Hi guys, I installed beta 2 easy as pie using parrot geeks method now on beta 3 initial install starts continues till 12 minutes then constant reboots. Am I missing something
I tried this approach on a Late 2012 Mac Mini but pressing Alt/Option during the boot chime (after the second stage), there was no "Big Sur - Data" to select, only "mac OS Installer." Ended up with a sealed volume. On Beta 3, my install try showed "14 minutes remaining" on the initial stage.
Maybe if you reinstall it should work because on a clean BigSur install there isn't yet any BigSur Label, or you could also allow the "macOS Installer" stage 3 and then power-off at three quarter loading bar of that stage.
Otherwise after the stage1 quickly boot to another macOS and replace this file:
on the /Volumes/BigSurLabel/macOS Install Data/
Thanks @jackluke, I'll reinstall on top of the sealed one I have now.
Question on the last suggestion, isn't the key value for DoNotSeal already set to "true" on the binary plist? Or was there any other change on the file?
When I fixed my ethernet in Big Sur on the boot menu it went fro EFI Boot to Big Sur fix then once I got my Wifi working it is Macintosh HD -Data. On the Big Sur Desktop its Macintosh-HD-Data but on the Catalina Desktop its called UpdateYou mean, in the opt/alt boot selector? That I also have since installing beta3, for my BS SSD on USB. In OpenCore it is labelled Preboot. On the desktop the volume is labelled correctly.
Yes I have use the set-vars.sh that is when I run into can't prepare for installation error and I thing it is because of the amfi_get_get_out_of_my_way in nvram so I just set mine csrutil-disable and nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check" and install no issues. The only my iMac was on the chopping block for Big Sur is because of the Wifi card. And I also have noticed that Catalina run a heck of lot smother with SIP disabled if I have SIP disabled all my apps in launchpad are rearranged. My first page with my clock, calendar, weather dock and the Apple preinstalled apps now becomes my last page. All the apps in the Utilities folder terminal, etc are move out of the folder so I have hunt them all down and place them back in the Utilities folderThat is really strange. (With my patcher, make sure you always do step 6 before step 7, and make sure not to reboot between steps 6 and 7. If you boot from a USB stick that has my patch, then try to do step 7 without doing step 6 first, that could cause the kinds of errors you're having. I can't think of anything else... By the way, earlier versions of my patcher would display a misleading message after step 6 that could make it sound like a reboot was necessary before step 7, but I fixed that in v0.0.11.)
Maybe if you reinstall it (without erasing) that method should work because on a clean BigSur install there isn't yet any BigSur Label (the installer needs to make during stage3 the "Big Sur Data"), or you could also allow the "macOS Installer" stage3 and then power-off at three quarter loading bar of that stage.
I guess "14 minutes remaining" is related to a faster cpu or sata3 ssd ? So it should be the same stage2 as "29 minutes remaining".
Otherwise after the stage1 quickly boot to another macOS and replace this file: UpdateOptions.plist.zip
on the /Volumes/BigSurLabel/macOS Install Data/
But to prevent the snapshot booting you should anyway skip the stage3 or during it power off at half loading bar.
You can even boot the stage3 "macOS Installer" with CMD+S (single user mode), then type "exit" and when verbose messages show a running of this command: apfs_sealvolume
you force a power-off exactly there (that command requires at least 3 minutes to complete, so you have enough time to power off), if that apfs_sealvolume fails you result in an unsealed volume with "sudo mount -uw /" working.
This install-to-external, restore-to-internal approach also appeared to work on beta 3. However, while I am trying TM backup to an APFS disk the other evening, a kernel panic happened which left my volume sealed. The only way to write to it from then on was through the “mount -o nobrowse” of the underlying volume.
Try reapplying from Catalina: BigSur Penryn beta3 prelinkedkernel fix.command.zip
If still don't work from a macOS Recovery open terminal and type:nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check"
otherwise use this: https://forums.macrumors.com/thread...unsupported-macs-thread.2242172/post-28675922
or for non-APFS firmware snapshot booting try this from Catalina (or Mojave): BigSur snapshot fix.command.zip
No such issues on my mid-2009 MBP5,2 running beta3 from an external SSD.************* Big Sur Beta 3 is breaking Mac's ***************
I'm having real issues on my supported device , 105 degree temps on idle , machine turning off and will not turn back on , no recovery mode , machine is all but dead then takes about 50 power on and offs to come back on and takes about 10 to fully come on as HDD loads a little bit then dies , loads a little more than before then dies till it's fully booted.
