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If I understand correctly ---- The iPad was using the WiFi location feature and the iPhone was using GPS. When you ask the iPad to give a new map, it had to query over the net - but not the iPhone...

The WiFi only iPad has no GPS hardware, it uses Skyhook to locate you with your WiFi connection.

However, the iPhone has AGPS, which uses a combination of the Internet/phone network and GPS hardware to locate you.
The second you use one, all your problems with the device disappear

After criticizing the lack of multitasking and measly 256MB of RAM, I finally bought one ($670 canadian, 16GB) and I LOVE IT. I'm just repeating what all of you have been saying, but it's just so clear that all the technical specs of this device just vanish as you experience of the fastest devices ever created. Asides from hoping the keyboard was a bit easier to type on, I don't regret my purchase one bit.

Apple's got a winner on their hands!
You will learn to type on it very easily, I just typed this in 20 seconds.

Yeah..was "ugh" on the virtual keyboard but after the last day and a half I have started grooving on it. My 'epic fail' was resting my fingers on it (like a real keyboard) once I learned to hover...I am starting to jam on it.

Still haven't found any 'dealbreakers' on it...maybe I was just better informed than some but knew it's strengths AND limitations going into it...

The only thing now is waiting on my Apple case....or finding one for it. I am too fumble-fingered and need something to keep it in. :rolleyes:
it's OK!!! seriously! I would suspect that come version 2 or a major update to the OS, and I'll want an iPad myself. just not NOW. It doesn't quite "make" it for me.

*wave* hey Dave, curious if you have had a chance to demo one in a store? If not what would be your top few things that need to be added for you to purchase one? Just curious as I've had this conversation several times over the weekend. My brother in law is a Mac user but won't buy one until it has multitasking and a camera (front facing) as he uses iChat to keep in touch with his kids at college.

With 4.0 preview this Thursday, I hope for multitasking, but who knows. Thanks for any feedback. :)

** As to the OP's topic, I agree that the tech spec's are somewhat irrelevant if the device runs well/fast. So far no complaints and very impressed with it.
Even though it might be considered a minor problem it is a nuisance. The iPad even when connected to my iMac shows that the clock/time is out of sync. with almost a minute difference. I reinstalled iPad's software but to no avail. I just sent an email to Apple about this. The iPad's clock/time is almost a minute too fast.

The sky is falling....THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!
So I have wanted an iPad since they were announced, I knew that they would be awesome. However, I did not pre-order one as my birthday is the 21st of April so im hoping to save the money by getting one then... if not then ill buy one.
I have read every single post on this thread as well as many others because if I can't enjoy my own iPad yet I am, in a way, living vicariously through all of your excitement. Believe it or not, it is kind of helping the wait...
Anyways, today I decided I had to at least play with one if I couldn't have my own yet, so I went to my local Best Buy and I think I spent close to an hour just standing there playing with it, I didn't want to leave! and it really took all I had not to buy one right then... This thing is really amazing, even better than I had imagined, and I have had pretty high hopes for it!
I don't know how I will go another 2 weeks without one, but if I don't get one for my birthday, I will be going out that afternoon to purchase one!

For all of you who are lucky enough to own an iPad, I envy you, have fun with your new toys and hopefully I too will have my very own to enjoy soon!
So I have wanted an iPad since they were announced, I knew that they would be awesome. However, I did not pre-order one as my birthday is the 21st of April so im hoping to save the money by getting one then... if not then ill buy one.
I have read every single post on this thread as well as many others because if I can't enjoy my own iPad yet I am, in a way, living vicariously through all of your excitement. Believe it or not, it is kind of helping the wait...
Anyways, today I decided I had to at least play with one if I couldn't have my own yet, so I went to my local Best Buy and I think I spent close to an hour just standing there playing with it, I didn't want to leave! and it really took all I had not to buy one right then... This thing is really amazing, even better than I had imagined, and I have had pretty high hopes for it!
I don't know how I will go another 2 weeks without one, but if I don't get one for my birthday, I will be going out that afternoon to purchase one!

For all of you who are lucky enough to own an iPad, I envy you, have fun with your new toys and hopefully I too will have my very own to enjoy soon!


I have a 32gig 3g on preorder but went into BB after work to scope one out in person. If they weren't out of stock I would probably have bought one. It was just as incredibly cool as I had anticipated after researching all these months and reading every entry in this thread. I am even more excited for mine to come. Cool stuff!

A hater converted

Back when this thing was first announced I was pretty vocal about how underwhelmed I was...

Today I decided to take a chance since I have two weeks to return it...

After using it all day I'm pretty much sold. The iPad isn't perfect (more ram and complementary earbuds would have been nice) but it's definitely very very nice. With jailbreak apps for multitasking and such it will be a monster...

The thing I hated about it initially ended up being it's greatest strength...the fact that it's basically a large version of the touch...
Simply awesome. :D. As a daily mass transit commuter, this is my savior. The iWork apps are fantastic ! The screen is to die for watching my favorite shows (die hard Chuck fan) and surfing the web via my bus's wifi. Reading books is a dream - kindle is now a paperweight. The battery life is fantastic too !

