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son of a badfga

i guess im without a phone today.... meaning i have no business, meaning i have no jobs, meaning arghakjurhgak;dfhgkhfdgkfdg
I agree . . . this definitely puts a damper on Apple's 3G release hoopla.

Yeah it does but nobody from David Pogue to John Doe will remember that when Uncle Steve takes center stage at MacWorld and informs the world that the G3 was the most successful launch in telecommunication history. Just can't imagine him putting up a display that says "We screwed up".
STOP! ;)

I think this would go much better and faster if there where not thousands of people clicking back and forth and creating more requests and server loads!

Just a thought....

People shouldn't have to resort to clicking back and forth. It should have worked the first time :mad:
just keeping swapping back and forth between music and iphone.. like, click iphone, let it do it until error comes up then click music icon then click iphone again and repeat... mine activated without showing any signs on the comptuer. all of a sudden a text came out of now hwere
wish i,d read these posts first. just tried to update and phone is useless at the mo. my only one aswell !!!!!!!!!!!
what would be so difficult about a check before it went thru the firmware upgrade to check it could get a connection - it could just say - "come back later"

instead it starts a process it cannot finish and you end up with a brick.
Do you think we could get a credit for anything if we complained that we were losing money by not having access to a cell phone?
what would be so difficult about a check before it went thru the firmware upgrade to check it could get a connection - it could just say - "come back later"

instead it starts a process it cannot finish and you end up with a brick.

So true . . . . so true
**** this i need my phone **** you apple , thanks for keeping us informed on any fixes, or solutions
This is garbage. lmao @ apple iphone support sending my call to ATT. Like they were going to fix something. Well as someone already said, at least I have a fully charged brick that says "slide for emergency" in multiple languages.
WOO HOO! After 2.5 hours, finally updated to 2.0! I just kept doing the old click back and forth between iPhone and items in my iTunes Library.

I think they are getting things straightened out now. Either the initial rush and demand on the servers is either slowing a bit or they have gotten more servers online to help with the process.

Has this been this a frustrating experience? Yes, very much. As any kind of waiting with today's technology will do that to you. All I can say to those still waiting, is be patient, try to do other things to occupy and pass time as well as just keep clicking back and forth.

I would say based on what I have read here and my experience, it looks like anywhere from 1-3 hours of an un-active iPhone, so, be somewhat patient and it will all come together nicely before you least expect it! Sure caught me by surprise when it finally worked!
funny how they never mention this in those "mac vs. pc" ads. maybe windows should make an iphone vs. windows mobile ad?

this is why the the firmware and app store, etc. should have been launched a day or two before today so us iphone old timers could download, thereby reducing this crush of people...
I really should have read this thread before downloading 2.0. To be honest, i'm not overly bothered about getting the update today, I mean I could have waited another day but it looked oh so tempting sitting waiting to be updated. I really wish I hadn't now.

Pretty much at the same stage as everyone else, clicking back and forth hoping it will work. Until then I'll continue to get annoyed by the error message sound and wonder why I ever put myself through this today.
Well I waited in line for 3 hours took almost 2 more to buy the damn thing and now have been trying to activate for another 2 hours. THIS SUCKS!:mad:
Light at the end of the tunnel

Confirmed. The technique of clicking on a playlist, and then on the iphone icon finally worked. It took like 5 times waiting for the error message, but it finally restored. Now it is synching my music and videos.

My guess is that Apple is buckling under the traffic. They should have anticipated this and did the 2.0 upgrade tomorrow to iPhone 1.0 users and have mirror sites. As Apple becomes bigger and more successful, it's going to be harder and harder for them to maintain the perfect shiny "just works" image they've always had.

Just got back from ATT and when trying to sync I am getting an error message telling me to go to control panel and make sure SLS 3.0 or TLL 1.0 something or another is enabled??

Any suggestions?


I got that message. Restarted iTunes, waited about 20 mins, re-connected and it went into the "Accessing ITunes Store..." black hole. That's progress I think?.?.?.?
This is ridiculous.

I have been without any form of mobile communication since lunchtime, and as such have missed important calls, emails and have not been able to reschedule meetings etc. In other words, Apple, have directly prevented me from working today.

SJ is lucky people aren't planning to sue his ass for loss of earnings over this.

An officially released upgrade should not - NOT - brick your phone.

Apple is about to lose many loyal customers over this.

Rant over!
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