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iPad Charger

Hello you lucky Americans... I'm trying to find out if it's worth getting a mate of mine buying me an iPad and shipping it over.

One question I have is with the power adapter. What voltage can it handle?

For instance, on my MacBook Pro, it says its Input AC is 110-240V, meaning it'll work fine in the US (110V) and Europe/Australasia (240V).

Could anyone tell me what it says on the iPad charger?

Thanks :)
Sounds like iPad got a good reception, which is good.

I'd be interested in iPad impressions from users, say, 2 months from now when they've had time to use it more and gotten over the initial excitement.
LOL Anybody notice the scratches on the background image. I am sure somebody else has mentioned this but that is kinda odd to see scratches and think that your ipad is scratched. :eek:

They are not scratches. The picture was taken at night with a long exposure.... they are the stars moving across the nigh sky.
No problem with WiFi (range) here. My iPad runs lightening fast and zooms along the Internet Highway. Maybe something is wrong with yours :confused:

Ya my wifi works just fine too. Took it to the um...bathroom once and all over my apartment. But I don't live in a big house just a two bedroom apt and so far no wifi issues. In fact my iPad gets better coverage somehow than my MacBook pro I got 5 months ago. I always have full bars. Weird maybe I'm in the minority?
Okay---I had company most of the day, and while we all played with a couple of iPads, I didn't have much time to post.

I'm not going to come across as 'blown away' here, because I already had a very good idea of what I was getting. But don't take the negative points as me being a hater--if I hadn't wanted one (as an informed purchaser) I wouldn't have spent so much time in the shipping thread in the last week. :) I figure everyone knows the positives by now anyway. But here's a few:

--Battery life and coolness. Pretty impressive. I've used it on my lap for an hour at a stretch without ever noticing any warmth.

--Speaker sound is way better than you might expect.

--Web pages load snappily.

--iBooks is as cool as it seems.

My main problems so far:

Keyboard, keyboard, keyboard. I guess this must be a highly individual thing, but let's just say I'm posting this on my MacBook. (No, I'm not going to buy a dock, I already have a laptop.) That said, I was never sanguine about the keyboard in the first place, and my intent was always to use the device to consume, not create content.

Weight. I got used to this, it's a matter of finding more comfortable positions. I guess it's the trade-off for all that battery life.

Apps. Argh. So much potential, so little out there (that I want) that is really working correctly. ABC Player crashes (as noted in other threads), can't find a comic book (CBR) reader that functions very elegantly, have had many other Apps "crash to desktop" or simply glitch out. Amazon makes it astonishingly hard to get non-Amazon content into the Kindle app, so I can't even really compare it against iBooks, which I wanted to do. Back on the comic book thing, I shelled out for ComicZeal (Mobi is a little spendy), but ComicZeal's bulky sync method fails more often than it works, and half the time it won't recognize an orientation change for some reason.

NPR app and Weatherbug are two that stand out as being functional and fairly well designed. Yahoo's entertainment app is interesting but it crashes out.

I haven't run into any sites where lack of Flash was a big problem, unless I went looking for them. Unless you've heard otherwise (the big 3), a lot of the tv channels are still using flash. For example, I checked the SyFy site, they haven't done anything for their 'rewind' episode player yet.

Despite these issues, I am happy with the purchase and overall it's a nice device that does what they say it does. Once the app developers get on the ball and finish up their paid beta testing, I'll lose most of my complaints.
Mine arrived. Keyboard takes a bit to get used to. Best buy had over twenty left when I went to get the apple case. I'm undecided on the case, that is whether I will keep it or find a diff one. Pretty steep for $40 and frankly it could or should have included something like the apple case in the box. iPad apps are nice. Upscaled for the most part suck. I'll post more later!

Spent an hour with it so far, typing on it now. I've used lots of gadgets, and without a doubt the iPad is the most amazing. I have anticipated it for two months and it was worth the wait. Every app for the iPad blows me away; USA Today, Reuters, Weather Channel, Twitterific.

Steve was right, it's almost magical.
To the guy who asked, there doesn't seem to be a way to use Airtunes, or to play songs or video from an iTunes share, and there is also no native Remote app yet. Supporting iTunes shares would be nice; I don't have a good sense of how much battery that would chew.