My opinion - a game changer is right.
The thing I hated about it initially ended up being it's greatest strength...the fact that it's basically a large version of the touch...

Haha yeah. I heard that "argument" a lot and I always thought "What's so bad about that?". The iPod Touch is pretty awesome and the much larger screen opens up all kinds of additional possibilities.

I also find a lot of things to nitpick about (many of which are fixible with software updates though), but overall there is just nothing like this I've ever seen. Maybe there is nothing new here, but the iPad is greater than the sum of its parts, it just feels amazing to use. I've been using computers for over 25 years and I can't remember any of them being so fun to use.
Haha yeah. I heard that "argument" a lot and I always thought "What's so bad about that?". The iPod Touch is pretty awesome and the much larger screen opens up all kinds of additional possibilities.

I also find a lot of things to nitpick about (many of which are fixible with software updates though), but overall there is just nothing like this I've ever seen. Maybe there is nothing new here, but the iPad is greater than the sum of its parts, it just feels amazing to use. I've been using computers for over 25 years and I can't remember any of them being so fun to use.

It's definitely different than using a traditional computer.
I'm right there with you. After the announcement in January, I was highly underwhelmed. As launch day approached and more cool apps began being publicized, I became even more intrigued.

Earlier today I was in Best Buy picking up a new pair of earbuds, and while I was there I played around with one of the iPads that was on display. I walked away very, very impressed. It just has so much potential, and the chances seem good that multitasking will be available once OS 4 drops in (presumably) a couple of months.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm going to ditch my MacBook and use an iPad for my mobile computing needs. It should be able my on-the-go tasks quite adequately, and the thing is just a blast to use. Props to Apple on creating such a solid "tweener" device.
Back when this thing was first announced I was pretty vocal about how underwhelmed I was...

Today I decided to take a chance since I have two weeks to return it...

After using it all day I'm pretty much sold. The iPad isn't perfect (more ram and complementary earbuds would have been nice) but it's definitely very very nice. With jailbreak apps for multitasking and such it will be a monster...

The thing I hated about it initially ended up being it's greatest strength...the fact that it's basically a large version of the touch...

I am glad you liked it! In my experience Apple products dont always impress from afar. But they really shine when you are using them day in and day out. I cant even count how many of my pc using friends are on iPhones and Macbook Pros now. It is a very organic growth, they use them a few times and just keep coming back for more until one day they realize they might as well just buy one!
I am glad you liked it! In my experience Apple products dont always impress from afar. But they really shine when you are using them day in and day out. I cant even count how many of my pc using friends are on iPhones and Macbook Pros now. It is a very organic growth, they use them a few times and just keep coming back for more until one day they realize they might as well just buy one!

I agree completely, most people don't understand just how good apple products are, and I think that this is mainly becuase they don't use them. I have grown up in a family that it pro PC, they think that windows is the best thing ever... but they have never used a Mac, the closest any of them have come to any apple device is my sister owning an iPod touch... To this day I try to get them to use my apple stuff and to this day they have never touched a mac and still think windows is the best.
Being someone who, im sure not unlike many of you, has grown up with windows and switched to mac I can't believe that people can be so ignorant to still think windows is better.
I have some friends who have always stood by windows with the argument "why would you pay so much more for somethign that is not even better" however, after they used a mac they realize that you really do get what you pay for... I think, like you said, this is the case with most people. It is very unfortunate that we live in such a windows dominated world where pretty much all schools and workplaces use windows on their computers.
If you are trying to get someone to understand how good apple products are, or if you are doubting one, just find one that you can use for a few minutes and you will most likely realize how wrong you were, lol
anyways, I will continue to try to show people how good they are, but like you said, people don't realize it until they use them.
My impressions from playing around with one in a store (not Apple):

- It's beautiful.

- Keyboard definitely an acquired taste. I couldn't type without making lots of mistakes; the iphone keyboard is much easier to use. But practice makes perfect, and I have an old Stowaway if I need something external.

- It is heavy, though seems very solid. I can't see kids holding this very easily, and I'll bet it gets dropped. But the older kids were having a blast playing games.:eek:

- Screen glare is terrible, and it's disconcerting when it basically becomes a mirror and you're looking at yourself or every stray light source around. This would be a dealbreaker for me except for antiglare screen protectors.:eek:

- It's obvious now what Apple's doing. This isn't really meant for productivity (they threw that in for a few more sales). It's a media delivery device that's aimed at kids and young adults who've grown up watching tv on laptops and gaming. Itunes is a cash machine for Apple, and it's going to make a lot of rich people even richer. :apple:

- That said, I'm going to get one eventually. I love the giant pda aspect of it, and I want to use it as a portable notetaking device and calendar.:cool:
I'm really not happy with ibooks and the lack of good PDF support thus far. The PDF apps are not too good IMO.
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