I JoD from 7+ to X 256gb and paid 460 with tax.... 3+ year account and 800+ FICO score... Tough life.
I got zero down on JOD. I've been with them 6+ years. Have 6 lines, 2 currently on JOD.I'd be interested to know if anyone with JOD got a 0 down iPhone X. I was also charged 279, and previously never paid a downpayment. Granted I JODd to an iPhone 8 Plus only 6 weeks ago just to see if I would like that instead, maybe since I have such few payments on it? Anyway, I literally texted my order over the mobile app while having lunch today. It was a great experience, very low stress. Order says Nov3-10th, but I'm sure that will slip once they see the inventory. No worries I have this pretty decent 8Plus to keep me company until then.
YupHow old is your account? If it’s three years
Old you automatically qualify. Anything less than three and you don’t.
It’s down right ridiculous that they don’t make this clear ANYWHERE obvious.
Yes. I understand this. I still think that it would make sense to consolidate.Everyone pays the same if you end up keeping the phone... we don't charge interest. JOD is not a purchase plan - JUMP!/EIP is. If your plan is to keep the phone, JOD is not the way to go... especially with the new stipulations on the more expensive devices. You end up paying the same - albeit with higher monthly charges.
I believe iPhones ordered from T-Mo are locked until:
1. They are activated on a plan for at least 90 days.
2. They are fully paid off
3. The customer requests an unlock code from T-Force.
1 and 2 and 3 have to be true in order to get an unlock successfully.
I guess it’s up to you. Do whatever works.
If you pay off a JOD, you lose it - as it’s not offered for new customers in-store anymore (outside of our Smartpicks promo).
You can currently still JOD once/month (changing next August)
Purchase Option Installment Plan (POIP): You can also use our Purchase Option Installment Plan (POIP), which is a no-interest, nine-month installment plan.
Not true for my Iphone 6 16GBI wouldn't worry about it. You'll make more selling it yourself. swappa.com is the ticket.
paragraphs are your friendThis is how JOD and Jump work. Jump automatical requires the deposit listed on Tmobile website. JOD is $0 if you qualify but you have to have enough credit aka know as EC. If you don't have the ammount to finance $1000 plus taxes it will ask for a deposit. Things have changed. You would think it would release the credit aka EC of the phone you are using that you are trading in but since that phone is still in your possesion it locks that EC until returned. Now you will see the credit wipe off on your Tmobile account that you login to but in the backround the EC aka credit is not available for use by you yet. So people who jumped at $0 down for previous iphones they were a good bit cheaper than the Iphone X that extra $200-$350 on the X could make a big difference. JOD charges $0 down if you have enough credit once that credit drops below the phone ammount downpayments start to calculate for expample. I had two lines with JOD. I paid off one 8 plus to save credit for the X then will sell the 8 plus. Well JOD was removed because of this now I have jump on one line. So when I jumped that line automatically $279 plus taxes ect was due because that was what online says is required. When I got to my JOD the first phone removed some of my credit I didn't have enough left to cover the second phone for $0 on JOD so another deposit was required but it wasn't $279 it was aroun $230 because I finaced the rest then ran out of credit and had to pay the difference. I have been with Tmobile 5 years and have Excellent credit so I am normally $0. I have studied this extensively via escalation to executive team along with customer care and along with Twitter weeks before the X launch to prepare myself for what I was needing to pay. I also requested my available EC aka credit days before I ordered and did the math and it added up when I ordered. You also have to take into account do you have any ipads,apple watches or any accessories finacned this includes leases and EIP's. When they say your $0 down that does not mean any device at anytime for $0 it's only if the credit is available. I suggest everyone to use Twitter to verify your account they can break your credit down with all of your devices so you can actually see how much credit your using. Also don't forget that the final lease payout option that doesn't list on your Tmobile account but customer care sees it. Those are not calculated online when you view your balance. A brand new $800 iphone 8 Plus with $0 down will only show like $600 being used but in reality with the backround $200 payout option its really using all $800. I hope this helps everyone. If I can help more please ask. I have been drilling Tmobile for weeks disecting my account and learning in preparation for the X launch. Another thing for those who in the past have had there credit doubled due to issues or requests to get more devices at $0 down keep in mind when you get it doubled you dind't have enough credit for what you wanted so as a loyal customer they gave you more credit. Well once you do those Lease's or Eip's you are now over your credit limit so all those payments you started to make for the next 12 months may not have just lowered your balance alot it may have just gotten you barely under your max credit limit because you really have been paying the overage on your credit limit back, but in your mind you say well I have paid on this and that for X ammount of months why do I need a downpayment I should be good, but in reality you were just paying your overage down kinda like a overdraft.
