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I know i'm in love! This thing is awesome!!!!!;):D;):apple::apple:

I finally converted my hubby!! He was on the other side and finally after I bought him a iPhone and now a iPad.....he's in love with it!
Well, I think I decided on getting the 16 GB iPad and the case. I don't need to carry a ton of media around or even when I'm at home so I can exist with the 16 GB iPad without any issues. I'll stream videos over Netflix if I want to watch something, I don't listen to more than about 8 GB of music at the most...

But the 32 would be nice. I'm still reluctant about getting the 16 when the 32 would be 100 more and double the space.
First Impressions

Picked my reserved iPad at the Apple Store and was out of there by 9:30 including browsing and picking up a stand and an Apple case, letting them do them activate it and taking time to set up my MobileMe account.

I played with it a long time yesterday. Here's what I noted so far:

Good - Yea - Thumbs up
Safari is FAST

Netflix iPad app rocks - you can watch movies in your instant queue

FB web page rocks - exactly like on my MBPro or iMac

Thumb typing in portrait works for me

Putting period, comma, and ! & ? on main abc keyboard is ool

Seems like more there are more instances where a press-hold brings up the top level domains - .com, .net, .org

Bad - Boo - Thumbs down
Charging: Won’t charge while awake from my MBPro as its USB ports only supply 500mA. Will charge when asleep

Native apps beat the snot out of scaled up iPhone apps - at least the ones I’ve used.

Exceptions to above:
-’s iPhone app beats the iPad’s in functionality. The UI on the iPad app needs help - to switch locations takes 15 taps or swipes; 8 to add a location.
- The Twitelator Pad app also has UI issues. It’s confusing. Twitelator Pro on the iPhone is better. The Twitter web page works better than Twitelator Pad

iDisk & MobileMe Gallery app not updated for iPad

Note Pad app syncing still eludes me.

Why did I need to connect to iTunes initially to "activate" it?

Can't enlarge text in iPad Notes - i.e. pinch zoom.

I don't like the cover and am returning it in the morning. The iPad won't fit in the dock when it's on. I don't like the feel of the cover. (My opinion - others like it.)

I'm going to return the unopened Apple BT keyboard I bought yesterday. I want to wait a while to see if I'll really need it.
Sandy Santra; And I found one absolute stinker among my speed tests: GoogleMaps. I had my 2G iPhone right next to me said:
If I understand correctly ---- The iPad was using the WiFi location feature and the iPhone was using GPS. When you ask the iPad to give a new map, it had to query over the net - but not the iPhone...
I'm tentatively planning to sell my MacBook and get an iPad when the 3G version is available. I have a desktop coming Tuesday for things that require more power, eg editing video.

I also have a work laptop I can use for whatever, but right now I usually leave it in the docking station at work because I prefer using my MacBook.

Current roster of gadgets: MacBook 2.4GHz aluminum; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR; Kindle 2.

Proposed roster of gadgets: powerful new HP desktop w/21.5" monitor but also hooked to my TV; iPad; Nexus One; iPod touch 64gb; Apple TV; work HP EliteBook laptop; 46" Sony KDL-46XBR. Kindle 2 is iffy.

The HP desktop has an i7-930, 9GB of RAM, 2TB hard drive space, a Blu-Ray burner and also a DVD burner, 1GB video hard with HDMI out, etc. Windows 7, which will be a pain transferring the iTunes library I guess.

My usage pattern now (all done on the MacBook currently except where noted) and where I see it going in this scenario:

- quick email - iPad
- longer email - desktop
- Web surfing - mostly iPad
- youtube/online videos - mostly iPad
- managing iTunes - desktop
- MS Word - desktop
- video editing - desktop
- ripping/burning - desktop
- photo editing - desktop
- managing photo library - desktop
- viewing photos - iPad
- quick web-based work in emergencies - iPad? Can it do this? Or desktop
- serious work - currently done mostly on work laptop - still done mostly on work laptop
- Apple TV and iPod touch use patterns would probably stay the same, unless I decide I can use the desktop for all the stuff the Apple TV does (right now not expecting that) - in which case I'd probably give the Apple TV to a friend

I'd sell the Kindle if I read a complete book on the iPad and find it a pleasant experience, else I'd keep it.

Overall goal is to streamline gadget inventory where possible, and to improve my experience in the majority of areas while suffering the minimum amount of new headaches/pain points.


