So here's a question in a slightly different direction. What's the deal with the priority shipping?
When I pre-ordered my 64gb 3G iPad I paid the extra $13 for expedited shipping.
Throughout this thread I've seen several people mention that they've noticed their shipping status has switched to priority (which is what mine also shows, though I hadn't been watching it before today.) Did those folks pay the extra $13 as well, or is everyone getting priority shipping now?
I'm not going to whine about $13 when I've dropped over a grand into this product, but I am curious. Part of me hates to think I paid extra to expedite shipping on a case and stand I wasn't going to be able to use for several weeks.
Here's the fun part. I've had a charge pending since last week for $14.01 from Apple Online Store. The only thing I can associate this to is that expedited shipping cost plus my state sales tax (which is pretty high in Washington State. It's cool though, we don't have a state income tax.)
The $14.01 showed as pending as of last Thurs or Fri...and still does. My Wells Fargo site shows the date as 4/19 now, but it was definitely there last week. I got psyched as it seemed to me that it was a good sign that shipping was imminent. Alas, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Analysis data: Preorder 3/12 2:17pm Pacific. Magical mail received. Account not yet charged for device, just this 'magical' shipping charge.