Martin, please indulge me on your method of making your recent photos look old. I love it.
Thanks, your HDR creations have been my inspiration to become more familiar with the technique. Do you have a flickr account so that I can add you as a contact?
The method that I have been using is quite simple.
1) I search through flickr for photographers who allow people to download high-resolution files of textures for layering in one's own work. The texture that I used on my latest post in this thread came from
NinianLif's texture set on flickr.
This group on flickr has loads and loads of textures available for download.
2) Once you have picked your texture open up CS3 with the texture and photograph you want to apply it to.
3) Simply layer the texture on top of photograph. Once you have done that, you can edit the saturation, contrast, levels, etc. on the texture to your liking.
4) Take out your eraser tool. I've been using mine at about 200 pixels wide but it really depends on how large your photos are when you edit. Set the opacity of the eraser at around 25% and start erasing away at the top layer (the texture) to reveal your photograph on the layer below it. Once you have erased to your liking, you can lower the opacity and use smaller erasers for touch-ups.
5) That's it. From there you can do any edits that you generally apply before flattening the image.