Ahhh, this got me thinking of my relationship with Apple over the years ...
I learned BASIC on an Apple II and IMSAI 8080 in 1979. I was hoping to get a Mac in 1984 when they came out but IBM started shipping the PCjr that year which was colour and less expensive than the Mac. At the end of the summer of 1984, I had saved enough to afford the PCjr and so made the switch to the PC. I did some software development on the Lisa during the summer of 1985. The end of summer of 1985 marked the beginning of a long period away from using Apple computers.
Years go by and various PC computers and DIY home built computers with 286, 386, 486 and various Pentium processors. In 2002, I purchased some shares in Apple thinking "no way this company is going to go out of business" (incidentally, I thought the same thing about Nortel). In 2005, I was at Intel the day they announced their partnership with Apple. Coincidentally, the people at Intel were showing me their Blackberry and I saw a billboard for the iPod. At the time, I had no idea these products existed. The Intel announcement ultimately lead to my purchase of a MacBook Pro in 2006. It was an interesting decision at the time. I compared the specs and price of an IBM and Toshiba laptop with the MBP and a comparable IBM or Toshiba laptop at the time was more expensive than the MBP. So, I switched and I have been using Mac's continuously since.
The experience in 2006 also caused me to resist the temptation to sell my shares. In 2008 I purchased my first iPhone from my carrier, the 3G. The UI was not to my liking and remarkably, you could not copy and paste so I switched to Blackberry. Eventually, returned to the iPhone when the iPhone 5 was released and have been using the iPhone since.
I grew up with Apple computers through school the //e, //c, and IIGS, and then the Mac. I have low vision, so the Mac was the best solution for many years for me until the rest of the industry caught up with was built into the OS / features offered, etc. The other thing for many years was the Mac was the best for professional video, and graphics, photo, I think audio as well, etc. I also liked having the options to customize the OS in classic, and earlier versions of Mac OS X.
With the change of direction Apple has taken in the last several years, more so after Steve's passing, I feel they have taken away most everything from the mac that really made it unique to me, and why I'm considering changing platforms now, since many platforms offer accessibility features that would make them usable to me out of the box now.
The other thing is, I want to learn about and work with formats such as Blu-ray, 4K, HDR, etc that still seem to have limited support for on the Mac. I'm still pretty happy with Apple for a mobile platform phone, iPad, Apple TV, etc. So, these comments are mainly targeted to desktop computing, and related areas.
So, being in this position of my iMac being close to end of official support when Monterey support runs out has really caused me to start looking at other options. I could run Ubuntu Linux on this iMac and it would run very well, as I tested it for a while, but with that said, if I'm going to do that, why bother to stick with apple hardware. Like I've said before, this 27" iMac has been the best Mac I've owned in terms of a good balance of size and portability, not having to deal wit a separate display / monitor. I realize that if I change platforms, I'll probably have to anyway, but when it comes to a Mac, I really would prefer not to. I want more control over the hardware and software which is another reason I've considered changing. So, this has really been the first time, it's been tough to chose a new Mac to upgrade to, that I'd really be happy with.