For the 300 dollars in credits, can we trade in the phones in store (once we get our new phones)? Or does it have to be mailed off?
They told me we could bring into the stores or do free shippingFor the 300 dollars in credits, can we trade in the phones in store (once we get our new phones)? Or does it have to be mailed off?
perfect, thanksThey told me we could bring into the stores or do free shipping
I would just doublecheck with the store inside my rep on the phone was incorrectperfect, thanks
Remember T-Mobile saying “processing” can be equivalent to apple saying “preparing to ship”.People who ordered through Apple are lucky because the T-Mobile website just keeps saying its processing. Does anyone know if there is a way to get a closer look at when it is preparing to ship if you ordered it through T-Mobile?
I would just doublecheck with the store inside my rep on the phone was incorrectI'm checking too soon let me know if they do it at your location
Okay let us know if it was successful I'm curiousIt's for my GFs 8. We will probably go into a Tmobile store Friday night when the 8 comes in and see if we can do the trade in there.
The last $300 for iP5 was the best deal. No monthly credit. Straight up cash card
Just canceled my 8+ JOD order. I decided to either get the EIP with $300 trade in or the sim free X from Apple Store instead.
for a person who doesn't plan to upgrade to the next iphone x next year (usually upgrade every 2-3 years), is the jump on demand program for me, or is the $300 trade in deal and paying monthly better?
Does T-Mobile typically have a decent amount of stock of new phones on launch day in their stores? I'd prefer to walk in and get one that way.
I haven't gone through all 24 pages of this thread, so I apologize if this question has already been brought up...I want to pre-order an iPhone X through the Apple iPhone Upgrade Program, but I noticed you have to go into the store in order to get an iPhone via T-Mobile. Can anyone tell me the reasoning?
Essentially, the only way for me to pre-order an iPhone X through the Apple program is to line up on launch day? There is no way for me to pre-order online and come into the store later on launch day to iron out the rest of the details?
Remember, the $300 is broken up monthly over 24 months. So in order to get the full benefit of the credit you'd need to keep the same device for 2 years.
JoD doesn't seem like a good option for you. I'd do the trade in since you'll get the full $300 value out of it since you upgrade every 2-3 years. Remember, the $300 is broken up monthly over 24 months. So in order to get the full benefit of the credit you'd need to keep the same device for 2 years.
I am on the JOD program, and I can change my phone every 30 days, (the part I am unsure about is if I have to pay the phone down at least half in order to upgrade, or I just give the old phone to t-mobile and the lease goes away, and I start a new one with the next phone)....
SOOO I think it's the latter, so I ordered the 8+ over Facebook messenger with T-mobile (it's actually neat), and will have it delivered by launch day!
I ended up canceled my JOD order for 8+ because I don't think I will take full advantage of its frequent upgrade feature. imo, JOD is more suited for android phone lovers since there are so many of them coming out throughout a year. Not so much for iPhone.