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64 Gb IPad in London Uk

I have a friend in Florida bought a 16 Gig IPad for homself and a 64 Gig for me. I'll be getting mine on Tuesday/Wednesday.

He's doing a live DJ set tonight in Florida using both the IPads and his IPhone with DJ mixer program. I told him to video it so hopefully that will be cool.

If any members in the UK are in London and want to have a look at the IPad when I get it get in touch I'll be at the Westfield centre a couple of times over the next few weeks (can't wait to walk into the Apple Store for my One to One complete with IPad and Mac)book!
For all who where thinking that iphone 4.0 os will bring multitasking for ipad, you must consider this thing: iPad has only the same ram's amount that iphone 3gs has: 256

Updated Source:

It all depends on how Apple decides to setup multitasking. It could work with 256mb of RAM, Apple would just have to force you to only have a few apps running in the background at once. If you want to run more than the allowed amount, then you have to close something to open that new app for backgrounding. Same thing could be done for the 3GS.

Now, with the way the rumors are going, I see the new iPhone coming out to be a pretty powerful device. Which I'm sure will have more RAM than the 3GS and iPad. What this mean it will most likely have more RAM.

Btw, typed this all on my my iPad! The keyboard still takes some getting used too, can't type as fast as I can with a real keyboard and I sometimes miss the space key. Thank god for the suggested typing, has saved my butt a few times!
Numbers mean nothing/not much

It's all very well saying how fast the processor is or how much ram it's got, but the real test is how it actually performs just using it in reality. For me it's brilliant, really responsive, perfect for what it can do!

I love my iPad :D
The one thing I'm disappointed in is the selection in the iBookstore. I searched for Isaac Asimov, hardly anything. Michael Lewis, zilch. I hope this gets better over time.

Just install the Kindle app. It works great on the iPad and Amazon has a great selection of books.
So jealous of you guys, i have to wait till they get to the UK then maybe another week for it to get shipped from there to here in Thailand.

Fell asleep waiting for the store opening on Engadget last night, ended up having a iPad dream. I was at the NY apple store but it was like a big cafeteria inside. Everyone was seated getting served food by apple staff, but they were using the iPad as a tray. The meal was Spaghetti Carbonara with chunky fries. I couldn't decide weather to take the meal off my brand new iPad and play with it or eat first. Because of the greasy finger situation I decide to take the food off and play first. Also Jobs was seated across the table from me. When i woke up i was drooling on the pillow. Not sure because of the food or the iPad.

Maybe apple should rethink their launch strategies :)
Best story I've ever heard lmao :)

Glad you enjoyed it, the mrs laughed her ass off when she saw me too, not my most attractive moment :eek:
For all who where thinking that iphone 4.0 os will bring multitasking for ipad, you must consider this thing: iPad has only the same ram's amount that iphone 3gs has: 256

Updated Source:

Makes absolutely no difference, but whatever. Get your kicks by spreading FUD.

I've been "multitasking" since 1.1 with 128 mb of RAM and no issues. Get a clue.
I just don't get it. For less money and the same size, you can have a full laptop? I played with this thing and just don't see how it will be more useful. A fun toy, sure. But it needs to be more than a toy for me to get it...
You guys are frustrating me!

For those of us who are waiting for a 3G model, reading about all this excitement is rather frustrating :)

Tim in Bovey (Minnesota)
PDF Files on the iPad

Could some kind soul answer this question? HOW DOES THE IPAD HANDLE PDF FILES.
We don't have Apple Stores in the country where I live, nor do we know when Apple will start selling the iPad here.
So please let me know if pdf and other files are handled any differently than on the iPhone. Using the mail app for reading pdf files is so user-unfriendly that If I didn't know better I would guess that the idea came not from Cupertino but was a bad joke out of Redmond.
Picked up iPad yesterday, called ups since there was no Saturday deliver and ask if I could come get it they let me come right up to the dock to get it, they were super helpful even made a special trip from the airport with it so I could get it.

So far it is working well can't complain. The iPhone apps aren't that great, but the iPad apps are very good, it is faster than I anticipated it to be. Overall good experience.