On my MacBookPro8,1 it turns out that my Thunderbolt Ethernet dongle fails to work on all 3 Big Sur betas. Built-in Ethernet works on betas 1 and 2 but not 3. Taking Big Sur beta 3 and replacing AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext (in /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/Plugins) with the one from Catalina 10.15.6 makes both Thunderbolt Ethernet and built-in Ethernet work, so that's what I'll do in my patcher. I'll probably do it as part of v0.0.17, probably coming out tomorrow (in all likelihood I just don't have enough spare time today to get it done).Same here (10,1 mid 2012 Retina MBP). I upgraded from Beta 2 - where I had no issues at all - following Parrotgeek's instructions and lost the ability to connect to the Internet with my thunderbolt ethernet card. I tried a USB ethernet dongle, but with no luck. Any suggestions?
Mine’s essentially the same as i use the Hax3 lib through the micropatcher 14 of @Barry K. NathanI also noticed that DoNotSeal is already set to "true" or maybe because I used the ASentientBot Hax3.app : https://forums.macrumors.com/thread...unsupported-macs-thread.2242172/post-28619108
Well, maybe this installation is all damaged, none the options worked, the volume now is named "BigSurFix" instead of "Efi Boot".
Maybe its time for a new install, what do you say?
That is normal if you read my post once wifi is working it will change againWell, maybe this installation is all damaged, none the options worked, the volume now is named "BigSurFix" instead of "Efi Boot".
Maybe its time for a new install, what do you say?
my MacPro3.1 now also on DP3 😃
View attachment 937735
installed externally with DoNotSeal
then deleted telemetry
then overwritten AppleHDA
repair permission AppleHDA
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /
kmutil install --update-all
I boot kc (no snapshot creation).
AppleHDA works
WiFi still native
Ethernet works
BT works
unfortunately LegacyUSB not with kc (missing signature)
No such issues on my mid-2009 MBP5,2 running beta3 from an external SSD.
It is remarkably stable, no KPs.
I'm using it for a lot of testing, more hours than my production Catalina actually. Always boots well.
No graphics acceleration yet but framebuffer usage. Slow but usable. Photos6.0 crashes.
Unfortunately mid-2009 and older machines, like MBP5,2, are what jackluke calls "legacy USB", meaning:Do you mind if I ask what method you used to install on your MBP 5,2? I have tried about every method and when I try to boot from the install USB halfway through the boot I get the "Prohibited" sign.
Parrotgeek website propose the link to download 11.0b2, how to actually download the beta 3 ?
You don't need to install kexts to /S/L/E or /L/E. kmutil load -p can be used on a kext that is stored anywhere (for example: ~/Downloads) and it will get added to the aux kext cache. I guess the reason to install a kext to /L/E is so that it's automatically included in the kext cache if the kext cache gets deleted or rebuilt? Also, removing a kext from /L/E is supposed to uninstall the kext (but that's not working yet?)I wonder if the problem with LegacyUSB isn't just the signing issue. Are we sure that Apple allows third-party kext to reside in S/L/E and hasn't banished them to L/E without Apple's own signature applied? The following suggests that might be the case...
Installing a Custom Kernel Extension | Apple Developer Documentation
Install kernel extensions using a custom installer package, and help users understand the installation process.developer.apple.com
If so, that would mean that
1) LegacyUSBInjector.kext would have to go into L/E and thus be put in the auxilary kc rather than BootKernelExtensions.kc. I could imagine that would foul up getting the changes applied to IOUSBFamily.kext since those two kc's load at different times.
2) If the signatures are being required, it might also explain why patching the Info.plist files in IOUSBFamily.kext doesn't provide usable legacy usb as that would spoil the current signature on IOUSBFamily.kext.
ps Have you tried booting your kc with broken LegacyUSB in 'Cmd-S; exit'? Does that bring the legacy usb support back?