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I was one of (ok, many) the lucky guys who pre-ordered the iPad when it was shipping by April 12.

Few hours ago I got an email from Apple saying it had shipped from China. I live in VA, any chance I see it before the weekend?
I'm really not happy with ibooks and the lack of good PDF support thus far. The PDF apps are not too good IMO.

Have you tried GoodReader?
The iPad version is on special now for .99. I have it on my iPhone and is really good.
This really is an amazing device. Every app that I've tried that was designed specifically for the iPad is stunning, from newspapers to comics. The delftware and apps are fitting for Apple's overall most stunning device. This is unlike a computer or an iPhone, it really is its own device in a great way. I've got to say that $600 isn't a bad price at all considering how premium and well-rounded everything is.

Apple has found a winning combination with their software optimization and A4 chip. Performance has been absolutely flawless in everything I've tried, really to the point that it's magical. Typing is okay. I've gotten used to typing on it mostly, even though this is by far the longest thing that I've typed on my iPad so far. I'm currently typing this in portrait and the experience isn't bad once you've figured out how to hold it.

I'm really enjoying the look and feel of the aluminum and glass chassis. I don't really like the Apple case too much. I know scratches on the aluminum will bother me if I don't go with a case, since it doesn't seem difficult tom scratch from what I've seen. I've always hoped these futuristic tablets would be nearly indestructible and resultant to everything, but I guess we'll have to wait for that.

Highly recommended. I feel like convincing some people who would appreciate the iPad to get one very doom. This is really amazing. By the way, I've been holding this for hours without setting it down in any way. There's a decent amount of heft, but you could hold this for hours without a problem.
I was one of (ok, many) the lucky guys who pre-ordered the iPad when it was shipping by April 12.

Few hours ago I got an email from Apple saying it had shipped from China. I live in VA, any chance I see it before the weekend?

Is your iPad one of the 3g's?
Got one

So i ran down and grabbed the last 32 gig in stock and im really enjoying it. Probably didn't need it but oh well. I really like the speed, book store etc. Have me a 50 iTunes card so im wondering what app to buy first. Tried to get the original apple case but all sold out :mad:
Welcome aboard, and enjoy it and don't listen to the haters. Most of them haven't even seen it, much less used it.
My first impressions were very similar to this person too. At first I thought it was a funky laptop.

I now understand that this is nothing of the sort! The iPad isn't a laptop at all, or even meant to be it's replacement. A laptop is still a necessary piece of technology that won't ever be replaced in my opinion. It'll just become smaller and more efficient... but it can't ever be replaced unless it is absorbed and or consolidated into another piece of technology like the iPad. The iPad isn't a computer, but more of a digital replacement for our need of a briefcase really. A laptop is still a tool that would be needed in addition to your briefcase.

Much like the iPhone was meant and intended to replace the big bulky wallet... the iPad is different in the way it was meant to replace a briefcase.

One very cool and interesting fact that I heard was how the iPad was a new "thing", and wasn't anything that consumers have seen before. According to a spokesperson I heard on the news yesterday, he was saying how the iPad was something that people might find themselves trying to relate the iPad to things which we already use and know... when in fact it is a new "thing" and cannot be compared or relative to other "things" we currently understand and have. Many people are making that comparison to notebooks and laptops and he was discussing how that's the common misconception, but it is simply not something to be mistaken for.

Technology is going to advance to the point where these amazing digital devices such as the iPhone and iPad are part of our every day items which we as consumers come to rely on and live with in our daily lives. They WANT you to replace your wallet, keys, etc, with a simple "All-in-one" device like an iPhone.

Just take a minute and ponder all the cool things you can do with an iPhone. There's an app for just about anything you can think of. You can think of your iPhone as the extension of your wallet and keyring. No need for those silly add ons that make my house keys bulky and annoying. I have my iPhone and an app that turns the LED screen all white... I can actually use it to find my keys in the dark when I drop them which is a lot more practical then having a keyring flashlight that does me no good when it's on the keys I'm looking for!:rolleyes:

Once technology advances far enough to utilize every day life and the things we rely on into a digital crossover... all you need is a simple app which can unlock your house... start your cars... view your security cameras where you can monitor your house... make a phone call... navigate your destination... check your checking account balance at the bank online; all while you are listening to music... viewing your family photo album... doodling... reading... or even watching a live streaming video of your college professor giving a lecture. That is the vision for these types of devices.