Yes I have a thought. Why on earth would you opt for a Windows 7 based PC when you could get a high end iMac or better yet a Mac Pro? You obviously have plenty of money, so I can't imagine that's an issue.
I'm pretty neutral about operating systems ... slight preference for MacOS but I use both. I did look at Mac Pros, which are very nice, but the price difference is very substantial ... about double. I also need a PC for a particular function (don't think Parallels would work for it, it's a hardware/software integration thing).
pdf files clarification

Each app still has it's own isolated docs area, but now they are accessible from within iTunes for drag-drop. I've made several suggestions to Apple regarding a shared documents folder available to all apps like the pictures folder currently is. It would allow for a whole new class of collaboration apps. Right now each app has to try and build the entire widget instead of being a part of a larger multiple-app process.

New version of GoodReader just for the iPad. You'll have to buy it again, but it's well worth it.

I really appreciate you're taking the time to talk about this. I already bought the iPad version of GoodReader because they have a time-limited offer I couldn't refuse (can't believe it's so cheap). Regarding the shared document folder I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that it was the way files would be handled on the iPad. I'm surprised this is not the case. Maybe it will be a feature of version 4.0 of the OS, for it surely is a software issue.
Ok so my wifi went out at the house. Am now at a coffee shop isn town.

First impressions:

Battery life: started at 96%, now at 75% after a few hours, not bad so far but doesn't seem like I would get 10 hours so far. That's with browsing the web, app and bookstore, playing around with a few apps briefly just to check them out.

If by a few, you mean at least three, then it seems perfectly within spec. 21% for three hours means you would get more than 9 hours with the remaining battery. Even if "a few hours" meant somewhere between two and three you'd still be getting more than six hours with the remaining battery with time to spare.
I was not going to get one. But BB had them ( no waiting in line or pre order or reservations). I will have to find the 2 Newtons (in my Apple trove in the attic) that I purchased at Macworld Boston many many centuries ago & take some side by side pictures showing how far we have come.

I have really never had as much fun on any electronics/computer product as I have had on my Ipad. It is a fun product that makes me smile all over. I still will always need a Macbook Pro for working kind of stuff, but the iPad does not feel like a work kind of thing!

To ReallyOldGuy---your posts tell a fun story . . .

Prior to delivery yesterday I had read the statement (from several different people) that you had to "hold it" to understand what the iPad is all about. And now, after getting mine, I reiterate, if you haven't held it, go bash Apple some place wont work in this forum because you don't have a clue.

If Steve makes it I got it ..

My iPad won't come until the end of April so I spent Saturday reading all the posts on this thread. It was fun to share the anticipation and joy of all you people starting a new adventure with Apple. ReallyOldGuy---I went back today and took screen shots of how you spent April 3, 2010. I loved it when striatedglutes reminded you that "the school bus never waited." Your subsequent posts were priceless. Thanks for letting us into your world while you waited for your iPad.
Looking for information about using it outdoors.

Glare? Wash out?

Outdoors was not a very great experience when in an unshaded area. Under some sort of cover or tent, things were decent. Sitting under my tree was ok. Out in the sunlight was not ideal.
Ahahaha, I love you guys. :D

No, seriously!

iPad is demoed
"It's a big iPod touch." "No Flash." "Why buy it when you can spend less on a netbook which is more useful?" "No multi-tasking!" "Anti-open-source!" "End of personal computing!" "Only fools buy it!" "Ew, 4:3!" "No USB!" "Giant bezel." "It has 'pad' in its name. *giggle*" "Useless without camera." "Fanboys!" "Reality distortion field!"

"o hey so i tried it actually and i <3 it lolz my bad guys its sweet"

Ah. Glad you loved it, but I seriously find these posts delightful. Like Stephen Fry said, (quoting off hand) "Hold it before you judge it." So many hate on it then when they finally get their heads from between their legs and try it they love it.

Confession time! I was one of those who you would hear say "It's just a giant iPod Touch!" "No multitasking!", etc...etc... In fact after it was revealed I had a convo with a friend of mine and I basically destroyed it with criticism with my final words being "just watch me buy one anyway".

