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of a little bit interest for East Asians is that Traditional Chinese which Taiwanese, Hong Konger, overseas Chinese use every day -- oh, and Korean --are not supported although almost every (except the first few) iPods, iPod Touches, iPhones supports this beautiful language. Hail to the great Communist Red China.

I expect that to be corrected soon. The iPad is expected to come to Korea by June of this year (This is from reporting by Korean Telecom, who carries the iPhone there.)
I know the camera connector isn't out yet, but do any of you remember the usb camera connector they made for the original iPod Photo years ago? I have one of those and as far as I can figure out, it's the same dock plug.

Has anyone tested this? Would it work?

iLounge has confirmed it does NOT work.
I'm personally amazed at the amount of people saying how bad the keyboard is. In landscape mode this keyboard is much easier to type on than an iphone.

I'm with you. I'm waiting for the 3G to come out, but I went to BB the hour before they closed, less busy, and played with the one for the whole time.

1. I could type at no less than 70 percent of my normal touch typing speed, as long as I was looking at the keyboard. This was on the first try. It would probably improve with a little practice. That is multiples time faster and more accurate than on my iPad Touch, and frankly better than I expected. Was very pleased with the typing experience, especially after some of the complaints.

2. It is a little heavier than I would prefer, but very manageable. It's funny because it at first seems lighter than expected when you pick it up with two hands, but you soon discover its weight while holding with one hand and operating with the other. As a test, I held it, gripping it in one hand without switching, for about 45 min. straight. Fingers were a were rather tired in doing so, but after after that time, I reduced the stress by holding it in portrait view instead of landscape. Much better balance and weight distribution for one handed holding.

3. Fingerprints were very noticeable on a sleeping display model, but were very easily wiped away with a moistened screen rag, making the device look brand spanking new again. Of course, when the display is active, they disappear through the gorgeous backlit screen.

4. The device is as blistering fast and has as beautiful a display as everyone has mentioned. And the feels as though it's begging to following your whim.

It was just fun to use. And for someone who spends a lot of time with his computer everyday, that is the best recommendation.
did your guys' iPads not come with an extension cable like the power bricks for the laptops have?

i find it weird that the apple online store sells the power brick and it comes with one, but it doesnt come with the iPad.

I am using the one from my laptop, just popped the prongs off the adapter and plugged in the cord from my laptop. Works great I have about a 10 foot power cord now lol
Here in Vancouver, Ordered one to my companies warehouse in Blaine, and going to pickup on Tuesday... Will eventually get a 3g one, but figuring someone will be happy to buy mine off me in the next 3 weeks before they are released here in Canada, so I can get the 3g when they come out... Ive been holding off on buying books for the last month or so, so hopefully the ibooks store is well stocked.... Even if it isnt theres a couple of decent site out there for converting pdfs to epub format...

Not clear the advantage of epub over pdf though, although the pdf reader on ipad may not be very functional with bookmarks etc... has anyone tried to create a epub book yet?
I've had mine since 12:30 pm today and all I can say is freaking wow!!!

So far I have found nothing to complain about.

The video playback is incredible; the wifi speed is spot on and all my web surfing and download speeds are excellent. I've even downloaded a few arcade-style games (something I never did on my iPhone) and again the graphics, sound and speed are excellent; iBooks rocks (would love more book choices but they'll come); new Kindle app is excellent and all my old books are there; battery time is stupidly good.

Now one thing that I have read all over the net is how poor the keyboard is. I could't disagree more. I am a writer on the side (scifi mostly) and I pulled some of my stuff into the Pages app (very nice app by the way) and it works very well. I have typed three pages of text and my only real bitch would be that some of the keys require hitting the [.?123] symbol key to access. (quotes and parenthesis and the apostrophe are the most "annoying" but I got used to it quickly) Just remember to go into settings like on the iphone and enable Caps -Lock. Just give it some time and I am sure most will get used to it. My daughter agrees as well. She even commented how much she loved the keyboard.

I was annoyed to find that the dock does not work with the Apple case. I'll just return the dock I guess because the case is excellent! The built-in tilt is excellent and makes typing on the keyboard even easier.

One other bitch is how do I search for all the new apps. The AppStore just gives the top 100 or so. Are there any good sites that show all of the new apps just for iPad?

Anyway, I love this thing!!
I am using the one from my laptop, just popped the prongs off the adapter and plugged in the cord from my laptop. Works great I have about a 10 foot power cord now lol

Awesome. I thought of that but wasn't sure if it would work. Thanks :)

And after a day with the iPad, I'm sure it can replace a netbook for my mom. (which is why I bought it)
True. True. I think my concern though is the reasoning behind releasing a 16GB version for a device that can do just as much as a laptop. I would certainly max that drive in a few hours with games, apps, music and books. For the average person maybe not?

