Thanks! I took it on an island right off the coast of Sweden, near Fjällbacka. It was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places I've been in my life. Off to the right of the photo is looking out towards the North Sea.
My next one was taken in Denmark, near Odense. We were driving down E20 and a storm was quickly moving out and it looked really cool. I got sick of trying to take photos through the windshield so I stuck my camera out of the window and got a wet camera and lense, and this photo. (no post processing done, by the way)
Whenever I see this kind of differential focus (something in sharp focus, with everything else 'out'), it seems like a heaven-sent opportunity to isolate a small but vital element in a pic. In this shot, what's in focus is just one of the black piano keys; since all the keys look the same I feel a bit 'cheated'. Opportunity lost...
Just my two-pennorth; other people will respond in a different way, of course...
I find with digital it's very easy. I set my camera to b/w so that I see the shot without color before I take it (because the view finder switches to b/w). This allows me to preview the contrasts and gray shades better. I typically will then switch back to color before I take the shot and convert the image to b/w in Photoshop Elements. PE does a better job than the camera will.
To get into the grove, just switch your camera to b/w for the day and see what you come up with.