Worst thing I've ever read on this site and I visit PRSI on occasion. a team of people at the almighty awesome Apple made a decision about something therefore they must be right, just don't say anything and slowly accept the design nerf with time /s
I don't need "time" to make a decision on whether dog food is Michelin star cuisine and I don't need time to figure out this Safari design puts aesthetics (cool, colors in the title bar!!! no ugly buttons!!!! /s) over real function (having a refresh button, designing for muscle memory, fast tab identification, etc.).
Get a grip, stop making excuses for poor design. Actually have an opinion on this disastrous design instead of substituting an opinion with the miraculously misguided belief that Apple must know better than their own customers, especially the power user customers that seriously want to beef up their workflow (the exact opposite of hiding everything useful in a three dot menu). Lowering your expectations, assuming companies know better than you, and making excuses for those companies are all actions people take that cause companies to become static and start getting lazy.