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What kill's me, is the people who think this iPad was SUPPOSE to replace your laptop or desktop. When clearly its been stated and reviewed that its not. Then come in here, and repeat the samething OVER & OVER again. No multi-tasking, No Flash, No camera-Video, etc.
Oh yea, I wrote this from the iPad:D;)

I agree. The ipad is not going to replace your desktop\laptop (at minimum, Apple wants you to sync the ipad to something for updates and backups). I see my ipad as a tool that I can use to consume content and produce docs and spreadsheets when I am on the go and prefer to carry a tablet. When Apple tweaks the ipad so it can perform the right balance of tasks between productivity tasks and consuming books, music, gaming etc. the ipad will genuinely change the way most of us (but not all) do computing. I get the cloud computing metaphor for the ipad. I wish that Apple had made 3G standard rather than an option since it's clear that the ipad functions very much like the iphone. Most of the apps reach out to connect to the internet which is transparent on the iphone but on my 16GB wifi ipad, I can already see what I am missing. I bet the second version of the ipad comes with 3g or 4g as standard.
PDF file handling

Clarification hath cometh.

In iTunes, in the app tab, there is the icon arrangement area and below that is the app document storage area. You can add documents here (I dropped 200 PDFs on GoodReader and they copied to the iPad in seconds)

You can also retrieve your docs in this area as well.

Thank you john7jr, you just made me a happy man. It's also great news that I can use the GoodReader application. :):):)
Plus one

Sorry, but that whole over the top public behaviour is not only embarrassing but comes across as incredibly "put on".

I'm over excited when I buy any new product, whether it's at launch or not, but when I bought my Xbox 360 and PS3 at midnight launches in the UK, I didn't bound into the store whooping and cheering like an idiot.

I was gagging to get my hands on the product, and could feel the excitement, but to hell with all the over the top crap.

I'll put this one down to "cultural differences".

It isn't cultural. It's beta to bow down to the over the top look at me posturing.
These are attractive for those usb power hogs..

Excellent. Thanks for that. Just added to the home remodeling plan!
Thank you john7jr, you just made me a happy man. It's also great news that I can use the GoodReader application. :):):)

Each app still has it's own isolated docs area, but now they are accessible from within iTunes for drag-drop. I've made several suggestions to Apple regarding a shared documents folder available to all apps like the pictures folder currently is. It would allow for a whole new class of collaboration apps. Right now each app has to try and build the entire widget instead of being a part of a larger multiple-app process.

New version of GoodReader just for the iPad. You'll have to buy it again, but it's well worth it.
Sorry, but that whole over the top public behaviour is not only embarrassing but comes across as incredibly "put on".

I'm over excited when I buy any new product, whether it's at launch or not, but when I bought my Xbox 360 and PS3 at midnight launches in the UK, I didn't bound into the store whooping and cheering like an idiot.

I was gagging to get my hands on the product, and could feel the excitement, but to hell with all the over the top crap.

I'll put this one down to "cultural differences".

A large wooden mallet would help. Or a nice mace.
Same here, but now I'm wondering about using the iPhone to tether and saving the money on yet another data connection (which I already have). Any reasons why not to do that? Just curious - I'm trying to decide whether it's something to seriously consider.

Only the usual reasons.

- two devices, not one
- tethering by cable can be awkward
- tethering by bluetooth adds battery drain
- you are limited by the phone battery in addition to the iPad battery
- tethering can be flaky sometimes

But probably worth doing it in many cases.

I don't have AT&T service (I have a Nexus One) and rather than deal with all of the above, plus figuring out how to tether a Nexus One to an iPad and use it on T-Mobile (which I'm sure is possible), I'd rather just pay a few dollars to make my life easier.
Been using the iPad for more than 12hours, mostly just surfing the Internet and so far my battery is at 74%. This is still on the factory charge, other than what little the battery charged during the initial activation with iTunes.
Why is the screen so funky???

Like its been photo shopped or something.

Probably taken with Photo Booth, and the white is the reflection of the computer screen.

See here to learn about your misuse of the term "photoshopped".

Regarding the topic:

Looks great! I'm really hoping that my local Apple Reseller can carry these. I live in Canada, so I've gotta wait of course.
Only the usual reasons.

- two devices, not one
- tethering by cable can be awkward
- tethering by bluetooth adds battery drain
- you are limited by the phone battery in addition to the iPad battery
- tethering can be flaky sometimes

But probably worth doing it in many cases.

I don't have AT&T service (I have a Nexus One) and rather than deal with all of the above, plus figuring out how to tether a Nexus One to an iPad and use it on T-Mobile (which I'm sure is possible), I'd rather just pay a few dollars to make my life easier.

Few dollars? Wow, I'm a T-Mobile customer in the UK, and they are pushing mobile broadband, the cheapest being £15/month, which is the same as my entire iPhone bill. Greedy b******s! I've got a connection, which it seems I can use via jail breaking my iPhone, I'm just trying to understand the downside to doing so.

I love the iPad and I love that just like the iPhone, this is a gaint screen. I can't wait to see what some future software updates will allow you to do. Specifically multitasking in the next os (if that happens) and whatever else they bring along.
Love it

I'm on my iPad right now and I love this thing. I think I may love it more than my MacBook pro :p
Two days with the iPad and really loving it. Love the free books in iBook, found web surfing to be surprisingly quick, enjoying finding many feature-rich apps, UI is very impressive, the way the hardware disappears is very impressive.

Surprised there is no 'tab' on the keyboard, the file management is a little clunky, charge time via USB from computer is slow, ok from outlet, but the long battery life is impressive.


After using this thing for 2 days, had to go back to the iPhone to do something this evening, and had a weird vertigo feeling using the iPhone like it was too small and was fooling my brain.
They should improve all their mobileme apps on the ipad. It shows up blurry, ugly, and small although you can zoom in the iphone app X2.
Got mine -- help (PRINTING)

Love the 16GB unit so far. However, I cannot print from any app including Pages (which I bought).

I have my HP 7200 printer connected to my Apple wireless router. All my other machines can wirelessly print.

Love the 16GB unit so far. However, I cannot print from any app including Pages (which I bought).

I have my HP 7200 printer connected to my Apple wireless router. All my other machines can wirelessly print.


There are a few references on how to print in this thread.
Was sure I'd hate it, but love it instead.

So I spent an hour playing with an iPad yesterday and while I didn't buy one, I kind of wish I had, or could to be exact. I'll admit I was anti-iPad from the get-go, but getting hands on with it changed my mind. How does everyone else feel?
Ahahaha, I love you guys. :D

No, seriously!

iPad is demoed
"It's a big iPod touch." "No Flash." "Why buy it when you can spend less on a netbook which is more useful?" "No multi-tasking!" "Anti-open-source!" "End of personal computing!" "Only fools buy it!" "Ew, 4:3!" "No USB!" "Giant bezel." "It has 'pad' in its name. *giggle*" "Useless without camera." "Fanboys!" "Reality distortion field!"

"o hey so i tried it actually and i <3 it lolz my bad guys its sweet"

Ah. Glad you loved it, but I seriously find these posts delightful. Like Stephen Fry said, (quoting off hand) "Hold it before you judge it." So many hate on it then when they finally get their heads from between their legs and try it they love it.
I like it more than I thought I would, and still dislike it for the same reasons I did before! The 14-day return period is going to be killer for me, honestly :(
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