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jaydub, that's a sweet piece of glass! Let me know how you like it, I've been wanting a UWA for some time now.

I also got camera goodies, I got a Sigma 50mm f1.4 and a Speedlite 430 EX II :D It makes my XTi look puny!
I sure will. I'm looking forward to having it, though I probably could've made better use of it a week ago when I went to a car convention. :D

Well try another 50 mm somewhere, somehow, and you'll realize how fracking large your lens is.

Personally, I've never complained about weight though. It's usually the size that bothers me more. I guess it's not bad if it's not too long.

yeah my 50mm f1.8 is tiny compared to that thing! :eek:
Mirror's Edge - Great so far


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rescued, spayed, and paid! (you can't see it but she only has 3 legs)


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Mirror's Edge - Great so far

I wanted so badly to like this game, but the demo was so... not compelling. No desire to purchase the game after i played through it, smooth movement or not, there wasnt anywhere to apply it. woulda been better with a sandbox mode or a better story or SOME reason to play it.

love the music, graphics, engine, but no fun for me
Well try another 50 mm somewhere, somehow, and you'll realize how fracking large your lens is.

:p I meant that I didn't know if the Nikon is better or not. I know what a monster the sigma is. Here it is, side by side along my old Pentax film 50mm. Sorry for the crappy pics, but it's all that I had available. (And my face is due to the fact that I've been up for almost 35 hours straight. Writing a thesis will do that to you :rolleyes:)

EDIT: It's here! :D

I finally got my bracket for my macro setup! Now those bugs will have nowhere to hide! I grew a bit tired of always having a dark background when taking my macros, so I got a bracket to use my external flash as a slave. Here's the result (click on it for full size):


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Donky Kong 64

Zelda Ocaraina of Time

24 month's of Lunar Hosting


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Someone was selling a TiVo HD on Amazon, new in the box, never opened for $150!!! I wasn't going to buy this soon but I saw that and snatched it up. I'm I can get a CableCard from Comcast and tell them to take their POS DVR/receiver back.

you have no idea how jealous i am!
I just have a regular TiVo and have been wanting to buy a TiVo HD for ever! Im tired of flipping back and fourth between the inputs to watch HD
got this iklear from the apple store today, its awesome. so many things come inside

not my pic. mine came with 1 more small cloth and 1 more small bottle :), and not in green


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Snacks. Yum. :D

Even Japanese junkfood rocks!

Edit: I think I'm going to make this into a wifi antenna when I'm done. A Ghetto Cantenna.


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