Hi everyone, this is my first post on macrumors and I have to tell you it's nothing going to be pleasant. So I got my Imac ( like everyone else waited for over a month) and guess what ... 2 minutes after I turn it on and go through all the set up procedures it locks up.
So I installed WoW, changed all the settings to max ( I did get the ATI HD4850 card right? I mean it should work on max) played for half an hour ... wow great quality, awesome fps... except one little problem, I get a lock up. So I installed a Temperature monitor, started WoW in windowed mode and checked my TempMonitor.
This is what I get before it crashes all the time:
GPU - 60 C
Heatsink - 75 C
Power Supply - 70 C
Everything else is stable at around 40 C max.
Honestly my iMac feels so hot, that I could brobably cook some breakfast on it. Reading from the reviews and other comments I don't think that 10.5.7 will be able to solve this problem, neither will a firmware update. Seems like it's a hardware issue in my case, should I bring it to Apple store and run through my scenario? or should I just swap it for GT130 model?
Does anyone else have overheating issues? it might be that once a certain temperature is reached OS X automatically drops the switch in order to prevent hardware failure.