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macrumors regular
May 22, 2006


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2007
So. Utah
Hey Eric,

Whats the chance of doing an HDR using 4x5" film.

Thinking of getting a 4x5 camera. When I visit the galleries, them prints are huge, colorful, and so clear. My D300 is just not going to come close to them images.

Found a nice Tachihara, with glass, and a few accessories for $500.
Ken Rockwell states the 4x5 scanned with a good scanner, is like a 100 megapixel camera.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
scanned with a good scanner

In my experience that's the hard part.. For the few prints I've had digitalized from film I've gotten them developed in the largest possible format and then scanned professionally.

As for HDR-ing, maybe your best bet would be to work with the JPEG image..


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
So the grain is due to the fact that the scanner used to scan the image wasn't able to pick up as much detail as it should - or was it the fact that the print being scanned wasn't very large?

(Unless by 35mm Film scan you meant that the negatives were scanned :confused:)

I read on wikipedia that with an excellent lens, high quality 35mm film could capture the equivalent of 22 megapixels per exposure. So theoretically if you get a large print and a high quality scanner, you should be able to transfer your images quite crisply?

I'm scanning film transparencies ('slides') in a Nikon scanner, and, yes, the amount of 'information' in each slide is remarkable. And why not... there's 150 years of continuous development embedded in the acetate. :)

I only took up digital 'cos my favourite film - Fuji Vevia - was being discontinued. Now, of course, you just choose a 'Velvia' plug-in for PS... But it isn't the same. People will continue to use film - or re-discover it - 'cos it has qualities that digital can't yet replicate...

The grain in film was a lot more pleasant than 'noise' in digital; many people used it to create particular effects (as well as coping with it in low-light situations)...


macrumors 601
Apr 14, 2005
Some really fantastic images here.

This is one of my latest. Taken at St Andrew's, in Scotland.


HDR From Single RAW Image.


I like it. I like the subject and the light. Perhaps it would benefit if you cropped off some of the top.

St. Andrews. Brings back memories from St. Andrews Static Language (SASL)..


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2006
Darwin, NT
Whats the chance of doing an HDR using 4x5" film.

Thinking of getting a 4x5 camera. When I visit the galleries, them prints are huge, colorful, and so clear.

I guess I don't get what the point would be. Aside from funky effects Valdore goes for and the fact that it seems to be the 'flavor of the month' here, the purpose of HDR with digital is because digital can't match the dynamic range of film. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see that there would be any reason to HDR a 4x5 image. You said it yourself: prints from a 4x5 are huge, colorful, and clear. Why would you need to HDR them?


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
So the grain is due to the fact that the scanner used to scan the image wasn't able to pick up as much detail as it should - or was it the fact that the print being scanned wasn't very large?

(Unless by 35mm Film scan you meant that the negatives were scanned :confused:)

I read on wikipedia that with an excellent lens, high quality 35mm film could capture the equivalent of 22 megapixels per exposure. So theoretically if you get a large print and a high quality scanner, you should be able to transfer your images quite crisply?

It's not really grain. It's noise. The film scanner that did this is an older scanner that had a more limited dynamic range than the newer ones, so the shadow detail (what there was in the underexposed neg) was very difficult to extract. Some techniques since then are the multi-pass scans, something like doing HDR except via scanning for shadow detail with multiple scans while maintaining highlights.

Also, the scan was not a big scan, more like 2000x3000, converted to jpeg and resized probably several times before getting here.

My newer scanner is a Nikon Coolscan V, which has an improved dynamic range and can scan at 4000 dpi. If you figure a color scan of a full negative of 1" x 1.5" at full resolution that would be like 4000 X 6000 pixels (24meg) x 3 for NEF file or .tiff file, so it's way more than 22meg per exposure at highest resolution scan.

Bottom line: Some negatives are much trickier to scan than others. The best scans still come from professional drum scanners worth 1000's of dollars. And, grain ain't all bad, if it's really grain. Each film type has its own grain characteristics which gives it its "look." You really ought to take a look at some T-Max 3200 black and white prints. Done right, it's hard to duplicate the look, and it can be very creative. Anyway, that's another subject...
Noise is another matter, and is a digital thing.


macrumors member
Sep 29, 2007
Thats pretty damn good!

Thanks, for kind words sire :).

At first I was aimed to do Black&white with the photo. Then, oh well I threw a curve ball to the photo using Aperture, and I like it this way better


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2007
So. Utah
Thanks for the thoughts Pdx, Otter, and Doyle.

I know its a slow tedious process to get one good print from a 4x5, but when I look at all the pretty pictures here and there, I cant help but think they've had a lot of PP to each one. It seems it would be a fun challenge to get a great shot, especially without the help of a computer.:D


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2005
wow, for only the first week of march, im glad to see so many photos! Good work everyone!
I havent posted many in the past few weeks, ive been super busy with work. I will post some in a week or 2, that i need to finish post processing, (i took them in feb).
PS: Last month i got my avatar allowed status, but am still trying to pick one!:D
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