I originally ordered a 16gb on 4/1 and was prepared to wait until it arrived. Last night I was reading and watching reviews and I started to get antsy. This morning my husband just looked at me and asked "So, we are going to the Apple store today, huh?' The man knows me so well....
We went to the Baybrook Mall store in Webster, Texas. The parking lot was packed but typical for that mall on the weekend. My husband dropped me off at the door and went to park the car. I walked in the mall at 12:20. I called him at 12:32 asking him to come and pick me up because I had the device and was ready to leave. He didn't believe me. Until I got in the car and showed him.

(I also got the purple Incase cover which is how it got the name Barney. I'm a woman and I just can't call it iPad. What the @#$% were they thinking?)
Seriously, the line for the Easter bunny was longer. There was no one in the reservation line and only 4 people in the non reservation line. My time in line was less than 2 minutes. I didn't even get a chance to take a picture. LOL Once in the store Jason C. was super. He offered to set it up for me but I declined because for me that is half the fun.
When I got in the car I called Apple to cancel the order. I was on hold for 20 minutes but to be expected on a day like today. Order canceled with no problems or fuss. The next call was to the hairdresser to cancel my appointment because I was going straight home to play!
Unboxed it and hooked it up to my Mac and ooops. One very important thing that I missed was it doesn't work with my OS 10.4 iMac.

So, I hooked it to my Windows laptop and synced it up. (For some reason it just felt wrong...)
First impressions:
-To me it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. I've been reading were people think it is heavy but I don't think it is much heavier than my netbook.
-I love the screen brightness.
-Just an over all feeling of wonder holding it. My first computer experience was with a Commdore PET with a cassette deck and now this. I kept going wow. My mom and I were talking this evening about Barney and how he isn't perfect but the possibilities for the future and what is to hopefully come from this one device.... I look forward to it.
-Keyboard. Loooooooove it. I'm not a home row type typer so maybe that is why I enjoy it. My mom who is a home row typer didn't care for the keyboard. My husband who is a one finger typer liked it.
-The no flash, no camera was no suprise. Not a deal breaker for me.
-The email app is nice. Since the first iPhone came out it is pretty much what I use to check email 99% of the time. The bigger screen and layout are very nice.
-Netflix. I'm new to Netfix, only have had it one month but I'm addicted to it. The app is nice and a pleasure to watch shows in landscape. Usually we watch Netflix through the blu-ray and sometimes it is choppy and it will have to buffer a lot. Haven't had this probelm with the app.
-iBooks. Main reason for my intrest in Barney was as a book reader. The Kindle screen wasn't attractive to me and in my mind was way overpriced. I wanted the first book that I bought to be Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but its not available.

The Winnie the Pooh book was awesome. I enjoyed reading the story and the illustrations were crisp and bright. Page turning was very responsive.
-Word Search HD. Couldn't get it to work. You couldn't highlight a word and after a few minutes it would crash. Deleted it.
-Toy Story 1 book. Free from the app store. Wow. I was enjoying just following along to the voices but then I saw the icon and thought "Hm, wonder what that does?" No friggin way!!! I get to color!!! W00t! (Yes, I am easily amused and a child at heart) I will be asking my friends to borrow their children so it won't seem so pathetic that I'm coloring.

-Marvel app. Not much of a comic book reader but wanted to see what it was about. Downloaded a couple of free comics and enjoyed them. Again, page turning was very responsive and the quality of the graphics were great. I think the app is a keeper and will probably later look for more comics.
-We Rule HD. Have the game on my iPhone and it is buggy as He11. (But I keep playing it) I wasn't expecting much for the HD app but I was pleasantly suprised. I could see my friend's kingdoms, faster load times and the bigger screen made for much easier play.
-The Elements book. I didn't plan to buy that app but the hype and curiousity got the best of me. Wow. If I had that in high school, I would have done waaaaay better in science class than I did. I hope there are more apps like this to come.
Final thoughts:
Barney will replace my netbook and if I could play Warcraft on him the laptop would go as well. Barney isn't perfect but he has a lot of potential and I'm going to go along for the ride.
I <3 Barney.