It's compatible
and 2008 got 2.0 btw
i think netkas pointed out that was cosmetic issue.I know, but my old 2600XT got 2.0 while flashed HIS HD4870 got only 1.1 :/
didnt work...
back to original now. even injector method doesnt work. do I need to use more then 65536 ?
@ Firebar
I have a 512 version of your Asus card and it works on my MacPro 1,1.
I made the 1g rom the same way I made the 512.
It should work.
But you U tell me if it really works 1 don't have that card to confirm it ;-)
I`ve made small investigation against sapphire hd4870 sku: 11133-19
i haven`t found message with string "YOU HAVE NOT CONNECTED ONE OF YOUR VIDEO CARD POWER" in card bios (present in some revisions at address 0x00010E) it looks like it absent by default, so as i can guess that there is no power check chains on this board? is it right?
Cable check in efi part is a little bit annoying, and i want to disable it. (-;
but starting point that i`d like to use is absent )-;
Maybe some one know how can i find this routine in other way?
Insert in the connectors you bought. They are a pin-for-pin match for the original larger plug....the particular one I have linked to is ideal...yellow on top for 12V + , with black for three pins on bottom for...guess if you can....12V -.
Hi Rominator,
Thanks for these instructions. I am too cheap to pay $50 plus international $20 shipping from OWC for these cables (rip off) so I am building from scratch using PCIe cables cut off dead PSUs!
I bought the Molex 538-43025-0600 connectors and pins and am just about to make the final assembly. Your description about pin to pin match with +12 V yellow on the "top" and -12 V black on the "bottom" is confusing me a bit and I want to be sure I don't fry the Mac Pro or 4890. Do you mean that the three black lines are on the clip side of the connector (pins 5, 6 and 7 according to the Molex specs) while the yellow lines are on the other side (pins 1, 2, and 3)?
Ok fixed my error.
Here 3 versions of your bios v3 your best bet then v4 then v2.
And a bios that's not yours but had adequate room for EFI from Asus.
And if that fails too the test pc files...
Success tomorrow!
Sorry for not replying, been very busy!
I tried EFI-V2, v-3 and V-4, none of them work!
then I tried Otherasus.rom, it gives boot screen! but it's a little glitchy and it kernel panics if I try boot OSX.
any way to combine the efi from other asus and my asus?