Because it cant do just as much as a laptop.
I wish when people were describing drawbacks, they would quit using the phrase "No Multi-tasking". That simply isn't true. The OS sure the heck does multi-tasking. A more accurate statement would be "No third-party apps can run in the background" I do agree that it is annoying though.

Glad everyone is enjoying their iPads. Can't wait for my 3G to arrive.
so jealous... I'm thinking about not ordering the 3G and just splurging on the Wifi :/

After a full day of use i do see the need for the 3G. Might have to give mine to my wife later and get the 3g for me :)
I am loving mine so far, posted a quick review on my website and going to post some more in depth reviews the next few days.
iPad first impressions

Nice review. Thanks for sharing.

Although I did not get one today, I totally agree with your 3G assessment. I did, however, pre-order a 3G version. Hopefully, they will be out sooner rather than later.
ugh I love reading everyone's experiences; the anticipation of the big delivery, unboxing, and then their thoughts about the look and feel of the iPad. Makes me want one!

I am in Australia, so obviously it isn't here yet. I am always reluctant to buy first generation anything, but it is going to be really hard not to buy this as soon as it becomes available. I guess the good thing about having to wait is that hopefully over the next few weeks more apps will be available, so the first iPad experience for Australians, Britons, and everyone else who are forced to wait, may just be more positive.

I think I'll try to wait until at least the end of the year before I buy an iPad - I think I need time to evaluate its function and whether or not it will be of use to me. Apart from that I am hoping there will be improvements over the next 12 months that will make the iPad even more amazing. Looks like I'll be staying out of any store that sells Apple products for a while. If I see a demo model I might be tempted to ignore my better judgement!
I too loved reading this thread.

I was on the fence about whether to get one now or to wait for the 3G model to come out.

Well opposite of most in my situation I have decided that, upon reading everything in here, that I am going to want to take the iPad with me everywhere and so that means waiting for the 3G model.

Decision made.

I just ordered a 3G + WiFi 64GB and now the waiting...the looong waiting begins.

BUT...I already feel better than I did 30 minutes ago when I was still on the fence! :D

Thanks for a great thread today, and congrats everyone! ;)
I originally ordered a 16gb on 4/1 and was prepared to wait until it arrived. Last night I was reading and watching reviews and I started to get antsy. This morning my husband just looked at me and asked "So, we are going to the Apple store today, huh?' The man knows me so well....

We went to the Baybrook Mall store in Webster, Texas. The parking lot was packed but typical for that mall on the weekend. My husband dropped me off at the door and went to park the car. I walked in the mall at 12:20. I called him at 12:32 asking him to come and pick me up because I had the device and was ready to leave. He didn't believe me. Until I got in the car and showed him. :p (I also got the purple Incase cover which is how it got the name Barney. I'm a woman and I just can't call it iPad. What the @#$% were they thinking?)

Seriously, the line for the Easter bunny was longer. There was no one in the reservation line and only 4 people in the non reservation line. My time in line was less than 2 minutes. I didn't even get a chance to take a picture. LOL Once in the store Jason C. was super. He offered to set it up for me but I declined because for me that is half the fun.

When I got in the car I called Apple to cancel the order. I was on hold for 20 minutes but to be expected on a day like today. Order canceled with no problems or fuss. The next call was to the hairdresser to cancel my appointment because I was going straight home to play!

Unboxed it and hooked it up to my Mac and ooops. One very important thing that I missed was it doesn't work with my OS 10.4 iMac. :(:( So, I hooked it to my Windows laptop and synced it up. (For some reason it just felt wrong...)

First impressions:
-To me it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. I've been reading were people think it is heavy but I don't think it is much heavier than my netbook.
-I love the screen brightness.
-Just an over all feeling of wonder holding it. My first computer experience was with a Commdore PET with a cassette deck and now this. I kept going wow. My mom and I were talking this evening about Barney and how he isn't perfect but the possibilities for the future and what is to hopefully come from this one device.... I look forward to it.
-Keyboard. Loooooooove it. I'm not a home row type typer so maybe that is why I enjoy it. My mom who is a home row typer didn't care for the keyboard. My husband who is a one finger typer liked it.
-The no flash, no camera was no suprise. Not a deal breaker for me.
-The email app is nice. Since the first iPhone came out it is pretty much what I use to check email 99% of the time. The bigger screen and layout are very nice.