Hope everyone is liking theirs
I was trying to come up with the differences between the iPad and a netbook and beside the obvious one thing struck me last night that i hadn't thought of before. when your netbook is closed or "asleep" its basically dead. but your iPad is still "alive" meaning if you get an email it will notify you. thats a huge difference from the way most people use their computers today - they close them and they're "off" but an iPad is always on - always available - always getting notifications. this is how cellphones operate and we're used to them - but i don't think many people use their computers that way (and most of my friends don't even have phones that can get them emails). this is the first portable 24/7 computer that many people will experience. i'm sure you'll say desktops can act that way - but desktops aren't always near you and they're a dying breed. am i off base?
PDF Files clarification

Please let me clarify that I know there are a few good applications on the iPhone (and hopefully soon out for the iPad) which can read pdf files. In fact I can highly recommend an excellent app called "GoodReader that I'm using now on my iPhone.
My problem is that I have approximately 200 books and a few thousand articles in pdf format that I want to be able to handle on my iPad (oh glorious day when will you come!!). Even If there was a third-party app which could handle a lot of big pdf files, still all third-party apps use their own file container, not a good solution if you want to delete the app but keep the files. Moreover, if you deactivate the app in iTunes the files you have "uploaded" to it are still there and take as much place as before. The ideal solution (and something I think Steve have mentioned in one occasion) is to have a "File Pool" where you can throw in all types of files and where applications go and fetch the files you asked them to open (or where they save data).
What I want to know if something like this have been implemented or not.
Can anyone help with this info? Thanks.
Could some kind soul answer this question? HOW DOES THE IPAD HANDLE PDF FILES.

I would like to know this also.
From my perspective, I am a uni student and I'm in the process of doing research for my thesis. I want to be able to either sync PDF files, or download PDF journal articles from the databases my uni subscribes to directly onto the iPad, read them, and annotate them (add notes, highlight sections, etc - like you can do in adobe reader, or in preview on a desk/laptop). Is it possible to download a PDF from the browser, or is there at least an application that will read and allow a user to annotate PDF files?

I agree with Mr. Todhunter - emailing PDFs is barely sufficient, and it is horrible to have to read them this way as it offers no viewing options. I have tried applications that allow you to place PDF files on the iPhone, but they are difficult to read and it ends up being much the same as emailing them.
Please let me clarify that I know there are a few good applications on the iPhone (and hopefully soon out for the iPad) which can read pdf files. In fact I can highly recommend an excellent app called "GoodReader that I'm using now on my iPhone.
My problem is that I have approximately 200 books and a few thousand articles in pdf format that I want to be able to handle on my iPad (oh glorious day when will you come!!). Even If there was a third-party app which could handle a lot of big pdf files, still all third-party apps use their own file container, not a good solution if you want to delete the app but keep the files. Moreover, if you deactivate the app in iTunes the files you have "uploaded" to it are still there and take as much place as before. The ideal solution (and something I think Steve have mentioned in one occasion) is to have a "File Pool" where you can throw in all types of files and where applications go and fetch the files you asked them to open (or where they save data).
What I want to know if something like this have been implemented or not.
Can anyone help with this info? Thanks.

Clarification hath cometh.

In iTunes, in the app tab, there is the icon arrangement area and below that is the app document storage area. You can add documents here (I dropped 200 PDFs on GoodReader and they copied to the iPad in seconds)

You can also retrieve your docs in this area as well.
I just don't get it. For less money and the same size, you can have a full laptop? I played with this thing and just don't see how it will be more useful. A fun toy, sure. But it needs to be more than a toy for me to get it...

For the millionth time it's not to replace the laptop. It's a device in the middle for those that own a laptop but could be a good alternative for those looking at a net book. It's a no brainer for someone looking for a good web/email/gaming device and not needing a full fledge laptop.
I'm tentatively planning to sell my MacBook and get an iPad when the 3G version is available. I have a desktop coming Tuesday for things that require more power, eg editing video.

I also have a work laptop I can use for whatever, but right now I usually leave it in the docking station at work because I prefer using my MacBook.

Current roster of gadgets: MacBook 2.4GHz aluminum; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR; Kindle 2.

Proposed roster of gadgets: powerful new HP desktop w/21.5" monitor but also hooked to my TV; iPad; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR. Kindle 2 is iffy.

The HP desktop has an i7-930, 9GB of RAM, 2TB hard drive space, a Blu-Ray burner and also a DVD burner, 1GB video hard with HDMI out, etc. Windows 7, which will be a pain transferring the iTunes library I guess.

