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macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
The sun's lighting was pretty convenient on this one.


Canon Rebel XT
ISO 100


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
If you were to try to portray the same idea, (cat on the prowl and in the out of focus background), it might have been better to have used another sort of foreground element. Maybe something like a mouse, or a cat toy, or something else that says "attack mode". The couch doesn't quite say the same thing. It just looks like either a cat behind a couch, or worse yet, that you were sloppy and didn't get the focus right.

Just my 2/100's.

Funny I actually already got the impression of the story. I like this photo as is really... Like I'm the subject or rather the camera is from the mouse/cat toy's perspective and the kitten, partially hidden is getting set to pounce on the camera. Or I've seen enough kittens attack the edge of a chair like a lion on a zebra the corner doubles just fine as the subject, but may narrow the audience to cat lovers familiar with the behavior who also think its cute.

If it were just a portrait of a kitten yes it would need to be in focus, if it in focus then it would definitely need to be fully visible. As it is I think it tells a story and I like that.

But of course artistic differences. This one finds a fan in me just like it is.


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Black and White Orca


Went out Whale watching with my family on my dad's boat over the weekend. This out of Bodega Bay California. We were hoping to, maybe see some Grey Whales. We were not disappointed to have not seen any Grey's. This was taken going about 15 knots in ~6 foot swell.

80-200 f2.8 @ 80mm
1/8000 f/4 200 ISO
Cropped ~50%
I wish I had a Polarizer for this lens, or had time to change to my 24-85mm with a polarizer on it. Due to the boat movement and the unpredictable nature of where the whales were coming out of the water when they porpoised NON of the shots at greater than 80mm turned out, and most had no whale in the frame.

One of my first B&W conversions I thought the particular tone of the hazy blue sky and the deep blue the ocean had this day worked well for this. C&C appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
Went out Whale watching with my family on my dad's boat over the weekend. This out of Bodega Bay California. We were hoping to, maybe see some Grey Whales. We were not disappointed to have not seen any Grey's. This was taken going about 15 knots in ~6 foot swell.

80-200 f2.8 @ 80mm
1/8000 f/4 200 ISO
Cropped ~50%
I wish I had a Polarizer for this lens, or had time to change to my 24-85mm with a polarizer on it. Due to the boat movement and the unpredictable nature of where the whales were coming out of the water when they porpoised NON of the shots at greater than 80mm turned out, and most had no whale in the frame.

One of my first B&W conversions I thought the particular tone of the hazy blue sky and the deep blue the ocean had this day worked well for this. C&C appreciated.
Wow! Fantastic shot! You sure caught the definitive moment. Focus is spot-on, and everything works. Pat yourself on the back for this one.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2005


macrumors G3
May 25, 2008
Yellow Lambo and my first cola/red bull


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macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ
****This is suppose to be a quote from H20ckey but somehow I messed it up trying to put the stupid "t" in it so the picture wasnt as big..*****

Thats amazing! Honestly I think it looks really really good!


macrumors 68020
Apr 1, 2005
Well just got my new Canon 100-400 lens today and it is dark when I get home from work so this is the best I could do with the moon tonight:


Can't wait to get out and be able to take some proper wildlife shots in the daylight in a couple of weeks.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
Flagstaff, Az
Table Sunset

Now that I have Aperture, I've been goin' through some old pics. :D

North Rim of the Grand Canyon with the San Franciso Peaks in the far background:



macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
*Secret* The photo was actually a recreation of the scene because he didn't get it right the first shot. So the famous photo was set up to look like the first shot he got. We watched some movie about it in History, but what a great story!:cool:

Actually,the picture (even the original one that was ruined) isn't the original flag-raising. Best picture of the first flag-raising is here:

taken by Staff Sergeant Louis R. Lowery
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