And well...I prerordered the first morning they started and I LOVE it. Yes, it has room for improvement but Apple has done a hell of a job on it. :)
a lil surprised

Don't get me wrong, I am an apple junkie and I'm highly curious and intrigued over the iPad. However i just can't validate the over sized touch version. I would bet the house, that by the first update or possibly the first price drop the wifi versions will be obsolete to the 3g. The fact that there is no contract for the service makes it ideal for vaca's or when you are traveling a lot. I'm sure there will be a jailbreak of some sort on the wifi to tether, but until then. Personally I'm going to wait
Right now, the biggest thing holding me back is that Apple designed this as a single user device. I just wish they had included a way to have multiple users so that each person could sign on and have their own email settings, books, music, movies and iTunes store account. I may still get one eventually but multiple users would have had me running out today to get one but, as it is, I cannot afford one for every person in the family (wish I could). I know that is not how Apple sees the iPad but, it would have been a nice feature and made it easier for families to share.

The impressions are great so far, it is a really interesting product.
Right now, the biggest thing holding me back is that Apple designed this as a single user device. I just wish they had included a way to have multiple users so that each person could sign on and have their own email settings, books, music, movies and iTunes store account. I may still get one eventually but multiple users would have had me running out today to get one but, as it is, I cannot afford one for every person in the family (wish I could). I know that is not how Apple sees the iPad but, it would have been a nice feature and made it easier for families to share.

The impressions are great so far, it is a really interesting product.

Excellent points. War Eagle btw. :)
I'm wanting to know what the actual sizes are of the flash memory when you get it.

For example I've heard 16gb models actually show as 14gb.

Is this correct, and what do the 32gb and 64gb models show straight out of the box?

Is anyone else waiting for this one?

I'm waiting impatiently for the G3s I ordered: one for me and one for my grandson (a late 25th birthday present).

My mother used to say, "Don't wish your life away!" so I guess we'll all have to enjoy the spring flowers and think longingly about our late April iPads.

I've enjoyed reading this thread. It's such a happy one.

I got one!

I went to the Apple Store yesterday with a friend who was wanting to buy one. I didn't intend to get one but once I saw it in person and started using it, I wanted one. But alas, they had just sold out 45 mins before we got there. Went to another store this morning and had to wait about 20 minutes for their shipment to arrive and bought two!!!

Now I'm home syncing. It's really a pretty device! Can't wait to play with it.

I'm undecided about bringing over the iPhone apps. I thought they looked kinda silly on the iPad at the store. Maybe I'll stick to just made-for-iPad apps. Not sure.

I must say I am a bit confused about syncing and I've gotten this wrong with my iPhone as well. I am a MobileMe user so I want to sync with the cloud. But iTunes lets you sync the iPad directly with the computer. So I think I am going to hold off and see if I can set things up directly on the iPad and not sync that stuff with iTunes.

I bought the Apple case as well and I think I am going to stop at the store again to pick up a dock. I don't like that the iPad is just laying there while I am syncing it. I wonder if I can leave the case on when I use the dock... Haven't opened the case yet. lol

Thank you, Apple, for another fun gadget!!!
iPad's clock/time

Even though it might be considered a minor problem it is a nuisance. The iPad even when connected to my iMac shows that the clock/time is out of sync. with almost a minute difference. I reinstalled iPad's software but to no avail. I just sent an email to Apple about this. The iPad's clock/time is almost a minute too fast.
I got one!

I went to the Apple Store yesterday with a friend who was wanting to buy one. I didn't intend to get one but once I saw it in person and started using it, I wanted one. But alas, they had just sold out 45 mins before we got there. Went to another store this morning and had to wait about 20 minutes for their shipment to arrive and bought two!!!

Now I'm home syncing. It's really a pretty device! Can't wait to play with it.

I'm undecided about bringing over the iPhone apps. I thought they looked kinda silly on the iPad at the store. Maybe I'll stick to just made-for-iPad apps. Not sure.

I must say I am a bit confused about syncing and I've gotten this wrong with my iPhone as well. I am a MobileMe user so I want to sync with the cloud. But iTunes lets you sync the iPad directly with the computer. So I think I am going to hold off and see if I can set things up directly on the iPad and not sync that stuff with iTunes.

I bought the Apple case as well and I think I am going to stop at the store again to pick up a dock. I don't like that the iPad is just laying there while I am syncing it. I wonder if I can leave the case on when I use the dock... Haven't opened the case yet. lol

Thank you, Apple, for another fun gadget!!!

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you :)
I only have a few iPhone apps on my iPhone because I don't like the way they look on my iPad. I have 2 apps I really need and some games. I'm hoping that either an iPad version or universal will be released soon for those apps.

I don't believe Mobile Me syncs your apps. I get information like calendar, contacts and Safari bookmarks synched through Mobile Me.

Glad you joined the ranks of Happy iPad Owners :D
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