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LOL Anybody notice the scratches on the background image. I am sure somebody else has mentioned this but that is kinda odd to see scratches and think that your ipad is scratched. :eek:

Yup, I did see this on the demo one at the local Best Buy. I was kinda freaked out that one got scratched already. But yes, everything was good. Crisis canceled.
Anyone else notice that after using the iPad for a while, if you use your iPhone it looks small as a postage stamp? Amazing how quickly one gets used to the bigger screen.
Yup, I did see this on the demo one at the local Best Buy. I was kinda freaked out that one got scratched already. But yes, everything was good. Crisis canceled.

Aren't those supposed to be falling stars? How can you mistake those with scratches?
Almost jealous....waiting for the 3g version....

Same here, but now I'm wondering about using the iPhone to tether and saving the money on yet another data connection (which I already have). Any reasons why not to do that? Just curious - I'm trying to decide whether it's something to seriously consider.
I don't understand the argument for putting a full os on a tablet. Do you have a laptop? If you do then why would you want a tablet with a full os when the laptop is going to be better at just about everything over that tablet?
The only plausible reason I could see going with a win7 tablet is if you hooked it up to an external monitor/keyboard/mouse.

not only that, but it would be difficult to implement a FULL touch OS on a tablet computer. First of all it's smaller display would make it hard to "touch" a lot of the windows elements.

These devices are not meant to be full blown computers....
Same here, but now I'm wondering about using the iPhone to tether and saving the money on yet another data connection (which I already have). Any reasons why not to do that? Just curious - I'm trying to decide whether it's something to seriously consider.

so far, you are not supposed to be able to tether the iPad to the iPhone
Our very own iJ got her hands on the iPad herself. Cool chick I worship

Sorry, but that whole over the top public behaviour is not only embarrassing but comes across as incredibly "put on".

I'm over excited when I buy any new product, whether it's at launch or not, but when I bought my Xbox 360 and PS3 at midnight launches in the UK, I didn't bound into the store whooping and cheering like an idiot.

I was gagging to get my hands on the product, and could feel the excitement, but to hell with all the over the top crap.

I'll put this one down to "cultural differences".
2 quick impressions:
This thing SCREAMS for MULTI-TASKING! - (fixable)
Heavier than I thought!

Most everything else:
Yes, it will take time for my arms to adjust to holding the thing. Most interesting in getting that Apple case for it, with the built-in stand. That's on its way, delivery Tuesday. Until then, I'm making sure I don't drop it!
so far, you are not supposed to be able to tether the iPad to the iPhone

Yes, because big companies like AT&T don't want you to tether the phone, they want you to buy an unnecessary 2nd connection. My questions is whether jail breaking is something to consider. Mine is not jail broken now, but I did hack my ATV (yes, I'm one of those ATV lovers!). I previously saw no reason to jail break my phone but if it can provide tethering by jail breaking it, maybe it's something to consider? Not sure, just trying to gauge what others on here think about it.

For you a question would be, if tethering were allowed without jail breaking, would there be any reason to buy the 3G version?
I'm tentatively planning to sell my MacBook and get an iPad when the 3G version is available. I have a desktop coming Tuesday for things that require more power, eg editing video.

I also have a work laptop I can use for whatever, but right now I usually leave it in the docking station at work because I prefer using my MacBook.

Current roster of gadgets: MacBook 2.4GHz aluminum; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR; Kindle 2.

Proposed roster of gadgets: powerful new HP desktop w/21.5" monitor but also hooked to my TV; iPad; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR. Kindle 2 is iffy.

The HP desktop has an i7-930, 9GB of RAM, 2TB hard drive space, a Blu-Ray burner and also a DVD burner, 1GB video hard with HDMI out, etc. Windows 7, which will be a pain transferring the iTunes library I guess.

My usage pattern now (all done on the MacBook currently except where noted) and where I see it going in this scenario:

- quick email - iPad
- longer email - desktop
- Web surfing - mostly iPad
- youtube/online videos - mostly iPad
- managing iTunes - desktop
- MS Word - desktop
- video editing - desktop
- ripping/burning - desktop
- photo editing - desktop
- managing photo library - desktop
- viewing photos - iPad
- quick web-based work in emergencies - iPad? Can it do this? Or desktop
- serious work - currently done mostly on work laptop - still done mostly on work laptop
- Apple TV and iPod touch use patterns would probably stay the same, unless I decide I can use the desktop for all the stuff the Apple TV does (right now not expecting that) - in which case I'd probably give the Apple TV to a friend

I'd sell the Kindle if I read a complete book on the iPad and find it a pleasant experience, else I'd keep it.

