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I’ve been planning to buy a small motorhome and do some travelling, but the plans kept being postponed. Well, I’m sorted now. If you see an old geezer in one of these, knock on the door; it might be me. I’m putting a solar panel on the roof, getting an extra ‘leisure’ battery, and turning the vehicle into a ‘wifi hub’. I want to be ‘off-grid’ for a few days at a time, yet still able to carry on with my writing and photography.

It’s very small, but, hell, when you’ve been living in a shack in the woods, you don’t need too many creature comforts. I’ll certainly be warmer! It’ll be interesting to find out what I really need on my travels (camera gear, laptop, iPad, clothes) and what I can do without (just about everything else). For the next few years, home really will be 'wherever I hang my hat'.

I’ve got two weeks to settle my affairs, and sort the paperwork, then I’m off. Whoopee!


Sorry to be a bit late to the party wishing you all the very best Doylem.

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face."

I'm sure I speak for many when I ask you to show us your travels. Are you keeping your home as a pied a terre? Put your logo on the door so we know it's you :) and let me know if you come through Northamptonshire!
Photo of the Day June 2014

Nice of the weather to brighten up for Bob walk 2 today :)


Fujifilm XE1 with XF35mm

I like this better than some of the other photos you've posted (don't take that the wrong way!). I think the hoe with the tilled earth tells a little story.

Some suggestions.

Even though the background is blurred, it's still a little distracting. Even though the shapes are blurred, they are pulling my eye out from the subject and they don't really jive with the subject. If it was the vague shape of a barn in the background (or something else related to farming/gardening) it would be okay. There are many colors in the background which pull the eye out and make it more distracting. Just seems incongruous here which I think hurts the image. Being aware of everything in the image *aside from* the subject is one of the hardest learning curves in composition.

Related to this, the blurred bit of earth in the foreground is also distracting to me. Easy enough to crop it out.

I might consider converting it to B&W. I think the combination of the shape/form of the hoe combined with the texture in the soil might make a pleasing B&W image. Would also get rid of the distracting colors from the background.

Take all of this with a grain of salt. Only you know what you were trying to capture. I think this is a stronger image than some of the others you've posted that I've seen. Keep up the good work, keep shooting, and keep posting!

[Edit: just noticed the photo you posted today of the mother with child at the street concert. Nice composition. The subject is in focus and draws the eye to it. It's a very interesting subject that you captured in a perfect moment that is filled with emotion. The other elements in the frame add context to the photo but don't detract from the subject. Fantastic photo. Nicely done :) ]
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I wonder if any of you guys have used this model?

[url=]Image[/url]20140530-_DSC2842_DxO by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

D7100, 18-55mm @34mm at f5, 3200 ISO, 1/50

I love the lack of noise given the low light and high iso thanks to DXO.

I really like this. Interesting subject, nice composition (I like the curve of the table on the left of the frame), the DOF works really well (even though shot at 34mm @ f/5 there is good subject isolation), and it works really well in B&W.
I like this better than some of the other photos you've posted (don't take that the wrong way!). I think the hoe with the tilled earth tells a little story.

Some suggestions.

Even though the background is blurred, it's still a little distracting. Even though the shapes are blurred, they are pulling my eye out from the subject and they don't really jive with the subject. If it was the vague shape of a barn in the background (or something else related to farming/gardening) it would be okay. There are many colors in the background which pull the eye out and make it more distracting. Just seems incongruous here which I think hurts the image. Being aware of everything in the image *aside from* the subject is one of the hardest learning curves in composition.

Related to this, the blurred bit of earth in the foreground is also distracting to me. Easy enough to crop it out.

I might consider converting it to B&W. I think the combination of the shape/form of the hoe combined with the texture in the soil might make a pleasing B&W image. Would also get rid of the distracting colors from the background.

Take all of this with a grain of salt. Only you know what you were trying to capture. I think this is a stronger image than some of the others you've posted that I've seen. Keep up the good work, keep shooting, and keep posting!
I always appreciate the feedback, any bit of information that I can use and test makes me a better photographer. And you're right, being aware of everything else in the frame other than the subject can be a tough skill to master.

I probably should've payed more attention to the background in that image. A 17mm f/1.8 lens on a Micro Four Thirds body doesn't really have enough firepower to blur out the background in this particular instance. On a personal level, I didn't mind the busy background because of its sentimental meaning (being my home). I love home gardens. However, compositionally, it is distracting.

Here's a quick edit to try on. I converted to black and white and cropped it a bit to remove the clump of dirt in the foreground.

edit by ALXPhotog, on Flickr
I really like this. Interesting subject, nice composition (I like the curve of the table on the left of the frame), the DOF works really well (even though shot at 34mm @ f/5 there is good subject isolation), and it works really well in B&W.

Thanks. It was really dark in the room, and I didn't/couldn't use a flash. I didn't think at that sort of ISO if would be a keeper. But after converting to B&W and running it through DXO I was pleasantly suprised with the results.
I always appreciate the feedback, any bit of information that I can use and test makes me a better photographer. And you're right, being aware of everything else in the frame other than the subject can be a tough skill to master.

I probably should've payed more attention to the background in that image. A 17mm f/1.8 lens on a Micro Four Thirds body doesn't really have enough firepower to blur out the background in this particular instance. On a personal level, I didn't mind the busy background because of its sentimental meaning (being my home). I love home gardens. However, compositionally, it is distracting.

Here's a quick edit to try on. I converted to black and white and cropped it a bit to remove the clump of dirt in the foreground.

edit by ALXPhotog, on Flickr

I did my own B&W conversion based on the initial image you posted. I brought up some of the detail on the blade of the hoe. I don't normally do this as I sometimes find it annoying when people do it with my photos. So please don't take offense :) Just offering a different take on what could be done in post.


Also, please note how I edited my last post after I saw your photo for today of the mother-child at the street concert. That is an amazing photo. Right place at the right time and you captured it beautifully. Has a very candid feel that is full of emotion and the remainder of the photo adds context rather than distracts. Cropping out the guitar player might bring the subject more to the forefront, but it would also change the feel of the photo. I think you really nailed this one.
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I wonder if any of you guys have used this model?

[url=]Image[/url]20140530-_DSC2842_DxO by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

D7100, 18-55mm @34mm at f5, 3200 ISO, 1/50

I love the lack of noise given the low light and high iso thanks to DXO.

That takes me back. My first camera - given to me when I was about seven - looked a lot like this. It was an Ensign Reflex, and was already old when I got it. Thank you for the picture.
Exploring possibilities for an upcoming exhibition, this is one I will return for. It's a 5 minute exposure on an unused top floor of a shopping centre car-park, with 13 stops of ND filters in place. Treated in Lightroom, with no plugins.

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