.dmg), while from my attempt to use it on non-APFS Mac (legacy USB) it stuck on "IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState" verbose message or IO80211Family loaded driver.
My "prelinkedkernel fix" doesn't worked for an USB BigSur Installer (or Recovery).