Overall goal is to streamline gadget inventory where possible, and to improve my experience in the majority of areas while suffering the minimum amount of new headaches/pain points.

Quick email for iPad and long email for Desktop? Really? REALLY? Please just move on with your life.

But seriously, if you have to think about it that hard, it's not for you.
Sorry, but that whole over the top public behaviour is not only embarrassing but comes across as incredibly "put on".

I'm over excited when I buy any new product, whether it's at launch or not, but when I bought my Xbox 360 and PS3 at midnight launches in the UK, I didn't bound into the store whooping and cheering like an idiot.

I was gagging to get my hands on the product, and could feel the excitement, but to hell with all the over the top crap.

I'll put this one down to "cultural differences".

Nothing cultural about it. Videos like that are sad in a way. What's worse is that the guy posted it like it was a hot video. If my mom saw me doing some crap like that I believe that she would slap me for embarrassing the family.

There is nothing cute about overreacting about some tech gear.

I have an iPad btw. 2 of them.
For those who are having problems with the keyboard, I highly recommend you get the BT keyboard. It makes a world of difference. I have gotten so I can use the on-screen keyboard via two finder hunt and peck and that will work fine, but for extended emails and web postings nothing beats having the regular BT keyboard. I figure when we travel, I'll just carry the little keyboard with us. The space requirements of the iPad, power plug and BT keyboard is still less than most laptops.

I have to say the iPad has completely changed how I use computers. This device is without a doubt the best computing device I've ever purchased. It's instant on, instant browsing and email capability can't be matched. I love iBooks and especially love Netflix and ABC apps. What really makes it stand out though is the battery life. Not having to worry about a charge all day is fantastic. My iPad has completely replaced my use of my Mac mini. The only thing I really need my mini for now is Quicken and paying my bills. I have moved my mini upstairs to my spare room and hope to use something like Logmein to gain remote access to use Quicken. For those haters out there, go ahead and spout off your trash. It is totally irrelevant. What Apple has done is change the face of computing completely.
For you a question would be, if tethering were allowed without jail breaking, would there be any reason to buy the 3G version?

If one had an iPhone, then no there would not be any reason to buy the 3G version, regardless of jailbroken or not. Just jailbreak it.
I gotta say and i don't care if i sound like a fanboy or not. That i am in AWE. I've never gotten bored of the iphone because its awesome to have something that size that can do some much. And now the ipad has me speechless too.

Say what you will about flash but its not a dealbreaker to me. I just love the damn thing and i am very impressed. From watching movies on netflix on the go thanks for a mifi to reading the NYT and the display is just beautiful. I'm sure that apple will make a new ipad next year. And i will buy that one as well. But i just love the ipad its great.


I don't know what it is, but typing on this thing and just using it to view websites and forums is, well, magical. There is no way to say otherwise. It is an experience that I'd pretty damn awesome. I might just start posting on forums because of this.

I love the way it feels to scroll through pages while holding it... It really is holding the Internet in your hands! And the more I use it, the better I get at using this keyboard. Still miss my tab key, and the shift key also being the caps lock key is a little nuts, but I'm slowly getting used to it.
PIcked 2 64gb Ipads for myself and my wife.

So far we both love it, it'll definitely what I'll be reaching for when I want to browse the web around the house, and breaks at the office. The screen is beautiful, we have it set just a touch below half brightness. Everything is crisp, the web pages look like they're printed pages on the screen. The Marvel Comic book reading app is sweet, though I wish they had a monthly subscription, or dropped the price to a $.99 for each book. The weight is light to me, as I usually use my Unibody Macbook Pro 13" around the house, so 1.5 lbs compared to 4.5 makes a difference. The Ibook app is sweet pre-ordered Jim Bucher's Dresden File "Changes" Book 12 off the store. The actuall reading is easier on the eyes compared to reading on my Ipod Touch. As everyone knows by now, the Elements app is very sweet a good representation of where magazines/ebooks could go in the future. Gaming on the Ipad is pretty sweet, Warpgate is quite addictive if you're a fan or Privateer. I can't wait for what developers will be producing for this machine.

Yes, I know I cant view flash, but personally dont care.

The whole system is responsive, no lag at all, and web browsing is speedy off my airport express 5ghz channel.

Oh, the wife is also enjoying the ABC App, so she can catch up on her Grey's, and dancing with the star episodes.
so far, you are not supposed to be able to tether the iPad to the iPhone
You can get software on most phones (including jailbroken iphones) that turn the phone into a wireless access point which then allows you to get online. I've done this before in a pinch and it works fine.
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