My usage pattern now (all done on the MacBook currently except where noted) and where I see it going in this scenario:

- quick email - iPad
- longer email - desktop
- Web surfing - mostly iPad
- youtube/online videos - mostly iPad
- managing iTunes - desktop
- MS Word - desktop
- video editing - desktop
- ripping/burning - desktop
- photo editing - desktop
- managing photo library - desktop
- viewing photos - iPad
- quick web-based work in emergencies - iPad? Can it do this? Or desktop
- serious work - currently done mostly on work laptop - still done mostly on work laptop
- Apple TV and iPod touch use patterns would probably stay the same, unless I decide I can use the desktop for all the stuff the Apple TV does (right now not expecting that) - in which case I'd probably give the Apple TV to a friend

I'd sell the Kindle if I read a complete book on the iPad and find it a pleasant experience, else I'd keep it.

Overall goal is to streamline gadget inventory where possible, and to improve my experience in the majority of areas while suffering the minimum amount of new headaches/pain points.

For the millionth time it's not to replace the laptop. It's a device in the middle for those that own a laptop but could be a good alternative for those looking at a net book. It's a no brainer for someone looking for a good web/email/gaming device and not needing a full fledge laptop.

And for the millionth time, why pay more for something that does less???? Usually "something in the middle" has a middle cost with middle capabilities. This has a higher cost for middle capabilities? Only Apple can convince people this makes sense. :)
For the millionth time it's not to replace the laptop. It's a device in the middle for those that own a laptop but could be a good alternative for those looking at a net book. It's a no brainer for someone looking for a good web/email/gaming device and not needing a full fledge laptop.

I see it more a device that a person with a desktop computer can purchase and use for those times when they don't want to be sitting in front of a computer.

I own a laptop but I plan on getting one after playing with it. This way I can leave my MacBook to encoding video, torrenting, etc. and use my iPad for things.

It enables you to leave the computer to do tasks that it does better but remove a lot of the fluff.
Shaster - I wouldn't say it's in the middle per se, I'd say it's different.

A netbook is a small weak laptop. Its advantages over a laptop are that it's cheap and small. Its disadvantage is that it's weak. Pretty simple analysis.

The iPad has unique advantages and disadvantages - being smaller is one of them - but the most important is the multitouch interface and integration with iTunes, etc.

If any company (for example, Google) had made this device, I guarantee it would have fanatics and critics - they'd just be different people. Then, there are those of us who simply want a good experience doing the things we do the most and are willing to make sacrifices on the things we do less often or can do using a different device.
First morning with the iPad. No battery loss overnight despite being unplugged. Standing here typing at the kitchen counter while my tea steeps.
Shaster - I wouldn't say it's in the middle per se, I'd say it's different.

A netbook is a small weak laptop. Its advantages over a laptop are that it's cheap and small. Its disadvantage is that it's weak. Pretty simple analysis.

The iPad has unique advantages and disadvantages - being smaller is one of them - but the most important is the multitouch interface and integration with iTunes, etc.

If any company (for example, Google) had made this device, I guarantee it would have fanatics and critics - they'd just be different people. Then, there are those of us who simply want a good experience doing the things we do the most and are willing to make sacrifices on the things we do less often or can do using a different device.

Yep, and I buy this argument. My thing is that it's just a cool toy/interface and, right now, it's not enough to push me to get it. But I can see why people would want to get it. One thing, though, for $800 (less than the price of the 64gb 3G/wifi iPad), you can get a powerful, full-fledged laptop and not just a netbook...

Ha ha. I am guessing many ipad owners around this time are saying to themselves. "I got the what?"

I don't think there is anything magical behind it just yet. People are still trying to figure out what they can do with it that they can't already do with their iphones.

In time, as there are more out there in people's hands, people will figure out practical uses for the ipad. Until then, Ipad owners ignore these forums. Avoid buyers remorse by telling yourself how much you love it and how useful it is. But most importantly just play with it, go out in public and show it off...that's pretty much all you can do at this point. :)

You... You lie - as I sit on my indoor bike reading, ipoding and riding away!
Shaster yes, but it's not the power that's a determining factor for everybody. I posted above in more detail about this - but in brief - I am thinking about replacing a $1600 MacBook with an $800 iPad. But I wouldn't consider it if I hadn't just coincidentally ordered a powerful desktop - for unrelated reasons - but that got me thinking that I can now get a less powerful but more portable and, in some ways, usable device in place of the laptop.
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