I even overheard a fellow make the comment about his iPhone and comparing it to the iPad saying, "it's just a big iPhone!" I think that's probably not what they wanted the iPad to be compared to either, but it is probably a lot closer to what it does then comparing it to a notebook or laptop.

The vision here is this... You grab your house keys, wallet, sunglasses, briefcase, and whatever. Replace that vision with the iphone and iPad.

Here is where the iphone has literally replaced the need to carry a big bulky wallet and someday in the very near future... even keys. The iPad is going to replace the need for a briefcase. Quite literally!

There is my two cents... which turned into a long winded buck fifty. Sorry! :rolleyes:

I love technology!!!

I will however... wait until the bugs are fixed and the new version or "updated" iPad is released. My instant gratification itch didn't need to be scratched just yet for this one. But I will be buying one for sure!

Now I have to buy a new iPad, I just smashed the screen after seeing that wall of comic sans...
I was one of (ok, many) the lucky guys who pre-ordered the iPad when it was shipping by April 12.

Few hours ago I got an email from Apple saying it had shipped from China. I live in VA, any chance I see it before the weekend?

Tracking has been updated and April 12th is the target date. I guess I'll survive the weekend without it. :D
I picked up a 16 GB last night. I had to call three different stores - two Apple, one Best Buy - to find one but I did. I'm glad I got the smallest size.

It's an experience that I can't really describe. It's a great device. I used it while watching the men's championship last night and it's perfect for just using around TV. I immediately recalled the days where I was frustrated with looking up content on my iPhone while watching TV because it's just so small - not anymore.
I picked up a 16 GB last night. I had to call three different stores - two Apple, one Best Buy - to find one but I did. I'm glad I got the smallest size.

It's an experience that I can't really describe. It's a great device. I used it while watching the men's championship last night and it's perfect for just using around TV. I immediately recalled the days where I was frustrated with looking up content on my iPhone while watching TV because it's just so small - not anymore.

I think what the iPad is going to do for a lot of people make them realize that the laptop they bought to sit on the couch with and bring on vacation with them is completely unecessary. I think we have a pretty typical household:

  • 27" iMac (ok, maybe not typical, but a desktop nonetheless)
  • 12" Old HP laptop that is loud, hot, and slow
  • iPhone/Blackberry

What we use the laptop for is just quick internet surfing in the kitchen (grab a recipe, etc) and for my wife to check her email. We also drag it along to my in-laws when we visit to be able to browse the internet without going in the basement. For us (and I think most who want something to use without having to go to the desktop) the iPad serves that purpose perfectly.

Can it get better? Of course.
I think what the iPad is going to do for a lot of people make them realize that the laptop they bought to sit on the couch with and bring on vacation with them is completely unecessary.

I think this is exactly right. There are a LOT of people, like me, who don't actually need to do any "work" on a laptop. I have my husband's old Macbook, and I don't use 90% of what it has. I go on the web, check my email, and use iPhoto.

Can't wait until I get the iPad! I ordered the 3G.
- Screen glare is terrible, and it's disconcerting when it basically becomes a mirror and you're looking at yourself or every stray light source around. This would be a dealbreaker for me except for antiglare screen protectors.:eek:

Reading that statement and the replies to my question about outdoors use removes any chance I will buy one. Sorry, I want something like this to be usable ANYWHERE and in particular outside in the sun.

Its freaking spring and summer is right around the corner, I for one don't enjoy living indoors all the time.
Reading that statement and the replies to my question about outdoors use removes any chance I will buy one. Sorry, I want something like this to be usable ANYWHERE and in particular outside in the sun.

Its freaking spring and summer is right around the corner, I for one don't enjoy living indoors all the time.

I didn't have any problems using mine outdoors. Like, when, using my laptop, common sense prevails . . . Not exposing it to direct sunlight, leaving it put in the sun, etc.
So i ran down and grabbed the last 32 gig in stock and im really enjoying it. Probably didn't need it but oh well. I really like the speed, book store etc. Have me a 50 iTunes card so im wondering what app to buy first. Tried to get the original apple case but all sold out :mad:

I got the Apple case and dont like it. It just adds bulk and weight to the iPad. Get some sort of thin skin for it.
I got the Apple case and dont like it. It just adds bulk and weight to the iPad. Get some sort of thin skin for it.

