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Suncorp Stadium - Brisbane



* File size: 208837 bytes
* File date: 2007:03:26 20:20:47
* Camera make: Canon
* Camera model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi
* Date/Time: 2007:03:16 18:25:29
* Resolution: 800 x 533
* Flash used: No
* Focal length: 55.0mm (35mm equivalent: 89mm)
* CCD width: 22.28mm
* Exposure time: 0.0031 s (1/320)
* Aperture: f/13.0
* ISO equiv.: 100
* Whitebalance: Auto
* Metering Mode: matrix
* Exposure: LandscapeMode
Thanks a lot!

Regarding post-processing: I wish I could tell you exactly what I did with that one, but I can't since I worked on several versions that morning. I do recall using a free Photoshop action called "Midnight Glow", the app "Convert to B. and W. Pro", the cloning tool to clean up some garbage, and tweaking with the brightness/contrast and highlight/shadow settings.

Thanks! Also, just out of curiosity - do you like the D40 more then the DSC-R1?
Thanks! Also, just out of curiosity - do you like the D40 more then the DSC-R1?

I think at this point I like the R1 more. It seems to have better color, ergonomics, user interface, features, and the look-down/flip/twist lcd....and that amazing Zeiss lens...
Not that the Nikon is bad; I like a fair bit. The big advantage with that camera is the ability to use specialty lenses, like long tele, super-wide, and macro. But in the normal range, the Sony is the 'man', as it were.
Excellent Shot you have there.

Thanks Yakamoto!

Nykoping hus by night. 21 march 2007.
Canon 350D, 4s f/4.5 ISO1600 17mm

Hi oblomow, just a small comment on your photo. There is no point of using a high ISO when doing long exposures, all it does is introduce noise. Also find out the sweet spot of your lens and set the aperture to that, something like f9 would give sharper results. Try it! ;)
Hi oblomow, just a small comment on your photo. There is no point of using a high ISO when doing long exposures, all it does is introduce noise. Also find out the sweet spot of your lens and set the aperture to that, something like f9 would give sharper results. Try it! ;)

Thanks for your comment. A lower iso would have been better, I agree, but
I had trouble enough keeping the camera steady for 4 seconds on the (round)
bridge railing. :) I will try your suggestion about the f/stop, thanks!
I browse this thread about once per month and thoroughly enjoy seeing the talents that I don't possess. I got the camera* but I don't have the skills, you see. :p *(350D)

Brilliant, as always. And freebooter, I have no idea how you create those images but they're magical.

Taken Today near Dundee, Scotland.

Camera: Panasonic DMC-FZ5
Exposure: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture: f/3.3
Focal Length: 55.2 mm
This photo is somehow one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Might I bother you for a higher res image of it? I'd love to have him as a desktop or something. :)
I think at this point I like the R1 more. It seems to have better color, ergonomics, user interface, features, and the look-down/flip/twist lcd....and that amazing Zeiss lens...
Not that the Nikon is bad; I like a fair bit. The big advantage with that camera is the ability to use specialty lenses, like long tele, super-wide, and macro. But in the normal range, the Sony is the 'man', as it were.

Haha, "the man" indeed. Thanks - I'm still on a slow quest to get my hands on one... Maybe one day.

Taken earlier this month...

Focal length: 200.0mm
Exposure time: 0.0012 s (1/800)
Aperture: f/5.6
Metering Mode: center weight
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Auto bracketing

This is a shot of some crocus in my yard last Sunday.

Model: NIKON D70
Exposure time: 1/160 s
F number: 5.6
ISO speed rating: 400
Date and time of original data generation: 2007:03:25 12:44:44
Exposure bias: 0.0
Lens focal length: 300.0 mm
Sensing method: One-chip color area sensor


  • crocus2.jpg
    205 KB · Views: 70

Linkety to Flickr

f 8
4 seconds ish
ISO 400

Camera was mounted on a tripod, stuck it through the sunroof, had a friend brace it. Pretty nifty. I'm thinking cropping the bottom out, where the car crept into the frame.

It is _very_ nerve wracking to have your camera outside of a moving vehicle at 65 MPH...
This one was taken with my mom', Vivitar? PnS. I was taking shots for my art class self portrait drawing project and I snapped this one while I was at it. No cropping or editing, yet. I might mess with it later.


Yes, that is me, playing guitar in the bushes. I was messing around with A and some funky harmonic, playing with a quarter for a pick. In the bushes. No supplemental lighting like a flash, that was a light onthe corner of the house. Taken tonight, 3-27-07.
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