Sorry, but I have a bit of an OT rant that I need to get off my chest, here:
So, if you want to look at it from a less-than-forgiving angle, the guy called you an idiot.

Only appropriate answer for that:
"Hi. What's your name? OK, thanks. Now, what's your manager's name, and how can I get directly in touch with him or her? What business is it of yours what I buy or why I buy it? You're just here to deliver what I bought, not critique my decision to buy it. What I should feel foolish about is the fact that I trusted UPS to deliver this kind of thing in one piece. This just proves that I should always use FedEx for delivery. Oh, and you have a nice Easter, too."
Mind you, unless the delivery person followed up with any kind of less-than-pleasant retort, I wouldn't actually try to contact anybody at UPS about the matter. I just feel that it's a good idea to remind people like that about common courtesy when they step on my toes for no reason other than to mouth off. But what do I know? I have
Frustration Issues©.
I now return us all to the happy-happy joy-joy, 'I got my iPad' forum.
I'll be going to one of the 5 semi-local Apple stores (I'm in Orange County, CA) and checking out the iPad for myself, this morning. I seriously doubt that I'll actually be buying an iPad, yet. That is unless my wife falls in love with it and I agree to share it with her. If that happens, we'll definitely have to get the 64GB model.