-Netflix. I'm new to Netfix, only have had it one month but I'm addicted to it. The app is nice and a pleasure to watch shows in landscape. Usually we watch Netflix through the blu-ray and sometimes it is choppy and it will have to buffer a lot. Haven't had this probelm with the app.
-iBooks. Main reason for my intrest in Barney was as a book reader. The Kindle screen wasn't attractive to me and in my mind was way overpriced. I wanted the first book that I bought to be Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but its not available. :( The Winnie the Pooh book was awesome. I enjoyed reading the story and the illustrations were crisp and bright. Page turning was very responsive.
-Word Search HD. Couldn't get it to work. You couldn't highlight a word and after a few minutes it would crash. Deleted it.
-Toy Story 1 book. Free from the app store. Wow. I was enjoying just following along to the voices but then I saw the icon and thought "Hm, wonder what that does?" No friggin way!!! I get to color!!! W00t! (Yes, I am easily amused and a child at heart) I will be asking my friends to borrow their children so it won't seem so pathetic that I'm coloring.:D
-Marvel app. Not much of a comic book reader but wanted to see what it was about. Downloaded a couple of free comics and enjoyed them. Again, page turning was very responsive and the quality of the graphics were great. I think the app is a keeper and will probably later look for more comics.
-We Rule HD. Have the game on my iPhone and it is buggy as He11. (But I keep playing it) I wasn't expecting much for the HD app but I was pleasantly suprised. I could see my friend's kingdoms, faster load times and the bigger screen made for much easier play.
-The Elements book. I didn't plan to buy that app but the hype and curiousity got the best of me. Wow. If I had that in high school, I would have done waaaaay better in science class than I did. I hope there are more apps like this to come.

Final thoughts:
Barney will replace my netbook and if I could play Warcraft on him the laptop would go as well. Barney isn't perfect but he has a lot of potential and I'm going to go along for the ride.

I <3 Barney.
I too loved reading this thread.

I was on the fence about whether to get one now or to wait for the 3G model to come out.

Well opposite of most in my situation I have decided that, upon reading everything in here, that I am going to want to take the iPad with me everywhere and so that means waiting for the 3G model.

Decision made.

I just ordered a 3G + WiFi 64GB and now the waiting...the looong waiting begins.

BUT...I already feel better than I did 30 minutes ago when I was still on the fence! :D

Thanks for a great thread today, and congrats everyone! ;)

I spent an hour playing with one at BB tonight. It made me want to take it home right there and then, but in a way it was also very satisfying and answered a lot of questions and gave me a bit of my iPad fix.

I think there may be a few more visits during April to tide me over.
My first impressions are WOW... the screen they have in the iPad is second to none. Very impressive. The viewing angles are so good, that you literally have to not see the screen before its not viewable! :p Its really nice!

For its size, I think people get off put that its heavy... but its just "Dense" its a lot of weight in what appears to be a tiny little thing. I think its very nicely weighted. Its half the weight of my HP mini 311, looks and feels about one million dollars better. I have been using it non stop and I don't really feel any extra fatigue.

Apps! Netflix, ABC, Marvel, etc... all very awesome! Bring on Hulu!

iBooks... I will admit I was not at all excited about this. Not because I hate to read, but because I really like e-ink in terms of the fact it looks like a printed paper. After reading the adventures of winnie the pooh (which came free with my iBook app download), I was sold. The text is so sharp and the backlight when turned down in low light really didnt strain my eyes like I thought it might.

Anyway, it was funny... my UPS guy knew exactly what it was. I answered the door and he said "You must be waiting for this, you excited?" "Yeah, I said" He answers "Yeah, we brought on a quite a few more trucks and drivers to get these out to you guys! Have fun with it!"
ugh I love reading everyone's experiences; the anticipation of the big delivery, unboxing, and then their thoughts about the look and feel of the iPad. Makes me want one!

I am in Australia, so obviously it isn't here yet. I am always reluctant to buy first generation anything, but it is going to be really hard not to buy this as soon as it becomes available. I guess the good thing about having to wait is that hopefully over the next few weeks more apps will be available, so the first iPad experience for Australians, Britons, and everyone else who are forced to wait, may just be more positive.

I think I'll try to wait until at least the end of the year before I buy an iPad - I think I need time to evaluate its function and whether or not it will be of use to me. Apart from that I am hoping there will be improvements over the next 12 months that will make the iPad even more amazing. Looks like I'll be staying out of any store that sells Apple products for a while. If I see a demo model I might be tempted to ignore my better judgement!

Aussie here too, and all this talk is making me want one too! I probably won't even buy one when it comes out but I just get excited about these things. I might buy iPad 2.0.

...big long post...

You should put more detail into your posts. Sounds like its a very nice product. Hope you enjoy it!
How is the 'pad going to handle flash videos in the future? Will it ever get true flash support, or what? I want to be able to browse any flash site without problems. The iPod touch can do it, no? Been forever since I used my touch to remember.
Guys - I'm almost sold on an ipad

why wait for 3G when you can tether with your iPhone?

Doesn't make sense to pay AT&T more for the same service

yes u need to jailbreak which any 2 year old can do.
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