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In Northwest Arkansas. Still hasn't arrived at its 11am. Its nearby, just gotta get that truck to magically appear.

Never mind, it just arrived. Guess the trick is to post that it hasn't arrived, and it will :)

It's very cool!
I decided I needed the 3g version so I've got some waiting to do. I will check the Apple store this weekend though. Congrats to all those who got theirs today!!
I want to know how hot the iPad gets after say...20 minutes + of continual use.
When I use my iPhone for a while using an app or watching a movie, it gets noticeably warm. Is the iPad warmer?

I don't have it yet but watched a review on Twit from the reviewer at the Sn times on Macbreak weekly. He said it does not even get warm at all watching movies etc. No heat. Sure someone else will confirm
Anyone that can tell me the weight of an ipad, packaging and the protective brown paper box? Thinking of buying one using a postal forwarding service and they charge by the pound.
Never mind, it just arrived. Guess the trick is to post that it hasn't arrived, and it will :)

It's very cool!

Mine hasn't arrived yet. I'm hoping this will work. The UPS website hasn't updated to Out for Delivery. Just suck at the airport... It's 12:26 PM...

OK anyone in NYC seen UPS yet today? Mine seems to be stuck on:


I can practically see Maspeth from my apartment but I could have gone to the 5th ave store and picked one up by now!
No destination facility scan

Hey, I just got my 2 iPads, and for those of you that are worried, mine showed a scan in Manchester NH at 6:18am EST, and even though it left there, wnet to my local facility then me, there was never any UPS updates to reflect the last leg of the journey, (and I was refreshing like every 5 minutes). Hope you all enjoy yours, gonna take a little bit to sync them both. But, like others have said, atleast the batteries come full charge.
Any New Jersey Deliveries

I am 5 miles from Newark NJ sort facility. Tracking info has Arrival Scan at 8:52 PM with no other scans.
Waiting in Tennessee ....


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Has anyone downloaded the Netflix application for the iPad? (don't know if it is true that Netflix is on the iPad). If so, can someone take pics of it?

Just got NetFlix installed on my new iPad. The quality of the streaming is terrific, I think! Watching Julie and Julia...

As another poster has noted, the interface is a bit lame...but I suspect that will be improved in the next month or so.

I am going to use this app a lot! (Requires a NetFlix subscription, but the increasingly large library of Watch Instantly movies at NetFlix makes this worth it.)
Well, I haven't gotten all my passwords and whatnot set up so I can't frequent all my sites and junk yet, but I'm very happy with the ipad so far. Its a lot easier to type on than I was expecting. Cant wait to get into more of my apps. Gotta buy some more too. :)
I just got mine. The UPS guy got to my house around twelve. He said that he was delivering a decent amount of iPads today. I love it and I have only been using it for five minutes.

Through all the ups and downs I GOT MINE!!!!!! Well, it's at the house. :)

UPS, I hate em, but I love em. They worked hard.

Waiting in Tennessee ....


Getting really excited after reading all the positive posts!
I just wonder, maybe a stupid question but I have to ask.
Im thinking of buying an iPad for the simple reason of having it to surf from my couch while wathing tv. I do that with my macbook nowadays but when I surf I usually also chat through msn or skype. Anyone's got an idea if that will work even if there is no multitasking?

Keep posting all your new experiences!
I got mine a few hours ago around 10am. I ALMOST didn't answer the door. I was hung over from last night and I thought it was Jahova Witnesses because they are always knocking on my door haha. AND i didn't have my contacts in glasses on so I'm peaking through my peep hole squinting going.. uhhh is that UPS.. hehe

Anyway got it, love it. Syncing most of my stuff on there now.

One thing that's horrible is that Wall Street Journal app, holy garbage.
OK anyone in NYC seen UPS yet today? Mine seems to be stuck on:


I can practically see Maspeth from my apartment but I could have gone to the 5th ave store and picked one up by now!

I am in Bayside, NY (Queens) and am at: MASPETH, NY, US 04/03/2010 9:45 A.M. DESTINATION SCAN

Anyone in Queens, NY get it yet??? We should have all went to one of the 6+ Apple Stores around us... I heard LI has no lines right now.

Can anyone report if documents can be stored somewhere? Lets say you work on pages - where does it save it. Is there a documents folder or something which allows you to lets say put all the stuff from your current work project on there and work with it? Lets say you want to do a PROFESSIONAL key note presentation with data your lab produced...
Mine arrived without a out for delivery notice, about two hours ago. Just quickly, this is the best device at I have ever bought. It is unreal.
I wasn't planning on buying one, but I walked into my local Best Buy to check them out and they had hardly sold any, so...


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Mine got here shortly after 9:30 est. All I can say is wow. I am very happy. The display is top notch and the speed is amazing. The apps for aim and YouTube are all I've had time to play with so far and they look great. Nice job Apple!

-Sent from my iPad :D
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