This is how JOD and Jump work. Jump automatical requires the deposit listed on Tmobile website. JOD is $0 if you qualify but you have to have enough credit aka know as EC. If you don't have the ammount to finance $1000 plus taxes it will ask for a deposit. Things have changed. You would think it would release the credit aka EC of the phone you are using that you are trading in but since that phone is still in your possesion it locks that EC until returned. Now you will see the credit wipe off on your Tmobile account that you login to but in the backround the EC aka credit is not available for use by you yet. So people who jumped at $0 down for previous iphones they were a good bit cheaper than the Iphone X that extra $200-$350 on the X could make a big difference. JOD charges $0 down if you have enough credit once that credit drops below the phone ammount downpayments start to calculate for expample. I had two lines with JOD. I paid off one 8 plus to save credit for the X then will sell the 8 plus. Well JOD was removed because of this now I have jump on one line. So when I jumped that line automatically $279 plus taxes ect was due because that was what online says is required. When I got to my JOD the first phone removed some of my credit I didn't have enough left to cover the second phone for $0 on JOD so another deposit was required but it wasn't $279 it was aroun $230 because I finaced the rest then ran out of credit and had to pay the difference. I have been with Tmobile 5 years and have Excellent credit so I am normally $0. I have studied this extensively via escalation to executive team along with customer care and along with Twitter weeks before the X launch to prepare myself for what I was needing to pay. I also requested my available EC aka credit days before I ordered and did the math and it added up when I ordered. You also have to take into account do you have any ipads,apple watches or any accessories finacned this includes leases and EIP's. When they say your $0 down that does not mean any device at anytime for $0 it's only if the credit is available. I suggest everyone to use Twitter to verify your account they can break your credit down with all of your devices so you can actually see how much credit your using. Also don't forget that the final lease payout option that doesn't list on your Tmobile account but customer care sees it. Those are not calculated online when you view your balance. A brand new $800 iphone 8 Plus with $0 down will only show like $600 being used but in reality with the backround $200 payout option its really using all $800. I hope this helps everyone. If I can help more please ask. I have been drilling Tmobile for weeks disecting my account and learning in preparation for the X launch. Another thing for those who in the past have had there credit doubled due to issues or requests to get more devices at $0 down keep in mind when you get it doubled you dind't have enough credit for what you wanted so as a loyal customer they gave you more credit. Well once you do those Lease's or Eip's you are now over your credit limit so all those payments you started to make for the next 12 months may not have just lowered your balance alot it may have just gotten you barely under your max credit limit because you really have been paying the overage on your credit limit back, but in your mind you say well I have paid on this and that for X ammount of months why do I need a downpayment I should be good, but in reality you were just paying your overage down kinda like a overdraft.