My case is coming today. I hope it suites my needs. Apple said my keyboard dock would come today but UPS has it stuck in KY. I don't know why it would be held up.
Here is where the iphone has literally replaced the need to carry a big bulky wallet and someday in the very near future... even keys.

Wait, how has the iPhone replaced the wallet at all?

I still need to present my driver's license and ID when I go to the bank (or were I to be pulled over), so I need to carry that.

I need to carry change for the parking meter downtown.

I need to carry my debit card for purchases and transactions.

And I still need the car keys, as you noted.

My pockets haven't gotten any lighter...

I didn't disagree with anything else in your post, except poising the iPhone as a wallet replacement.
Wait, how has the iPhone replaced the wallet at all?

I still need to present my driver's license and ID when I go to the bank (or were I to be pulled over), so I need to carry that.

I need to carry change for the parking meter downtown.

I need to carry my debit card for purchases and transactions.

And I still need the car keys, as you noted.

My pockets haven't gotten any lighter...

I didn't disagree with anything else in your post, except poising the iPhone as a wallet replacement.

I was wondering this same thing =P
It is what I thought it would be and more...

My first post and 2 cents.

First personal Apple device ever. Son has iTouch. We have 2 PCs and a laptop.

I'm not usually a first adopter, but my wife got me an iPhone gift card and I thought this might be something I'd want more since I already have a Blackberry.

I was in line the first day to get one - what a party - Apple knows how to do a product launch. One employee per customer one at a time. Let me play with it, showed me some of the apps. Tried out a couple accessories, very helpful. Service doesn't get much better. A+

Look and feel. Sleek. Instant on. A+

Ease of use is amazing. My 7 year old immediately figured out Netflix and watches movies on it. So simple to use. Lack of a mouse and keyboard is a plus. A

Netflix streaming videos day one - A++

Everyone who sees it wants to look - I feel like an Apple commercial. C-

Doesn't store files, need to use some type of cloud storage. I found Box in the appstore - works well. Haven't tried any of the iworks programs yet, but lack of compatibility with Excel and PPT will be a challenge. C-

Keyboard - works fine for me and find I can type quite fast - faster than thumbville on the bberry. A-

Photos - wow. So fast. Nothing I have ever used is this quick to load, page through or switch folders for pix. Pinch, expand, and it takes the place of the lcd picture frame. Wish there was a way to order the pictures in any of the folders...if you know how, let me know please. A

No Flash D. My son can't access webkinz...

Items it replaces for me:
1 - Book reader (don't have one), but Winnie the Pooh was free and then we found the other titles and the pictures are in color!
2 - iTouch
3 - Picture Frame
4 - Net book
5 - Paper and notes for meetings
6 - Essential files I carry in a notebook (saved as pdfs and visible as images).

It is everything they promised and you need to touch and feel it to really understand what it can do.

Does it have limitations, yes. Those seem smaller the more I use it.

I may have to get a 3G one because I want 100% access (Wifi range seems limited). However, it is blazing fast and does a combination of things no other device its size can accomplish.
Has anybody heard anything about the 3g's.... All this talk and it is so difficult to read how everybody feels - hate the wait - but I guess I will live... Be interested to hear something when anybody gets news of shipment info on the 3g's:eek::confused::rolleyes:
Has anybody heard anything about the 3g's.... All this talk and it is so difficult to read how everybody feels - hate the wait - but I guess I will live... Be interested to hear something when anybody gets news of shipment info on the 3g's:eek::confused::rolleyes:

Agreed. Still haven't ordered my 3G yet, waiting for release date also...
I ordered mine on March 20th and have gone to the local (no Apple Store here - Mac Haus) and handled the demo and when people come in I sorta help them use the iPad... lots more to learn. Seems like the iPad does what they said the iPad would. You know that :apple: they have an idea when they will ship, just want to drive us nuts a little....


iPhone 3G S, iPod Classic 30g, iPod touch 64g, iMac 27 inch Quad Core i7, soon iPad 64g 3g and other iStuff in family and more than likely - more to come.:eek::confused:
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