Input to the LT3470 is OK but notice the bias/feedback input on pin1 is in mv range. I think your U6990 is probably damaged. Your posted schematic seemed odd as the junction of R6995/R6996 should show a line connecting it to U6990-1. This junction (aka U6990-1) should be around 1.25v.
This board is definitely repairable. That IC is probably only cost a few dollars. How did your hubby connect the 3.42v line called PP3V42_G3H_BATT to the BIL connector pins 1/2/3? Have check to make sure this 3 lines are not shorted to ground or other pins in the connector.
thanks for the input. I dont know the schematic I bought off a site. as far as where he connected it. Well you said to restore the 3.4v to pins 1,2 and 4 i believe so his WIFE told him to connect to pin1 of C6951. But after reading what you said earlier I could of been wrong?????
my readings for D6905 is very similar to Techkats except for the pulsing but I don't get ANY reading for pin 5could this be a bad diode?
No problem TechKat, hell of a learning curve lol
Boy are you stating the obvious. LOL