I agree with you that the OPO5 seems to be a copy of the IP7.All i see is antenna lines that are not even the same.
You cant honestly tell me this is the same as the new OPPO and 7 Plus IF it is indeed the design and not some fake thing.
I could easily mistake the OPPO for a 7 Plus, I cant do the same in the above picture.
But to me the M7 was a close copy...not as blatant as the OPO5 seems to be (it hasn't been released yet).
But then you said it wasn't close.....and it was close. Then to be honest HTC was the first big screen phone maker with the EVO. Everyone followed them after that phones success. Even Apple after saying the 3.5 inch display iphone was the best size.
They all copy from each other. We have seen it time and time again from hardware to software. We all benefit from it in the end.