This thing is awesome in the kitchen, and unlike my laptop I'll actually carry it around my house. However, takes some getting used to, especially the keyboard. In spite of having an iPhone for years, it's not quite as natural off the bat as I thought if would be. I think I'll have to wait for a week or so to really get a sense for how useful this thing will be.
Oh, one more observation: you're going to want a case. For propping it up, for protection. The heaviness combined with the slippery sides makes me feel like this thing is a bad fall waiting to happen. Everything here is closed tomorrow but I will probably brave the Apple store on Monday.
Loving our family iPad so far... Just wanted to say that paired with my JB iPhone 3G with the Cydia app called MyWi our iPad is working wonderful over wifi-3G using my iphone as the wifi hotspot. Our iPad is essentially the iPad 3G without the cost of paying AT&T for more service or Apple for the iPads coming out with the built in 3G ability. Works great!
Congrats to you lucky iPad owners

So jealous of you guys, i have to wait till they get to the UK then maybe another week for it to get shipped from there to here in Thailand.

Fell asleep waiting for the store opening on Engadget last night, ended up having a iPad dream. I was at the NY apple store but it was like a big cafeteria inside. Everyone was seated getting served food by apple staff, but they were using the iPad as a tray. The meal was Spaghetti Carbonara with chunky fries. I couldn't decide weather to take the meal off my brand new iPad and play with it or eat first. Because of the greasy finger situation I decide to take the food off and play first. Also Jobs was seated across the table from me. When i woke up i was drooling on the pillow. Not sure because of the food or the iPad.

Maybe apple should rethink their launch strategies :)
Glad i didn't buy one of those seat mount car DVD players... I just need a way to stick my iPad to the dash or back seat now. :)

I wonder if the Orb app works on iPad... Would love to stream tv to this in the car too (obviously using mywi on my iphone as the wifi hotspot)
I just went and got a 32 gb iPad, but my original plan was to get the 64 gb. They sold out, but I settled with a 32 for now. Is there any way of telling how large in size the books in the iBook store are as you can with the AppStore? If they are large in size I am just going to go ahead and replace the 32 with a 64 once the new shipment comes in.
Drove 420K to get my iPad today!

I drove to Lynwood Apple Store from Vancouver which is 210K each way. The line was not too long when I got there around 7:30. By opening time at 9:00 it was VERY long. Obviously, the line for reserved moved much faster than those of us who had not done so. I met lots of Canadians, including several who had driven 13 hours from Calgary!!!

On the way in going through US Border, the guy said, "Yeah, some others went through here from Canada to get the iPad. What is it?

Same on the way back, I saw a bunch of people carrying their goodies.

Got home. setup was fairly quick. Being a Canadian, it was a bit more complex as I had to set up a US iTunes account and purchased iTunes Gift Cards which I redeemed in the Store in order to purchase Apps (Pages for example) I only purchased $100.00 thinking that the iPad will be here in Canada at the end of the month and I can hopefully go back to using my Canadian iTunes account with my credit card.

There are some issues with the iPhone Apps I have as they were purchased/downloaded under my Canadian iTunes account. So, I deleted them, and re-downloaded from US account.

I am surprised to say the least that Google does not have a dedicated iPad Search App. However, pressing the 2X symbol enlarges the app nicely.

I certainly hope that Apple gets a lot more titles in the ibookstore soon. That was a key beef I had with Amazon and the Kindle, as I did not feel that they had enough ( I read a lot) I did purchase one book so far on iBooks.

Fingerprints is much more of an issue on the iPad than on the iPhone, much more noticeable.

Overall, super pleased.
HEAVY - and it ain't even my brother!

My major complaint is the weight - why didn't they go with the black plastic iPhone shell (or white!)???:eek:

I think we heard your craving for a plastic casing the first three times. :)
And I think you are very alone in whishing the iPad were made of plastic in stead of this rocksolid unibody aluminium.

Anyway the aluminium casing isn't responsible for the bulk of the iPads weight. It's the relatively thick slab of glass and the (double) battery pack that makes for most of the iPad's heft. And you probably don't want those replaced by plastic?
Dock Icon's

Can you have more than just four icons on the dock? Also in the store I tried to move around icons like you can do on the iPod touch and iPhone, can anyone do this on the ipad?
So jealous of you guys, i have to wait till they get to the UK then maybe another week for it to get shipped from there to here in Thailand.

Fell asleep waiting for the store opening on Engadget last night, ended up having a iPad dream. I was at the NY apple store but it was like a big cafeteria inside. Everyone was seated getting served food by apple staff, but they were using the iPad as a tray. The meal was Spaghetti Carbonara with chunky fries. I couldn't decide weather to take the meal off my brand new iPad and play with it or eat first. Because of the greasy finger situation I decide to take the food off and play first. Also Jobs was seated across the table from me. When i woke up i was drooling on the pillow. Not sure because of the food or the iPad.

Maybe apple should rethink their launch strategies :)

Best story I've ever heard lmao :)
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