I'm tentatively planning to sell my MacBook and get an iPad when the 3G version is available. I have a desktop coming Tuesday for things that require more power, eg editing video.
I also have a work laptop I can use for whatever, but right now I usually leave it in the docking station at work because I prefer using my MacBook.
Current roster of gadgets: MacBook 2.4GHz aluminum; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR; Kindle 2.
Proposed roster of gadgets: powerful new HP desktop w/21.5" monitor but also hooked to my TV; iPad; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR. Kindle 2 is iffy.
The HP desktop has an i7-930, 9GB of RAM, 2TB hard drive space, a Blu-Ray burner and also a DVD burner, 1GB video hard with HDMI out, etc. Windows 7, which will be a pain transferring the iTunes library I guess.
My usage pattern now (all done on the MacBook currently except where noted) and where I see it going in this scenario:
- quick email - iPad
- longer email - desktop
- Web surfing - mostly iPad
- youtube/online videos - mostly iPad
- managing iTunes - desktop
- MS Word - desktop
- video editing - desktop
- ripping/burning - desktop
- photo editing - desktop
- managing photo library - desktop
- viewing photos - iPad
- quick web-based work in emergencies - iPad? Can it do this? Or desktop
- serious work - currently done mostly on work laptop - still done mostly on work laptop
- Apple TV and iPod touch use patterns would probably stay the same, unless I decide I can use the desktop for all the stuff the Apple TV does (right now not expecting that) - in which case I'd probably give the Apple TV to a friend
I'd sell the Kindle if I read a complete book on the iPad and find it a pleasant experience, else I'd keep it.
Overall goal is to streamline gadget inventory where possible, and to improve my experience in the majority of areas while suffering the minimum amount of new headaches/pain points.