i don't think you will get both the trade in credit AND the $300...probably just the $300 spread over 24 mos.Not true for my Iphone 6 16GB
[doublepost=1509139064][/doublepost]I just placed another order for an Iphone X and processed a trade in with my IMEI. The rep told me that I would receive trade in credit ($82) in addition to the $300 spread over 24 months. My assurant label also states $82 accepted offer. Anyone have experience on this?
couldn't get through via apple app til 8 minutes past the hour...and have 1-2 week delivery. for both 256 black and silver...had the option to pick up at local store on launch day, but i was so frazzled i bypassed it and only realized it after the fact that i could have picked up on the 3rd.What shipping dates did you guys get if you ordered from Apple?
So I’m assuming the majority of you with successful orders got them over the phone with a T-Mobile rep?
Last night at 3am Eastern I tried first to order a T-Mobile iPhone X via the Apple Store but at 3:05am the ship dates were already slipping to November 15-17. I also noticed there were no sim free options at the Apple Store and no way of starting a new Apple Upgrade Program. It seemed you could only get a phone online if you already had any existing carrier account.
Then I switched over to the t-mobile app and was able to navigate through all of the prompts until getting to the phone selections I can only see iPhone 8 and iPhone 7 options to choose. No iphone X options at all. This happens on both the app and the website when I’m logged in.
Did anyone run into this as well? I guess I missed my chance due to all these weird ways of trying to purchase the iPhone. It seems there’s all these terms and conditions to be able to get an iPhone X under their IUP and when I try at T-Mobile I was met with technical difficulties.
It sounds like I should have just called in to t-Mobile and probably had the best chance.
This year I decided I was going to get the Google Pixel 2 XL and the iPhone X and return whichever I decide not to use. I gotta say it was so much easier and straightforward to purchase the google Phone on their financing plan. Just straightforward despite launch demand.
That is exactly what happened to me, my 2 silver 256GB are now 2-3 week delivery and I could have picked them up but I wasn't paying attention to that option until after.paragraphs are your friend
i don't think you will get both the trade in credit AND the $300...probably just the $300 spread over 24 mos.
couldn't get through via apple app til 8 minutes past the hour...and have 1-2 week delivery. for both 256 black and silver...had the option to pick up at local store on launch day, but i was so frazzled i bypassed it and only realized it after the fact that i could have picked up on the 3rd.
So I pre ordered through the T-Mobile app, is it true you sign for the phone when purchasing because I have not yet received Esignature email yet. If anyone has any insight about this let me know. From what I was told only customers who called in get the electronic signature through email is that true ?
How did you manage to get it with $0 down? Everything I’ve seen on their site said $279, and I’ve been a longstanding customer with excellent credit.
I thought I had read before that it was $0 down on the 64gb, and then when the time for the preorder came it was up to $279.
Edit: I ordered a 64gb in space grey @ 1:24am pst and my order status still shows 11/3 delivery.
Confused as to why people are pissed off about having down payments.. even if you don’t pay one immediately, the cost of your bill is still going up so you’ll be paying it eventually. Might as well get it over with and at least keep your monthly charges the same.
I’ve yet to receive a text like that and I placed my order in the first 5 minutes.
Where's @nateatlarge at? He's usually in the T-Mobile thread by now![]()
I got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
A so-so day turns to gold thanks to Apple!
My order directly from Apple upgraded from 11/10-11/17 delivery to now 11/3! TMobile still stuck on "don't know" but now I don't care.
What did everyone select for shipping? I didn't even think of upgrading the shipping.
Ordered silver 64gb.
I'll give you that one.Not true for my Iphone 6 16GB
[doublepost=1509139064][/doublepost]I just placed another order for an Iphone X and processed a trade in with my IMEI. The rep told me that I would receive trade in credit ($82) in addition to the $300 spread over 24 months. My assurant label also states $82 accepted offer. Anyone have experience on this?